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My Descent into Madness

Oh boy…. Or girl, whichever you prefer. Or neither if that floats your boat! Either way, hang on to your hats!

By Donna Fox (HKB)Published 4 months ago 5 min read
My Descent into Madness
Photo by Eiliv Aceron on Unsplash


This came to mind the other day as I felt myself going off the rails while I attempted to create another entry for the Snacktime Challenge. But it suddenly occurred to me that instead of being afraid of the madness, I could embrace it and even perhaps turn it into another entry into RM’s March Madness Challenge.

I know that’s not how normal people would look at this but let’s be honest, I’m an author and I’m not normal! Not to mention I had just finished battling a very long fit of Writers Fever. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it’s what my husband calls an extended period of obsessively writing. If you’re interested, click on the link and you can see a story I wrote about it, not too long ago.


But for now, let’s get back to what I was saying previously. My most recent bout of Writers Fever was when I wrote An Ode to Dr. Pepper.

I felt inspired by the challenge and rose to the occasion with the inspiration of my beloved Dr. Pepper. Not being very poetic by nature, I decided I’d start by writing a few sets of couplets and then arrange them so that they made sense of some sort. Or as much sense as my brand of poetry can make.

At this point, I feel the need to explain that I had a fancy coffee from the well-known establishment that morning. So, as a non-coffee drinker, I was buzzing!

Fuelled by a coffee and Dr. Pepper for inspiration, I wrote thirty-nine rhyming couplets. Produced by sipping my pop, listening to the sound, feeling it on my tongue, smelling it, analyzing the colour in the light and doing a little research.

The problem was that I had thirty-nine couplets, and I had no way of organizing them over three separate pages. I was overwhelmed and well overstimulated after my beverages.

This is when the writers fever found me and when the madness took hold. I didn’t know it yet, but I was about to spend three hours muttering to myself and mapping my poem out like a puzzle on the dining room table. Spoiler alert: It looked as crazy as it sounds and I had the foresight to take pictures of my chaos, for your hopeful enjoyment.

It all started to spiral when I decided to print out the pages so that I could number the couplets and try to arrange them that way.


Photo Taken by Donna Fox


I won’t tell you how long it took me to realize the paper I was using was pink, but forty-five minutes is a long time. The only reason I clued in was because my husband commented when he saw me reading from it.


“Huh, I didn’t know we had pink paper.”


“Oh… uh… yeah.” I believe I said and tried not to make eye contact with him, in shame of how bad the tunnel vision of writers fever had become.


Eventually, I gave up on drawing on the page. I wish I’d kept it or taken a picture because it looked ridiculous. But I was so angry I ripped it up and tossed it in our recycling bin outside.

I may be crazy but I am not dumpster diving in front of my own house in my pyjamas. No, thank you!


This is when my creative journey took an interesting turn. One that has me still questioning my mental suitability for writing poetry.

You’ll see what I mean in a minute!


So at this point, I think most people would have taken a walk or a break or something, but I’m a stubborn little shit. So I will, very honestly, tell you that did not happen and instead, I took another road.

I reprinted it on my ugly pink paper.

I don’t know why there is pink paper in my printer, but you know what? It serves the purpose, so whatever! Although I do rather detest the colour pink!

Anyway, this was when I had the bright idea of combining my two favourite hobbies, doing puzzles and writing. I cut the couplets up and placed them in a pile on my dining room table.


Photo Taken by Donna Fox


Now, if you don’t know where I’m going with this, then I envy you because as I still see it, there was no other way! And still see no other way of doing it!

I pulled slips out of the pile to assemble them into stanzas and sort between them.

It was around this time that I realized I was teetering on the edge of not-so-sane.

I won’t say crazy yet, and you’ll see why later.

This was when I decided it would be a good idea to document my creative journey to finish this poem. If anything, I’d get another entry to RM’s March Madness challenge out of it.

And so it seems, I was right!


Photo Taken by Donna Fox


I sorted through the pieces, teasing out various “matching phrases” to create stanzas.


Photo Taken by Donna Fox


This was the opportune moment when my husband walked into the kitchen to check on me.

He’d found me muttering to myself, yelling at the pick papers before me and consulting with the unseen entities around me.

Just to confirm, this was not a good look.

The poor man just stood there in shock for who knows how long, his expression blank in shock and quite possibly a little fear.

Honestly, he won’t even admit he witnessed anything since the incident. And I honestly can’t confirm how much he saw because I was literally in another world.

As I became aware of his presence, I watched as he slowly backed out of the room, careful not to turn his back on me. Like a hiker that just happened upon a bear, avoiding eye contact and with great caution until he was out of sight.

Now I’ll use the C word because even a derailed looney like me has to admit when they looked like a crazy person. I can’t blame him for his reaction, but I won’t say I regret my choices as to how I got myself there. Because I am extremely proud of the poem I produced and I’m not letting anyone take that from me.

All great work has a cost and if my cost was that I lost my mind for a hot minute (or several hours), then I will gladly pay for it. I know that sounds big-headed, but I want to try being proud of my work for once and I will start that here and now.

I continued working on my poem until I had formed it into two separate poems.


Photo taken by Donna Fox


After writing a few phrases by hand and moving the slips of paper around some more, I finally felt satisfied. Making it one complete piece with several stanzas.

But as I finished this and was ready to move on to typing it all up, a question lingered in the back of my mind.


Who does this????


So I will seriously ask you now if anyone else in the world does poetry like this? Or even something similar?

Or has this entire article been nothing but complete madness??


Anyway, I’ve got a rather large migraine after all that work and typing this article right after that fiasco. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m long overdue for a well-earned nap!


As always, thank you so much for reading.

I hope you enjoyed this ride along into my spiral of madness, please be sure to tip your tour guide and leave a five star review!

- Donna Fox (HKB)

Writing ExerciseStream of ConsciousnessLifeCommunityChallenge

About the Creator

Donna Fox (HKB)

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Comments (11)

  • Thavien Yliaster3 months ago

    Oh, I've done something like this before, but now is not the time to comment. Cause it's too late and I stop staying up watching "Johnny Test" this early in the morning. Peace Donn's.

  • OMG, Donna. This is entirely relatable. I had almost this same experience recently (minus the puzzled spouse and caffeine fuel). For me, I was piecing together an inverse poem, and I used YELLOW paper -- because that was what was in my printer. I love this line, "I’m an author and I’m not normal!" That sums it up perfectly! There is also a bit of mad scientist in the way you invested yourself into your Frankenpoem masterpiece. It's Alive! It's Alive! Well done!

  • L.C. Schäfer3 months ago

    I seem to remember hearing Bowie wrote a bit like this. Phrases snipped out and then arranged like a collage. You are in good company. 😁

  • Omggggg D, I freaking laughed soooo much reading this! Hahahahhahahahaha Alex's reaction!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You have no idea how much I appreciate the fact that you hate pink too! Like it's soooo ewww! I just loathe it so much! Also, it was so relatable that you realised it was pink paper only when Alex mentioned it because I can totally see myself in your place! Like if I'm super focused on something, I tend to become blind to other details. I don't think I've done anything like this but I can see myself doing this if there was a need for it. Like all your lines were 3 pages right. If I were to arrange them, I need to be able to see them all at once. I don't wanna be scrolling up and down. I hope that makes sense hahahaha. It's the same when I have to arrange or organise anything. I need to be able to see everything that I'm working with before I start working on it. So although I've not yet done what you did, I feel it's a very good method. I did initially think you've lost your marbles when you mentioned this to me in the comments but now I feel you're brilliant. Also, I didn't know that you're not a coffee drinker. I'm so sorry if you've mentioned it to me and my brain forgot. I'm a coffee addict. I can have coffee and go straight to sleep hahahaha. There was once during college, my housemate and I bought Red Bulls to help stay awake and study for exams. I drank 2 cans and went to sleep 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anyway, I'm just so glad you wrote about this because I enjoyed it so much! Hehehhehehhehehehe

  • As a fellow Dr. Pepper fan let me say good choice. Also as someone who gets obsessed let me tell you you're not alone. My kids all think I'm crazy for reading my stuff aloud over and over sometimes even getting out the guitar and singing it. Funny as hell article. I loved picturing your husband there watching you lose your mind haha

  • I feel like the real takeaway is that this is why we should not have these unlicensed, unregulated challenges. Just look at the carnage here, and imagine how much more stems from these community contests that goes unreported. When will it end? 😔

  • Mark Gagnon4 months ago

    Well, I hope you've learned your lesson and will no longer waste your time writing poetry. Prose is much more productive and people can actually read it instead of analyzing it. Just my anti-poetry take, but I'm sure you knew that was coming.🤣✌😈

  • Alexander McEvoy4 months ago

    Lol I totally get you Donna! My bouts of Writer's Mania are not quite the same as yours, but then are not we all different in our own ways? While I've never personally printed out, vivisected, then rearranged my work, I have done some other things to make my friends and loved ones look at me sideways lol. (Namely blankly staring into space for so long and so hard that people were afraid I'd delved too deep to ever reemerge XD) But the worst Mania thing I've ever done was when I wrote the first Chapter of the Dominion. I was seriously enjoying myself with some BC Bud and just fell headfirst into that story so hard that I didn't realize time was passing until I finished the chapter and resurfaced to notice that the light had failed and I was starving. A complete "WHAT YEAR IS IT!?" moment lol

  • Kendall Defoe 4 months ago

    William S. Burroughs is smiling down on you!

  • JBaz4 months ago

    If people only realized the lengths we sometimes go to , so we can write or better yet, finish a piece. Who knows perhaps pink paper is your new way of writing. Thanks fir sharing this, it really gives a depth to your style and your work

  • Donna Renee4 months ago

    Omg 🤣🤣🤣 the caffeine did this to you!!! “Just to confirm, this was not a good look.“ bahahhaha are we totally sure about that?

Donna Fox (HKB)Written by Donna Fox (HKB)

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