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Unbelievable Worst Case Scenarios for President Trump

A satirical analysis of potential Trump worst case scenarios.

By David LasherPublished 7 years ago 6 min read
Trump and his many expressions.

In American history, we haven’t seen a president like Donald Trump. He is an arrogant, bombastic, and even a buffoon, if you will, type of president. Trump is on pace to be the 3rd US president to get impeached by his own political party. In this article, I will go over the "what-if" scenarios that could occur out of Trump's mysterious actions. As the man himself once said, "What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate”. With each new twist of fate in his presidency, we are experiencing many negative reactions. For example...

Building the Wall

Trump's Wall


Trump wants to build a US-Mexico border wall. This is peak Trump being a nut-job. Because illegals wouldn't be able to get through using an underground tunnel, right? This might be the worst idea that he's had. Solar Panels covering the wall is one of Trump's ideas as stated here. He claims this strategy would reduce costs and maintenance.

Worst Case Scenario:

There are a few scenarios which would be detrimental to the country. According to a study, there are some estimates that show a $40 billion price tag for the border wall President Trump has proposed between our country and Mexico. Apparently, this wall would be 50 feet high, 15 feet deep, and mostly constructed with poured concrete fortified with steel rebar. The highest official price tag is $25 billion. It is very costly. Taxes will bump up by a major amount if the wall is placed.

Satirical scenario:

The wall is built and G-D creates a flood and knocks it down and declares from the depth of the universe to Trump, "You're Fired"!

Paris Agreement

Trump's Orange Hair


Trump withdrew from the Paris Accord which weakened efforts to combat global warming. Also, Trump backs out of deal based on unjust biased towards American land/soil. As stated, “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris,” the president said, drawing support from members of his Republican Party but widespread condemnation from political leaders, business executives, and environmentalists around the globe.

Worst Case Scenario:

Backing out of the Paris Accord deal is very disruptive to our country and atmosphere. It will cause major The worst part: There is absolutely no reason for it. Aside, perhaps, from bravado and arrogance. Here's what's at stake with climate change: rising seas, flooded coastal cities, mass extinction, searing drought, human displacement, migration crises, deadlier heat waves, crop failures, stronger storms.

Satirical scenario:

The atmosphere continues to evaporate and we all become orange like Trump.

Twitter Usage

Trump thinking of his next tweet...


Trump tweeted and misspelled #Covfefe and the internet had a field day about it. Trump has 31.9 million followers, a number that grows daily. Imagine stuttering in front of that many people...

Worst Case Scenario:

President Trump continues to tweet about political factors daily. He uses Twitter to gain a bigger audience and engage with Millennials all over the country. Twitter has stayed alive basically because of Trump. There is a site that actually tracks each and every tweet he sends. This is a very risky device to use to announce presidential tactics. Kids are now on social media and Trump has influenced all type of kids to download Twitter.

Satirical Scenario: We all become spelling check robots. In this scenario, we are constantly looking for spelling errors.

Nuclear Weapons



Trump gave out details about our nuclear weapons. Trump has issued many statements about nuclear weapons and all of them follow the same pattern. They all seem to point to the idea of setting a nuke off in a different country. He said he would nuke Europe because it's a "big place". This is just one example of Trump not understanding the power of nuclear weapons. Lastly, Trump doesn't have a strong foundation when it comes to nuclear weapons. It is a very concerning that our President doesn't understand the basics of nuclear warfare.

Worst Case Scenario:

"The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” Trump tweeted. In 2016, Trump repeatedly stated his goal to use nuclear weapons in other countries. Trump is out of control and is being arrogant with his choice of words and decisions. This would result in a World War and start a rapid fire of nuclear bombs between countries.

Satirical Scenario:

Trump becomes a nuclear weapon himself and blows up the world out of a temper meltdown.

Jerusalem and the Jews

Trump should move the Embassy to Jerusalem to preserve relationship with American jewry.


Trump promised to move the embassy to Jerusalem and hasn't. Not moving the embassy has hurt Trump’s image in Israel. Many groups have protested against the notion of not moving the embassy. People are very frustrated with Trump’s efforts in this scenario. Just as the Christians United for Israel, the country’s largest pro-Israel organization, said in a statement Thursday that it was “disappointed” that Trump decided to sign the waiver but is still “hopeful” that he will eventually move the embassy.

Worst Case Scenario:

Trump will lose the support of American Jewry and lose a political battle in Israel. Israeli's are starting to hate Mr. Trump. I actually experienced it first hand. I was in a cab in Jerusalem and the cab driver said, "Go back to America, your not welcome here!" "Fuck Trump!" etc. This will continue if Trump can't negotiate the peace process in the middle east.

Satirical Scenario:

Israel and America lose their friendship and all American Jews leave the country to fight for their independence; Therefore, no more hummus!


Trump has maintained a steady pace for the duration of his four-month-old presidency: just over two false claims per day. According to a recent study, a whopping 70 percent of Trump’s statements that PolitiFact checked during the campaign were false, while only 4 percent were completely true, and 11 percent mostly true. James Comey said that he could not trust Trump so he decided to document everything during his meeting at the White House. Here a link...

Here are some dates of Trump lies:

March 20: Clearly mischaracterized the FBI director and NSA director's testimony about Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

Feb. 12, 2017: Falsely claimed that Bernie Sanders was cut off from CNN for using the phrase "fake news."

Feb. 7, 2017: Lied that the murder rate was the highest in 45 years.

Feb. 6, 2017: Claimed that terrorist attacks across Europe are "not even being reported".

Jan. 26, 2017: Lied about Mexico’s president “agreeing to cancel” a meeting.

Jan. 23, 2017: Lied about voter fraud at a reception with congressional leaders.

Worst Case Scenario:

Trump lies about almost everything that comes out of his mouth. The worst case here is that Trump keeps lying and the people don't know what to do when their president says something important. Should we trust this man? The answer is NO. He cannot be trusted and we need to make changes to our leadership in the country.

Satirical Scenario:

Kids all over the country start lying to their parents about everything including, “The dog ate my homework".

Travel Ban

Breaking News


According to my research, There are two classes of individuals who fall under Trump’s order, as we have said: all refugees seeking to enter the U.S. and foreign citizens of seven countries traveling to the U.S. The travel ban is a big problem for Muslims trying to enter the US. Trump thinks this will stop terrorists from coming into the US.

Worst Case Scenario:

The people start to riot and gang up against America. People will make plans to come into the states and attempt attacks against our people. Isis forces have done damage recently in NYC and London. These attacks will go on if Trump issues the travel ban.

Satirical Scenario:

Planes stop flying to European Countries. No more vacations to Venice or Greece. Say goodbye to all that $ coming in from American tourists!

Mar-A-Lago Resort in Florida

Donald and Melania Trump in Mar-A-Lago


$3 Million. That's a widely used estimate of what each journey costs taxpayers. This is common for each president but Trump goes above and beyond the others. Why does he need to be in Florida all the time? I guess you can say this might be a reason.

Worst Case Scenario:

Taxpayers continue to have to pay a lot of money for his trips to his resort. Every 5th Mar-A-Lago visit costs taxpayers the same amount it costs for the entire Paris agreement that Trump backed out of ($15 million).

Satirical Scenario:

Trump uses all the taxpayer money to buy a new golf course at the White House. Plays every day and doesn't follow current events in the country.

Trump is causing many problems for the Unites States of America. He needs to be stopped and the above scenarios showcase why. He is too powerful and can ruin our lives. Whether it’s trying to explain his ideas on nuclear weapons or lying about the FBI and CIA involvement in the 2016 election, Trump is only doing harm to our value system. Please read this and understand why we cannot trust this man and his devious plans. We should all hope to make a change by expressing our voices about certain political topics that go on today in America.

trumpfact or fictionpoliticianspresident

About the Creator

David Lasher

I am a new writer aspiring to become the next Malcom Gladwell. Intern at Jerrick

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    David LasherWritten by David Lasher

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