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The Midnight Escape


By ayesha nadeemPublished 10 days ago 2 min read


Alex: The adventurer, always seeking thrills.

Jordan: The cautious one, prefers to think things through.

Sam: The peacemaker, balances the group.


Alex: (Excitedly) Guys, you won’t believe what I found! An abandoned house at the edge of town. We have to check it out tonight!

Jordan: (Skeptically) An abandoned house? At night? Alex, that sounds like the start of every horror movie ever.

Sam: (Curiously) Wait, where exactly is this house? And are you sure it's safe?

Alex: (Enthusiastically) It’s just past the old mill. And come on, Sam, where's your sense of adventure? It’ll be fun!

Jordan: (Worriedly) Fun? Or terrifying? I’m not keen on getting chased by ghosts or whatever lives there.

Sam: (Thoughtfully) How about this: we go together, but we stick close and leave at the first sign of anything weird. Deal?

Alex: (Grinning) Deal!we’ll have an awesome story to tell. Let’s gear up and head out.

(Later, at the edge of town)

Jordan: (Looking around nervously) It’s so dark out here. Are you sure this is the right way, Alex?

Alex: (Confidently) Positive. Just a bit further. Look, you can see the outline of the house now.

Sam: (Calmly) Alright, everyone stay close. And remember, no splitting up.

Alex: (Jokingly) Oh come on, Sam. Where’s your sense of adventure?

Jordan: (Seriously) Alex, I’m serious. If anything seems off, we leave. No questions asked.

Alex: (Reluctantly) Fine, fine. I promise.

(At the house entrance)

Sam: (Inspecting the door) It looks pretty old. I hope it’s safe to go inside.

Alex: (Pushing the door) Only one way to find out. Let’s go!

Jordan: (Hesitantly) This place gives me the creeps. Why do I let you talk me into these things?

Sam: (Supportively) Because you know deep down, you enjoy these adventures too. Just think of it as a test of courage.

Alex: (Teasingly) Exactly! Come on, Jordan, you’re braver than you think.

(Inside the house, exploring the rooms)

Jordan: (Whispering) Did you hear that? Sounded like footsteps.

Alex: (Excitedly) Probably just the wind. Let’s check out the upstairs.

Sam: (Carefully) Let’s move slowly. This place might not be structurally sound.

Alex: (Eagerly) Look, there’s an old staircase. Who wants to go first?

Jordan: (Firmly) Not me. Alex, this was your idea. You go.

Sam: (Encouragingly) We’ll be right behind you, Alex. Lead the way.

Alex: (Determined) Alright, here we go!

(Upstairs, in a dusty room)

Jordan: (Shining a flashlight) Wow, look at all these old books and paintings. This place must have been abandoned for ages.

Alex: (Excitedly) Exactly! Imagine the stories these walls could tell.

Sam: (Thoughtfully) It’s like stepping back in time. I wonder who lived here and why they left.

Jordan: (Nervously) Maybe they left because of something… or someone.

Alex: (Dismissively) Or maybe they just moved on. Don’t let your imagination run wild.

Sam: (Reassuringly) Whatever the reason, we’re here now. Let’s just enjoy the experience and be careful.

Jordan: (Relaxing a bit) Yeah, you’re right. It’s actually kind of cool exploring this place with you guys.

Alex: (Smiling) See? I knew you’d come around. Now, who’s up for checking out the attic?

Sam: (Laughing) Lead the way, Alex. Lead the way.


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ayesha nadeem

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Comments (1)

  • Mark Graham10 days ago

    Hey, I like this play. What happens next? It almost reminds me of the stories I wrote.

ANWritten by ayesha nadeem

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