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Coolest Coffee Shop In New Jersey

Why independent coffee shops are meant for exceptional coffee and for falling in love.

By Olivia BellomoPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
Delicious Caramel Macchiato.

The first thought that comes to mind when thinking of coffee is gasoline. "America runs on Dunkin,” is something you’ve most likely heard. It would seem this black liquid has devolved into nothing more than a required fuel in our society. Picture this: Monday morning commute. Bumper-to-bumper traffic on a highway at 7 AM. Angry and frustrated motorists, all weaving in and out of haphazardly-organized lanes to arrive at their destinations.

Now, what is the one connecting thread all of these people have in common?

A cup of cheap, high-caffeine, factory-manufactured coffee. Essentially, it is nothing more than a drug. A necessity for simply getting through a few hours of the day. Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks may have the market cornered with coffee that 'ain’t half bad.' But their coffee misses a crucial ingredient. Soul.

What if I told you there existed a place where each cup of coffee had savor and soul blended together in a harmonious dance, enchanting your taste buds as well as your mood with every aromatic sip?

As with any first few dates, I expected an uneventful day out at a generic coffee shop in a blasé sort of town. What I got was something I never expected.

In the town of Clinton, NJ lives the bones of a time you’ve never known, but somehow remember clearly. Charm oozes from every quaint corner of this town. It captivates you and takes you somewhere familiar, making you feel like it is exactly where you need to be at exactly that moment. I was in love.

At the time I had been working at Starbucks. That meant I’d lived, breathed, and drank Starbucks coffee, and only Starbucks coffee. My date at the time (and my now-fiancé) led me to the small corner store next to the river. The string lights gave presence to the slate tables outside of the entrance overlooking the river just steps away. An enormous tree at least 100 years old casting its shade over the entire space. It rested firmly on the bank between the seating area and the river. The river itself fused its own rhythm to that of the acoustic music coming from inside the coffee shop. A sign that read “The Stone Bean” adorned the entrance as we stepped inside.

Put simply, inside was beautiful. The old creaky wooden floors complimented the lit fireplace. Golden little suns hung low from the ceiling, illuminating the room with a glow. The air was warm and swirling with the smell of hot cinnamon. It was a smell that ushered anyone right back to their favorite childhood memory. Huge paintings made their home on the walls, supplied by the neighborhood art store.

The secret to the soul dripping in this establishment is that it comes from a little piece of the many people that frequent the place, and the parts of themselves they leave behind. Those many small pieces came together to build an aura of intimacy and serenity that permeates throughout.

I was greeted by a young woman with a huge smile on her face. She went through almost the entire menu displaying different types of coffee and tea. I was amazed at the variety. Homemade organic gluten-free pastries sat in the window on display. "Baked fresh, daily!" the woman said with an even bigger smile. The service was thorough and quick, and nothing beat the two jars next to the register asking you two simple questions, ushering a response in loose change. Everything about this place was different with a lack of repetitiveness. We sat next to the huge fireplace near the entrance. It was winter at the time, so we snuggled up on a small bench and sipped our coffee. I had never tasted anything so good. Earthy but sweet, dancing on my taste buds, made just right. I was amazed at how cheap my order came out to be, and surprisingly the quality was beyond anything I had ever experienced. It seemed everyone in the coffee shop sat with the same expression on their faces as I did, peace and enjoyment mixed into one daze. Time stood still, and the air held a certain magic, a type the human race is so desperately in search for.

If you are in New Jersey looking for something with charm, character, and coffee better than anything you have ever tasted, visit The Stone Bean at Riverside Coffee and Tea in Clinton, New Jersey. You won't be able to miss it. It is tucked away next to the river, across from the huge red mill. I will tell you, beware, because that day, I had fallen in love with coffee, the town, and my fiancé.

Check it out! You may find coffee you love!

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About the Creator

Olivia Bellomo

Hiya! My name is Olivia. I am a human who wants to share my stories and connect with the world. I am a creative writer, a screenwriter and filmmaker. I have a love for all things that can benefit the mind. Namaste.

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    Olivia BellomoWritten by Olivia Bellomo

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