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Unpopular Opinions

Starting Conversations

By Billy RosePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Unpopular Opinions
Photo by Jessica Da Rosa on Unsplash

Let me be clear about something, I have opinions. Let's break that down a little bit because I feel like that word is lost on a lot of people these days. If you believe something, for instance that abortion is wrong or right, those are opinions. Now I know I'm going to get attacked by the Christian community here, but if someone doesn't believe in the Christian religion then how are they supposed to feel when you use that as an argument against abortion. Imagine moving to the middle east for example and their religion says you have to cover yourself if you're a woman. So if that's the primary religion of their country would you be ok with that? Honestly women in the middle east are treated much worse than that. I used this mild example just as a point of reference to show how religion does play a part in society. Here's the thing though, America has freedom of religion, for now at least, so we are a huge mix of different religions and agnostics. If we make a law that bans abortions it would open the door for religions like Islam to cover and subjugate women. If you don't believe me look up Sharia Law. Now I'm not saying I advocate for or condone abortion. I think it's quite barbaric and honestly I've met very few women, even that believe in abortion although the number is rising. Here's the thing though, it's my opinion. We've created a culture now that allows opinions to define realities. I know people who argue against my opinion and I listen and they do have valid points. One such point is the total failure that is America's foster care system. I can't lie I've legitimately never had much of a positive experience with kids in foster care or adults who grew up in foster care. This is not to say there aren't any, but it's just been my experience that these people are troubled and foster care doesn't really do much to help. Especially if you're fostering 12 kids or 10 kids theres no way you're giving 10 troubled children the individual care they deserve. Again though this is my opinion. Almost everything we want to hold on to as facts are opinions. Opinions drive politics, politicians know that publicly displaying contrasting opinions will, ultimately prevent any organized or unified opposition to government. We like to believe we are a free people in the United States but the definition of government is control. Govern means to rule. Theres a line that always makes me think in the 2000 film The Patriot Mel Gibsons character Benjamin Martin at a meeting in Charleston says to them "Why should I trade one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants one mile away?" This is literally what has happened. We are more heavily taxed and regulated now than under King George. Okay maybe that's a stretch, but it is my opinion. Think about this for a second, what if politicians on both sides have never cared about climate change? Or healthcare? Or immigration? Or the rights of black people? You get the idea. The reason I believe this is because my dad and grandma always had the news on growing up and the issues we arguing over today are the same ones we were arguing about when I was 5 years old. Nobody's solved any of it they've talked alot, they've made tons of empty promises but little to no action. Or even worse taking action that does more harm than good. We are actively being lied to every election and every day in between. I'm honestly having trouble differentiating between our news and communist propaganda. Now we are looking into whether or not the Covid 19 virus was natural or laboratory made. It may be my imagination but it seems like news media are all too quick to suggest that the lab theory is a "Conspiracy Theory". Now just based off of the fact that it's a virus optimized for human transmission traced back to within 1 mile of the of The Wuhan Institute of Virology is enough proof for me. Here's the thing though, it has not yet been proven, so for now it's just my opinion. Now let's talk climate change. This is a big one I remember first hearing about early in childhood. Now here is my perspective, or opinion, if you will. I believe the earth cycles, and we are in a super warming phase. If climate activists would say "Save us humans" it would be more accurate. I always hear "Save the planet!" but I believe the planet will be here long after mankind is erased. Or perhaps we will evolve? Nobody actually knows for sure. Humans are much more likely to die from something man made than from global warming. Now I know what you're thinking "But global warming is man made" that's partially true. The planet would be warming by some degree without humans. The argument in science is how much more do humans contribute? In all for reducing emissions but I don't think we should gamble the whole country's prosperity on it. Just a reminder these are my personal opinions, not attacks on others who disagree. These are opinions not facts. We must stop demonizing opposing opinions and debate them in a healthy manner instead. Thank you for listening to my opinion on opinions.

By Cytonn Photography on Unsplash


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    Billy RoseWritten by Billy Rose

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