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Do you check your reads?

I absolutely do everyday

By Jazzy Published 2 months ago 3 min read
Do you check your reads?
Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash

We all know the stats page here on Vocal. If you don't know about the stats page, please explain to me how to forget it exists. My dopamine levels depend on seeing the reads number go up; let me tell you, my dopamine has undoubtedly gone up. I recently reviewed my old accomplishments, and around eight months ago, I reached 1k views.

15 Top Stories, one runner-up story and 3000 reads later (for a total of over 4000 reads) I am content with my experience writing on the web, specifically on Vocal. While I understand why some would be disheartened by Vocal, the idea of this comment for a comment swap, and the seemingly tight friend groups, I have found the site to be whatever you decide it is.

I have found people I can interview in Vocal and still keep up with outside of Vocal. People I go to when I need encouragement and some people I can look to for inspiration in general. We here on Vocal are from all parts of the world and share a common goal; to write.

What is next?

As many of you know, I have published my two children's books, and that has been very exciting; my third is to be released soon as well! I decided to move on to other formats, including fiction and will have my first novel completed by the end of the year. I was inspired by, dare I call him, my friend Stephen.

As you can see, he teamed up with some of his friends and officially published his book, which stemmed from his time on Vocal. What a fantastic accomplishment. And if you haven't you should go and buy the book asap! This shows us that we are more than capable of doing whatever we want. Still, we have to remember to submit to publications. I hope to entice all of you to consider looking into other places to be published; Vocal is not the end of your writing journey. You are only limited in your belief in yourself.

I recently dabbled in micro-fiction and other forms of writing, including horror. I don't like horror, but I wanted to extend my reach and find a way to deal with my fears in a way I could control. This experience has made me step out of my comfort zone and embrace the idea that I'm not as good a writer as I think I am.

And I am okay with that.

While I like to think that I am gifted, I have become humbled by the idea that maybe I don't know it all and that I can learn. Rejection still hurts (Cymbalta can help), but rejection teaches us to either move on or stay stuck.

While I will continue to write and publish, I will do so a bit less frequently on here because most publishing journals and whatnot want you to submit pieces that haven't been published elsewhere. I will, however, publish when I get rejected and ask for feedback.

This leads me to this: I will always want your thoughts on something I write. I would appreciate that message if you think it is trash and needs a complete rewrite. If something I put on the page doesn't make sense, point it out. I believe in becoming better and doing the work; it takes a village to do so. I am young and don't have much writing time under my belt, but I am excited about what is next and what I can try to accomplish even more. I hope you feel the same way about your own writing. Until the next milestone, my friends!


About the Creator


Follow on IG @booksbyjaz

Head of the Jazzy Writers Association (JWA) in partnership with the Vocal HWA chapter.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (16)

  • Joe O’Connor2 months ago

    “ I will always want your thoughts on something I write”- the best attitude to have as a writer, and cultivating an attitude here on Vocal of honest and constructive feedback would be great to see! Congrats on all you’ve done so far Jazzy, and I hope more success is to come🤗

  • Christy Munson2 months ago

    I totally relate with everything you've said. I need to get out there, doing what I can to get publishes and not just posted... One day soon. In the meantime, I'm happy to read and be read. Oh, and of course, check my read count, again.

  • Babs Iverson2 months ago

    Lots of inspiration and excellent advice!!! Loving it!!! Congratulations on Leaderboard H M!!!1💕❤️❤️

  • Real Poetic2 months ago

    "I'm not as good a writer as I think I am." These words are so humbling and relatable. However, you are an amazing writer because you continue to learn.

  • I very much enjoyed reading this. I like the fact that you are open to constructive criticism. I have grown tremendously as a writer by taking advice from friends of mine particularly Scott Wade and Stephanie Bradberry. Keep on writing. I have always enjoyed your work. I am so far behind on my reading that I don't think I'm going to be able to catch up. But I have to get back into the swing of things and start reading more and you definitely are on my list of people do start reading again.

  • Thavien Yliaster2 months ago

    " I hope to entice all of you to consider looking into other places to be published; Vocal is not the end of your writing journey. You are only limited in your belief in yourself."

  • Brin J.2 months ago

    What a wholesome post :). I love reading about other people's success. It gives me hope.

  • Hannah Moore2 months ago

    Ah, I feel like this message about looking towards other places of publication keeps coming at me...

  • Lamar Wiggins2 months ago

    This was very inspiring to read, Jazzy. Reminds us of our many reasons for being here. Im with you when it comes to feedback. I want to know when something doesn’t work or lacks understanding. I actually bought a print copy of Stephen’s book. And will do the same and support you and others wanting to breakout with their first novel. Best of luck with anything you decide to do!

  • Friend?? Unsubscribed. So glad you are finding your path and following your ambitions where they may lead. Humbled to have played a role in that awakening. Just want to counsel that a lot of editors at these publications are making decisions based on a multitude of factors. So one rejection doesn't mean a story is inherently flawed. I had an editor once tell me: "I picked your story because it resonated with me and has A LOT going for it. In my opinion, it exemplifies the style and vision of weird/Lovecraftian fiction that I see taking over in the near future. This is officially a hold notice!" Only to then turn it down in the next round. He didn't offer any specific reasons, but it could have been anything from length considerations to not fitting the theme the other pieces they accepted created. That doesn't mean you can't seek feedback, of course. But I wouldn't read too far into any one rejection. What makes good writing is different for every person (besides objective points like grammar, formatting). Best of luck and godspeed!

  • Kenny Penn2 months ago

    I love that you’re moving forward Jazzy! I’m rooting for you. And while maybe you think your fiction isn’t great yet, don’t worry: you get better with practice, even to yourself 😎. Knowing how f-ing marvelous your poetry is, I can’t wait to see where you go with fiction ❤️

  • Dana Crandell2 months ago

    Well said, Jazzy and I have to say it's due partly to your inspiration that I'm working on publishing elsewhere. Regarding learning, I'm absolutely sure that I don't know all I should, and the day I stop learning will be the day I die, and maybe there will be things to learn after, too!

  • Alex H Mittelman 2 months ago

    Nice! Very well written and exciting!

  • Sid Aaron Hirji2 months ago

    Well you have a very authentic voice so it intrigues people into reading

  • Judey Kalchik 2 months ago

    Glad to see your writing, and excited about your next chapter in life!

  • Frankie Martinelli2 months ago

    Love your work, and will always support you just like you have done for me ❤️

Jazzy Written by Jazzy

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