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NBA star David West in an interview

NBA star David West's comments about China in an interview are being retweeted like crazy!

By Moe TurnerPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Not long ago, retired NBA star David West was interviewed on a web show, which didn't cause much of a splash in the US (only 20 comments on his personal Twitter retweets as of this writing, and only 8,000 views of the original video on youtube), but in China, it has created an exaggerated viral effect (the clip that was republished on B website has reached 480,000 views).

In today's spiraling downward spiral of Sion-US relations, the Trump administration has explicitly made "anti-China" a beachhead in its re-election campaign, which has led to increasingly radical and extreme sentiment on the Internet, with many Americans eager to "oppose China whenever they see it". Because of this, West's speech on China has stunned Chinese people: such awareness and knowledge, is he planning to join the party in China?

Let's take a look at what West had to say.

"I know people haven't read - look, Americans really don't read - and anyway, the odds of Americans understanding the Chinese system and culture are much smaller than the odds of Chinese understanding the United States. "Really," he said, "over the last 70 or 75 years, China has arguably deliberately designed its social structure with the purpose of responding to the United States, just to guard against the ever-imposing influence of Western imperialism."

"And in the process they have also achieved some of the greatest advances in human history ...... most economists will tell you that China is now one of the countries that stands at the top of the world order, and they didn't do that through war, invasion, bombing other populations or some subversive activity . In my opinion, they pose a real threat to the United States and also play a role in the world balance."

"As an American citizen and a part of American society, I think we're all misguided. I've been to China, and China is nothing like what (American politicians) are describing. We can't seem to accept the reality that a functioning society can exist outside of the Western imperialist power structure and still be productive and achieve some of the greatest advances in human history that I've described before."

"Of course, those of us at home certainly don't discuss that, and all the talk about China is from hawks who are happy to start wars and preach those long-outdated decadent colonial-style declarations ...... Really, to me that kind of ploy is too obvious, and I think that what Trump and those of his supporters preach is isolationism, and it's not going to do us any good on our own."

"There are only 300 million people in the United States in total, China has 300 million people in basketball alone, and this new dilemma that we face is unprecedented, and for there to be hope for the future, we have to figure out the best way to build this society, and I've been trying to talk to influential people on this issue ...... China can build 11 hospitals in 10 days, and we are still trying to scare the population with the old red scare strategy, which is useless in the face of such a carefully organized (national) order in China."

"The reality we must accept is that global history has entered a different phase, no longer just one dominated by the United States ...... Opposition to the imposition of American influence has become a world trend, and China hates to be the most important trading partner of every country on the planet, completely filling the Western imperialist Blank ......"

"Americans simply don't understand that China has roughly 108 years of colonized history, and they don't understand what the Hong Kong issue is really about, and it's all about colonial history. You know what that Rockets GM Darrell Morey said before about Hong Kong, and I just want to say that he can't do that, and I've talked to a lot of players on the phone and said, don't be fooled by Morey into getting involved in this, it's the same as saying Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, or a propaganda strategy (by American politicians). I think the NBA and the players are on the right side of history on this issue. And I've noticed over the last two years that Chinese diplomats have been quicker and more outspoken in their refutation of this U.S. propaganda."

West even hit the nail on the head when he pointed out the dominant ideology in Chinese society.

"I've always felt that history is the best way for us to interpret the present, and if you've studied Chinese history, especially the recent history of being colonized, you know that the thinking they've always emphasized is that they must never again be dominated and controlled. This is arguably the political ideology that they have continued to instill in future generations for almost a hundred years, that the interests of the Chinese people have been usurped by other countries, that China is controlled by other countries, that China has lost its sovereignty and its connection to thousands of years of past history ...... These (narratives) are all part of their political thinking around social structures, and we have to understand what we face in order to understand this challenge that we face."

After Murray created the Hong Kong incident last October, public opinion in both China and the U.S. exploded. Remember, Steve Kerr, who was criticized by American politicians as a "lapdog" at the time, said he had to study more Chinese history before he could make a judgment, but never imagined that West, who used to play under him, had already learned.

At the time, West also backed Lebanon and denounced the American journalists who questioned the latter: "You all want him to spill out the arguments crafted by the false narrative pushers who use these false excuses to lead people to war."

His views on China have unsurprisingly been denounced as treasonous by some American citizens. Some say he is a "potential enemy of the state," some say he sees good in China because he has only been to its big cities, and some even say that what he sees must be a deliberate illusion put up by China.

In short, in the United States, West was basically called an idiot.

But NBA circles know better than anyone what West is.

He played in the league for 15 years, was known as "Mr. Key", when the peak can play an average of 20 + 9 data, averaging more than 17 points per game for six years in a row. He played for the Pelicans (then known as the Hornets), Pacers, Spurs and Warriors, and had a knack for capturing the hearts of each team he played for.

West also said, "The depth of change needed in this country goes far beyond what an athlete can contribute, we need institutional change, those issues buried deep within the walls and halls of power. It requires a wholesale shift in ideology."

He wants to overthrow the American and even world order created by white people, "As long as we continue on this path and everything stays the way it is, ultimately it's definitely not going to work because the external environment of the United States is not the same ...... if we continue with this imperialist expansionist mentality, sending troops all over the world and only care about our own interests, ignoring the sovereignty of other countries and not accepting their cultures, such a future will sooner or later be unsustainable."

But at this stage of the United States, West's words are basically to the bull.

Of course, with his accumulated wisdom, he is still qualified to give some "immature advice" to the athletes of today.

West made a point of mentioning Harden, who was wearing a pro-police mask not long ago, a thoughtless act that he himself was not sure of the depth of, was politicized and drew countless scorn. This is the consequence of ignorance.

"If you don't get it, then please shut up for a minute. If you don't get it, don't let those who do get it use you as a gun." He said.


About the Creator

Moe Turner

If I could lead people to participate in sports, I believe it would be the most unique and enjoyable thing in my life.

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    Moe TurnerWritten by Moe Turner

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