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The Fringe Are No Benefit

Look at the whole, not just the fringe

By Judey Kalchik Published 12 months ago 4 min read

Social Media is one of my passions.

This no longer makes me feel embarrassed and ashamed. Through social media I see my grandsons, often all of them, in two different states, all on the same day.

I get to share in the excitement of a sports achievement, see the first day of school, swap family recipes, and give advice (when it’s asked for).

I see new thoughts, rehash old concerns, revisit memories, and rejoice in new babies. I find out the weather, learn where the traffic is knotty, read poems/articles/stories from my Vocal and Medium network, and (yes) laugh at funny kitten videos.

People reach me through groups and ask for old forms and materials from jobs gone by… which I more often than not have available to share.

I have several Facebook pages-one for Milestones Ministry (I am a non-denominational minister and wedding officiant),and the other for Things I Know About Bookselling (aka TIKAB, with over 3,000 members), and several Facebook groups that I created and administer.

I have companionship, kinship, and compatibility. I also have people disagree with me.

Some days more than others. And that’s OK; it’s the expected result when you share your opinions with a wide group of people.

What does sadden me, though, is the increase in stereotyping. Disagreements with whole groups of people with no personal interaction or facts. Just lumping people together due to their

  • skin tone
  • religion
  • place of origin
  • economic status
  • education
  • gender
  • sexuality
  • politics
  • and whatever differentiator exists to call someone an ‘Other’.

Someone different. Someone Not Like Us. I can easily do it, too. Look at the ravings of the arguers and proponents of speculative views and call people Alike. Call them extremists. Call them Them as opposed to US , and not see them as individuals.

I have been registered as a Republican and as an Independent. In my life I’ve voted for Republicans and Democrats. I’ve marched in rallies. I’ve held clipboards and asked people to register to vote.

I’ve turned off the TV when Bill Clinton attempted to teach my daughters that oral sex wasn’t sex. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom, a member of an evangelical Christian church, been a summer church missionary, and a member of a Diversity Task Force.

And still. And yet.

I cringe when I see posts of ‘what Christians are like’. I wince when I read ‘what women feel about men’. Because I am not Black I’m not supposed to understand that Black Lives Matter.

Because I’m from blue-collar roots, (with railroaders and steelworkers in my background), and because I respect those that serve in the military; I am supposed to be pro-Republican. Because I believe there should be a process for immigration, I am supposed to approve of the camps filled with children separated from their parents.

Because I am born again I must be anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-liberal. Because I’m over 50 I must be anti-technology, and anti-Millennial. People that barely know me are experts on who I must be.

I am painted by a very broad brush, one that catches the crumbs of every fanatical group, every special-interest, every bit of the ‘everyone knows’ that exists in the world.

The media grabs the most out-there, most extreme, the most dramatic fringe elements of every special-interest group, every denomination, every geographic differentiator; then it is amplified, cartooned, distilled into the single fringe element that 'everyone knows'.

There is 'Florida Man', but I've not seen 'Utah Man' outside of the University of Utah fight song. Florida Man jokes and memes are a parody, focused on the fringe element. It ignores all of the richness we bring to the world, to our community, and discounts our wonderful workmanship to focus on that 'fringe element'.

That viewpoint polarizes, distances, fractures, and tears down the common truth that we are all unique, precious, and were once a child held in a parent's arms; loved and cherished for our unique potential.

I am tired of it.

I am tired of being the apologist of my beliefs. I am tired from being crimped at the edges by people determined to fit me into a mold. I am tired of being ‘understood’ and ‘included’ and ‘recognized’ without my agreement.

I am me.

My intent and faith and thoughts and desires can be learned by just asking me.

A person could be drawn in to a luxurious shawl or blanket by the visual appeal of the stitching, the colors, and the opulent fringe. But that's not why you buy it: you buy it for the warmth that it gives. You choose it based on the whole of the thing, not for the fringe.

Judge me, if you must, by my own warmth. Judge me by my own actions. Judge me by the whole package.

Judge me by the whole of me, not by the fringe.


Words have power:

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social mediaopinionhumanitycontroversies

About the Creator

Judey Kalchik

It's my time to find and use my voice.

Poetry, short stories, memories, and a lot of things I think and wish I'd known a long time ago.

You can also find me on Medium

And please follow me on Threads, too!

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Comments (11)

  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)12 months ago

    Loved Reading this article❤️💯😉👍Im still thinking about when you said that you turned the T.V off on Bill Clinton -😆🤣😂

  • Gigi Gibson12 months ago

    Very well said my Dear! The world is getting stranger every day. We should be judged on our own merit. Or… how about leaving the judging to the one who created us? Then we could just try to find the good in each other.

  • Babs Iverson12 months ago

    Yes!! Words are super powerful!!! When people judging other based on their narrow beliefs or visions, it's such a waste. Being incorrectly judged by others, it's nefarious! Well stated, Judey!!! Left some love❤️💕

  • Mackenzie Davis12 months ago

    We are aligned on so much, it would seem! Im certainly not liberal. But neither do I fit into the political binary; and I am disgusted by how many issues are politicized, even the foundational tenets of existence. Im afraid my own opinions on the Why come down to the influence of social media, which I am not a part of (though Vocal is sorta like it). I wish we could go back to, even just 10 years ago, when this polarized West was not a thing, and the fringe was not seen as the whole. Alas, we’ve opened Pandora’s box with our propensity for improving convenience and productivity, and made SM the cornerstone of communication and information. We cannot go back. And I regret that it ever began, though I couldn’t tell you when we took a wrong turn…besides all the way back to the Beginning. Great post, Judey. Very well said and quite needed, imo.

  • One of the things with which I've struggled a good portion of my life is the co-opting of words & symbols that have been important to me by noisy fringe elements. All of a sudden it feels as though if you fly an American flag you must be MAGA & a white supremacist. To be a white evangelical male comes with the same kind of baggage. My wife has taken to referring to herself as a follower of Jesus Christ rather than a Christian because of what tv evangelists have done with the term. I must admit, I find myself cringing & holding my breath when I hear people use certain terms today, fearing that they mean what the obnoxiously loud fringe has insisted they mean. It takes a bit of will & effort to listen long enough to understand from whence each person is coming, what they mean & who they are. It may not always be easy but it's vitally important that we do the work. Thanks for writing this, Judey. I feel your frustration & pain & recognize a lot of the same in me. Blessings & peace to you, my friend.

  • LC Minniti12 months ago

    I like this. People are never just one thing, we are all many things, and not everyone acknowledges that. We sometimes put other people (and ourselves) in a box, and make our judgments from that reduction of a person. I love how you described it in terms of a shawl and its warmth, especially that last line - "Judge me by the whole of me, not by the fringe."

  • Rob Angeli12 months ago

    Well said, I 100 percent agree.

  • Dana Crandell12 months ago

    Oh, so relatable. And that's all I have to say about that. Well done, Judey.

  • Mariann Carroll12 months ago

    I agree with most of what you say but I have seen a lot of people writing stories about black culture in support of the black culture and they are not black. The write better than me on the subject. Growing up never felt like I did not fit exclusively to one certain culture because of my multi race. It kind of help embrace diversity. I respect all culture cause of their beauty and uniqueness. My friends accept me for me , I do wonder what culture they associate me mostly with ?

  • Yes, the only way to get out of the " must be," trap is to use your words. Good blog.

  • Gerald Holmes12 months ago

    Excellent, Judey. I agree with everything you say, we have to stop stuffing people into a box that has nothing to do with their individuality.

Judey Kalchik Written by Judey Kalchik

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