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Friendly Politics?

Friends that fight because of political views.

By Leah EllaPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Friendly Politics?
Photo by Brian Wertheim on Unsplash

Can we talk about what politics has done to friendships for a sec, please? Let's face it, we've gotten closer to each other virtually, due to social distancing and stay-at-home orders, that we end up chatting to people on social media every day! It's easy to form new "best friends" when you spend THAT much time with each other but... Yeah, there's a but... Here comes politics to ruin the day!

What about the Republicans who are suddenly pointing out all the faults and calling Liberals socialists? Don't even get me started on fascists... I have literally had to take a look around the (virtual) room, like, are you talking to me? Because I don't see anyone else around and what you're accusing me of, doesn't apply to me. It's almost like a brainwashing convention where the Right is teaching it's followers how to dissect and incinerate every possible trait of the Left, by of course assuming that we all believe the same thing. I think the whole point of being a Liberal is to be ourselves as individuals instead of robots who follow a code to the tee without question... Blind faith, now there's a word that I can use to describe my Republican "friends." They call us Liberals, "manufactured" from the media or the populous? I have no idea where to even start because it's like they have their own terminology too. It's getting real Political...

What's with the ultimatums? My Republican Friends, for the sake of this article and my constant mention of them, let's abbreviate it to RPF... My RPF's who also share Q'Anon beliefs are the worst. I've had to unfollow one early in the quarantine last year. He was preaching to me and not saying anything all at the same time! "Wake up Leah" "How can you not see it? It's all around you" "We're living in the Matrix" I'm not gonna lie, I don't remember the movie, I'm due a re-watch. Then article after article with lies about actors being locked up in other countries for allegedly being a part of a pedophile group of devil worshippers in Hollywood and not being able to return to the USA. Somehow Trump was orchestrating their arrests in different parts of the world. Which basically means that there's a team of people arresting pedophiles globally? At first it was Hillary Clinton pictured with what looked like deceased infants somewhere in Africa. I was like, have you heard of photoshop? I never even saw a clear picture of the person who was supposed to be Hillary Clinton. Then it was Tom Hanks, Tom Hanks? Come on, he couldn't hurt a fly! I think the Left, who in my opinion are being the most logical ones in this particular moment in history, are calling these "baseless claims..." Who's really got FAKE NEWS now? Man, I couldn't keep up! I had to ask this person, "aren't you an Actor?" Why the sudden hate for actors and the "elitist" industry that you've tried so hard to gain ranks in for our entire friendship?

Twenty-twenty was my first year of voting as an American citizen and I am an American citizen, but politics was never "practiced" in my home especially with immigrant parents. I had to literally google the insults that my RPF would hurl at me randomly. I had one friend who would just send me random posts of Right-wing media sh*# talking the Left. I was like, look, I know that I'm new to politics and you've voted every year as a proud American but I know what I like and who I want to support and it has nothing to do with you! Why are you taking it personally?

What is it about politics that makes people go crazy? It's so divisive honestly. Politics has always seemed like everyone else's problem but mine. I've always figured that it would just work itself out regardless of who holds office. Talk about a rude awakening. I had to start paying attention to politics last year. Should I feel badly that I never paid attention for the 20 years I've lived in this country? More importantly, should my friends be making me feel bad for not choosing the same political views as theirs? What about all the reasons we were friends before politics was thrown into the mix? Do the codes of friendship no longer apply when it comes to politics?

I wasn't being vocal about my political views to my friends who weren't Liberals. I was sharing my views by reposting instagram accounts that I followed with messages I believed in, which is my right... I didn't do that just to get under their skin or even solicit a conversation to ensue an argument... It's not my custom to fight with my friends every day, that just happened. To every story I would post, a counter post would be in my dm's by the end of the day from my RPF to shut me up. It became inbox war until we had to silence each other by force, aka, restrict and unfollow instagram accounts. We took a break from each other and who knows if things will ever be the same?

Has this contention always been there ever since the beginning of "political times"? I'll tell you what hasn't always been that way, Presidential debates. Trump and Biden's first Presidential debate was like watching a boxing ring fight with no gloves... What was that? I searched presidential debates on YouTube for context and Ronald Regan's debate with JFK was remarkably respectful and so informative. What went wrong? Let me be totally clear, this isn't a historical review of politics, this is just an article about me wanting my friends back and it seeming impossible as Inauguration Day gets closer. I had a buddy from the UK call me today to ask if I'm ready for a civil war after the Inauguration? I had to tell him that I doubt the Republicans and Liberals want that. I do wonder what the Trump supporters are gonna do with themselves after this fiasco is over though? Maybe I'll ask one of my RPF's.

My cousin is a troll, he's the person who picks fights online and calls total strangers the worst words in the book. Yeah, I can't imagine him being friends with any of his friends who might be RPF. Well, then again, he lives in Canada so I'm pretty sure that he has no friends who support Trump. Which leads me to yet another point, the zealots who aren't American weighing in on American politics... Was sportsmanship and the Olympics derived from politics? Are we in the Hunger Games? Please help me find more references... My cousins main concern was, "why do you have so many friends who are Trump supporters?" The more he asks, because he still does every week or each time my RPF's post on my Facebook page, the more I wonder... Why do I have so many friends who are Trump supporters?

Some of my friends who are able to conduct "friendly politics" with me although leaning right, have explained that they like his rebellious, disruptive nature... Now, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that sound like a Liberal ideal? One of my friends agreed with Kanye West about Trump's masculinity being attractive "dragon energy." I could see how some of my male friends admired Trumps machoism. He is the pre "me-too" guy when guys were allowed to speak their mind and use their hands to violate any woman they wanted to. Insert AOC, "I am someone's daughter." Toxic masculinity is an article for another day.

In my opinion, Trump's slogan for "Make America Great Again," was an appeal to the gusto of the greedy, wealthy entrepreneurs like himself to continue to get rich while the poor get poorer. It meant, business as usual to the top corrupt entities woven into the fabric of what makes America, America. The inequality and injustices will prevail and even be protected once he's in charge. True of the many pardons he's used in his Presidency. Trump ran American like his own business. That is what Trump represents, America in the 1980's when the Trump building was "Gotham's only hope." I guess that would make Trump Batman to his fans. The modern day Superhero with just a bit of confusion as to who he's actually saving- the good or the bad who make up American society. Good and bad, there's another topic for another day because that too just happens to be relative.

Well, here's to hoping for a "smooth transition of power" on January 20th, no civil war, no WW3, and maybe, just maybe, my friends will remember all the Liberal things they liked about me in the first place. I've already forgiven them regarding their blind faith while accusing me of blind faith. At least I haven't drank the Trumpism cool lade! Talk about the blind leading the blind... Can't wait to write an update on January 21!

Capital Hill Trumpism takeover


About the Creator

Leah Ella

Caribbean-American(she/her)+Actor+Life Coach student.

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    Leah EllaWritten by Leah Ella

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