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family hatred


By Recky AprilianoPublished 11 days ago 3 min read

The Johnson family was famous in Cedarville, but not for the usual reasons like wealth or power. No, the Johnsons were known for their legendary family feuds. The story of their hatred had become something of a local legend, passed down through generations with the same relish as old ghost stories.

It all started with Grandpa Joe and his brother, Uncle Hank. No one quite remembered what their initial argument was about, but rumor had it that it involved a borrowed tractor, a broken fence, and a prized watermelon patch. Whatever the reason, the brothers hadn't spoken in over 40 years, and their animosity had trickled down to their children and grandchildren.

The Johnson family gatherings were something of a spectacle. Every summer, they’d all gather at Grandma May's house for the annual family reunion, despite the underlying tension that everyone knew existed. This year was no different.

Cousin Pete arrived first, his beat-up truck announcing his arrival long before he actually stepped out. Pete had inherited Grandpa Joe's stubbornness and was determined to win the annual Johnson watermelon-eating contest, a tradition that had started as a peace offering but had quickly turned into another source of rivalry.

Next came Cousin Lisa, driving her shiny new SUV, a recent purchase that she couldn't wait to flaunt. Lisa, Hank’s granddaughter, had a knack for showing up Pete whenever possible, and her new car was just another way to get under his skin.

The family gathered in the backyard, the air thick with unspoken tension. Grandma May, the only one who seemed above the fray, bustled around with plates of fried chicken and coleslaw, doing her best to keep everyone civil.

The watermelon-eating contest began with Pete and Lisa glaring at each other across the table. The crowd cheered, but it was more like they were watching a boxing match than a friendly competition. Pete won by a thin margin, and Lisa immediately accused him of cheating, sparking a shouting match that threatened to ruin the whole day.

But the real drama unfolded later that evening. Uncle Hank had brought a vintage bottle of bourbon, a family heirloom that Grandpa Joe had always claimed rightfully belonged to him. When Hank casually mentioned that he planned to open it, Grandpa Joe's face turned redder than a summer tomato.

"You wouldn't dare," Joe hissed, his voice trembling with years of pent-up anger.

Hank smirked, raising the bottle high. "Watch me."

Before anyone could stop them, the two old men were wrestling on the ground, the bottle of bourbon rolling away and shattering on the patio stones. For a moment, everyone froze, stunned by the sight of their grandfathers rolling around like a couple of teenagers.

It was Grandma May who finally stepped in, her voice cutting through the chaos like a hot knife through butter. "Enough!" she shouted, her hands on her hips. "You're both acting like fools. This ends now."

Silence fell over the yard as everyone waited to see what would happen next. Slowly, Grandpa Joe and Uncle Hank got to their feet, panting and covered in dirt. They looked at each other, the years of hatred and bitterness still simmering beneath the surface.

But then, something unexpected happened. Joe extended a hand, grudgingly. "Truce?" he muttered, not meeting Hank's eyes.

Hank hesitated for a moment before shaking Joe's hand. "Truce," he agreed.

The family let out a collective sigh of relief, and the tension seemed to evaporate. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it was a start. The rest of the evening passed in a tentative peace, with Pete and Lisa even managing to share a laugh over their earlier spat.

As the sun set on Cedarville, the Johnsons packed up and headed home, feeling a little lighter. They knew there would always be some level of rivalry and disagreement, but for now, the truce held. And for the first time in a long time, there was a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, the family hatred could finally be put to rest.


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  • Sweileh 88811 days ago

    Thank you for the interesting and delicious content. Follow my story now.

RAWritten by Recky Apriliano

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