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The Emperor's New Clothes

Hail King Trump

By Ian McKenziePublished 4 years ago 5 min read

The Emperor’s New Clothes

Hail King Trump

‘”The Emperor's New Clothes" (Danish: Kejserens nye klæder) is a short tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, about two weavers who promise an emperor a new suit of clothes that they say is invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent – while in reality, they make no clothes at all, making everyone believe the clothes are invisible to them. When the emperor parades before his subjects in his new "clothes", no one dares to say that they do not see any suit of clothes on him for fear that they will be seen as stupid. Finally a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"’

This quotation from Wickipedia regarding Hans Christian Andersen’s children’s story about “The Emperor’s New Clothes” and the stupidity, incompetence and unfitness of some people for the positions they hold is currently very relevant.

We now have a self-proclaimed emperor, or king, and it seems that his gross incompetence, stupidity and unfitness for the position he holds is invisible to an all too large percentage of the population.

Of course, the power he believes he holds is no where near as great as what in reality does exist. His proclamation that he has “total” authority is far from the truth. But, most of the utterances that spew forth from his mouth are also in this same category, untruthful.

What is truly frightening is that he does hold power, and he will use it in any way he can in his attempt to save face, or garner support from those adults who can not see the naked truth, regardless of the consequences of his actions and decisions.

With me being an Aussie, you may well ask what right do I have in slinging off* at a world leader from another country. Well, the reason is that his decisions and actions have global consequences. Currently, I consider him the most dangerous person in the world.

(*My apologies if you don’t understand my Aussie colloquialisms, but I am unable to think of a more appropriate term or phrase)

Now, I do have to admit that there is one good thing about this buffoon. He is making other world leaders, who might otherwise be negatively criticised, look fantastic. Our Prime Minister here in Australia could have handled many issues better, but compared with the “King” of the USA, he is a hero.

Tolerance and patience are traits that I have always admired. And, I thought they were among my list of attributes. It is with sorrow that I feel with my ageing, my level of these two traits is diminishing. Once, I would have little concern with what others thought, or ideas they expressed, if those thoughts and ideas did not adversely affect others.

Now I not only get annoyed by people who continue to support this, semi-literate, narcissistic, lying fool, but also find it quite worrisome that there are still so many of them. As I have already said, he is dangerous, not just to his fellow Americans, but to the entire world.

One of his recent decisions was to totally withdraw financial support to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

His reason was the poor way he felt they had handled the Covid-10 pandemic. Most people may agree with his criticism of the WHO. Several aspects of their decisions can be justly criticised. They should have declared the pandemic sooner and their condoning the continuation of the wet markets in China, was irresponsible.

But, the amount of expenditure on pandemics by the WHO amounts to four fifths of one percent of their overall budget. An example of other work done by WHO is the Global Polio Eradication Initiative launched in 1988. Since then cases have been reduced by 99%. The USA is poliomyelitis free Mr Trump!

Many thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which is currently the greatest contributor to the World Health Organisation. Germany is the country which currently contributes the most.

The USA is the only country to stop funding to the World Health Organisation, and what a time to stop that funding! At a time of the worst global health crisis we have seen for over eighty years. Trump’s childish stupidity in criticising the WHO handling of the Covid-19 crisis is a great exemplar of “the pot calling the kettle black”.

No leader in the world has handled the novel coronavirus more poorly than King Trump. The sole purpose of his cessation of funding to the World Health Organisation is his feeble attempt to deflect criticism away from his total mismanagement of response to the Covid-19 crisis.

Another issue of global importance is climate change and The Paris Agreement. As with the WHO, through Trump, the USA is the only country to withdraw from The Paris Agreement. Trump denies climate change just as he denies that he has done, or can do, anything wrong. But, the evidence differs from Trump’s claims.

Vladimir Putin from Russia and Kim Jong-un from North Korea appear to be two leaders of whom Trump is jealous. He is jealous of their power over their citizens. The fact that he has declared that he has “total” authority in the USA would indicate that he has fantasies over having the same level of power over American citizens.

Many people have drawn comparisons between Trump and Hitler. These are readily available to read with any web search.

Let’s do a quick comparison between the current leader in Germany and the current so called leader in United States of America. The current head of government in Germany, Angela Merkel, is a highly respected leader. As the most powerful woman in the world, many consider her the leader of the free world. The USA was seen by most as a leader of the free world prior to Trump’s presidency. It is now well down in the leadership list. Trump is not respected globally, he has in fact become a laughing stock

Germany will never again go down the path of the Nazi’s, with the extermination of millions of Jews and people with handicaps. They are aware of events which led up to Nazi Germany and will not let that happen again. But what has happened, and is happening, under Trump is of real concern.

With strong international bodies such as the United Nations and World Health Organisation, and with countries working together to make the world a better place through agreements such as The Paris Agreement, hopefully enough people can help make the future world a safe place for our grand-children and other future generations.


About the Creator

Ian McKenzie

Lover of life and all it has to offer. Retired from full-time employment, but keeping busy with things I am passionate about including: family, friends, photography, writing, sustainability and keeping Australian native stingless bees.

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    Ian McKenzieWritten by Ian McKenzie

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