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"Rich Dad Poor Dad", by Robert T. Kiyosaki - bookreview

Financial education is crucial to a person's life, so it is important to start learning as early as possible

By Sebastian VoicePublished 2 years ago 13 min read


The guide “Rich Dad, Bad Dad” written by Robert T. Kiyosaki is any of the best-known books on financial education.

Even though the author has become an instead controversial figure in recent years, the book written by him remains valuable and really should not be lacking in the knowledge of a trader who seeks financial independence.

Sorin Scortan, a member of the StiintaBanilor community, extracted below some ideas that this individual found interesting which deserve to be shared with as many people as possible concerned with the introduction of their own financial education.

The explanation of the “Rat Race” is as follows:

  • The child is born and goes to college. Mom and dad are proud because the kid performs exceptionally well at school, will get good and incredibly good grades, and is admitted to college;
  • The child finishes his studies and eventually perfects them, after which he searches for a safe job or an occupation;
  • The kid discovers this job, possibly as a doctor, lawyer, or doing work for the government. In common, the kid then starts earning money, has more and more cards, and starts shopping, if they haven’t already started before;
  • Getting money to waste materials, the child will go to those places where other young people dream, fulfills other people, units updates, and eventually gets married;
  • Existence is wonderful, there are two earnings in the family;
  • They decide to get a house, a car, a TELEVISION, go on holiday and also have children. Happiness is available in droves. The need for money is huge;
  • The pair chooses that the occupation is of important importance, consequently, they work more and more, pursuing marketing promotions and salary raises;
  • The salary raises and there is certainly another child and the need for a bigger house. They work even harder, they become better and more involved employees. They go back again to school to focus in order to earn even more money;
  • Revenues increase, but taxes also increase, including property, CAS contributions increase;
  • Children grow upward and parents start raising money for their college, but also for pension;
  • The pair gave birth to 35 years back and is now caught in the “Rat Race” for the sleep of his energetic life. The two work with the owners of the company, for the federal government (by paying taxes), and for the banking institutions (paying mortgages or credit cards);
  • And after that they advise children “to learn completely, to get high marks also to find a secure job or profession”;
  • These people learned nothing about money, but others took good things about their naivete and had to operate hard all their lives. The particular process is repetitive and the next generation robots are as well. This particular is the “Rat Race.”
  • Colleges give attention to the subjects of study and professional training, however, not to the ability to solve financial problems. This explains why very smart brokers, doctors, or accountants, who had excellent grades in college, struggle all of their lives to solve their financial problems;
  • There is present a difference between being poor and being a leftist. Being a leftist is a momentary situation, being poor is an eternal situation;
  • Cash is a form of power. Yet even better is financial education. Cash comes and will go, when you have certain schooling about how exactly money works, you can earn out of this teaching and you will start to build your fortune;
  • Reason, why simple positive considering doesn’t work, is that most people go to college, but they’ve never learned how money works, so they spend their lives doing work for money;
  • The bad man and the middle-class work for money. The wealthy put the money to work for them;
  • It really is cruel to spend your daily life surviving in worry, without exploring desires to the finish. Working hard for cash, and thinking that money can get you those activities that will bring you happiness is a form of cruelty. Waking upward in the middle of the night time scared you have absolutely nothing to pay your bills with is a terrible way to reside. In order to live a presence in which the levy you earn has the final word is not real life. In order to believe a job can give you a feeling of security is to lie to yourself. Don’t let money guide your future;
  • If money were taught in colleges, there would be more and prices would fall, but schools were focused on teaching people to work only for money and never how to route the power of money;
  • Employment is merely a short-term solution to an extensive problem. Most people have only one problem in their mind, and that is the temporary: the bills at the conclusion of the month, the Scarecrow. At that moment, the cash is in control of their lives. Or rather worry and ignorance about money. So that they do as their parents do, they get up every morning and go to work for cash. They do not stop to ask themselves: “Is there another solution? ” Feelings control their thinking and they no longer think with their mind;
  • Many folks concentrate too much on money, neglecting their most important resource, which is their education. Intelligence resolves problems and makes money. Money without financial intelligence is money that will go fast;
  • Many people neglect to understand that in life it matters little how much money you make, but how much you keep. If you want to be wealthy, you have to know the financial alphabet;
  • You have to differentiate between assets and liabilities and buy assets. If you want to get rich, that’s all you need to find out. Wealthy people collect assets. Poor or middle-class people acquire liabilities, which they believe are energetic;
  • Assets are something that puts money in your wallet, liabilities are something that takes money out of your pocket;
  • If you want to get rich, spend your life buying property. If you want to be bad, spend your daily life buying unaggressive. Ignorance of this difference contributes to the world’s financial problems;
  • The rich are rich precisely because in certain areas they are more literate than those who have financial problems. So if you need to get wealthy and maintain your wealth, it is very important to be financially well written;
  • The assets are: business, shares, provides, mutual funds, real estate, intellectual property, and bank deposits. Extra income: dividends, interest, rental income, and royalties;
  • Liabilities are: mortgages, loans, and bank cards. Costs are: taxes, lease or mortgage, food, utilities, clothes, amusement;
  • Money only accentuates the pattern of the money signal present in your mind. When the model involves spending everything you have, it is more than likely that if you needed more money, you would spend even more;
  • Students complete school without having economic education; Hundreds of thousands of men and women with degrees get the job done well, but later you find them experiencing financial problems. I work hard, but don't really progress. What is missing from their training is not how to make money, but how to invest it and what to do after generating it;
  • A person can have chosen education, an effective career, and remain financially illiterate. These individuals often work harder than they should, because they have learned to operate hard and do not understand how to put money into work;
  • Rarely are your financial problems resolved by a bigger sum of money. Problems can be solved with cleverness and understanding. Numerous serious financial problems are the result of the truth that we choose the crowd attempting to keep upward with the group;
  • Too often people go through the house, the savings, and the pension plan as the only things on the resource line. Simply because they have no money to take a position, they simply do not invest. This particular lacks investment experience;
  • If you want a bigger house, first buy resources that will create a circuit pounds with which to pay for the home;
  • Strive to keep your liabilities and expenses low. This particular way you will have additional money to spend on the assets column. Shortly, the asset bottom will be so solid that you will even be able to pay for speculative investments;

>> ORDER The book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” <<

Getting an employee and homeowner, you work as follows:

1. Work for somebody else — most people work for a salary and improve their employers or shareholders. Your time and efforts and successes mean success for the company and his pension;

2. Work for the state — the state takes the share of the salary that you don’t even get to see completely. By working even harder, you simply improve the amount of taxes levied by the state. A lot of people work from The month of January to May just to pay for their dues to the state;

3. Work with the bank — after deposits, the biggest expense is usually the mortgage and bank cards;

  • Prosperity is the capacity of a person to outlive for as many times in a row… or otherwise: if he no lengthier works, just how long could he or she survive?
  • If you want to increase your expenses, you must first increase your financial stream from the possessions section, to be able to maintain this level of wealth;
  • The wealthy buy assets. The particular poor have only expenses. Those in the middle course buy liabilities that they consider possessions;
  • Start worrying about accumulating assets. Maintain your daily job, but start buying real assets instead of liabilities or personal goods that no more have the same real value as soon as you take them home. A new car loses about 25% of the price you pay when you leave the store by it;
  • For young people that are still with their parents, it is important that they coach them between assets and debts. Determine these to build a strong column of possessions before they leave home, marry, obtain a home, have children, and awaken in a risky financial situation. desperately buying a job and buying everything on credit;
  • I actually do not advise anyone to get started on a company when they do not really need it. There are times when those who can’t find a position only have the solution to get started on a business. The particular chances of success are minimal: nine out of ten companies go broke in 5 years. Of those who survive the 5 years, 9 out there of 10 also go bankrupt in the end. Therefore only if you really want to get your own company, I recommend you to get started on something like that. Or else, manage your job and build your assets column;
  • Any kind of dollar that will go into the possessions column becomes your employee. The best thing is your money can buy to work twenty-four hours a day, over several decades. Maintain your job, work hard, but build on your possessions;
  • The first training about making money work for you, in contrast to working for money, is in fact about power. In a situation you work for money, the strength is in the fingers of the company. If money works for you, you retain and have the power;
  • Our dad with a lot of education encouraged me to find a secure job at a solid company. He informed me of the value of “working hard to be able to the top of the business. ” What he does not understand is that whenever you rely only on the money received from a business owner, you feel, in fact, a very docile dairy products cow;

>> ORDER The book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” <<

The particular financial IQ consists of the knowledge of 4 major areas:

1 Accounting — the opportunity to read and understand income statements, determining strengths and weak points in a company;

2. Investments — the science of creating money, using strategies and formulations;

3. Understanding the market economy — the science of supply and demand, how the “technical” aspects of the market work, which works emotionally;

4. Understanding the regulation — by using a company and accounting optimizations, investments and marketplaces can lead to huge growth;

  • Economic genius requires both technical knowledge and courage. When the fear is too great, the guru is suppressed. A person must learn how to take dangers, to be striking, to let the guru convert fear into power and elegance;
  • A lot of them have only one financial solution: they knuckle down, they save and so they borrow. Why do you want to raise your financial intelligence? Considering that you want to be the person who makes your fortune by yourself. Take good things about whatever comes up. A couple of realizing that man builds their own fortune. I do the same with money. And if you wish to be fortunate and earn cash as opposed to working hard, then financial intelligence issues a lot. In case you are the type who is awaiting the “right” opportunity, you will wait a long time. It is like waiting for all the prevents to be on the green for a distance of at least 5 km before establishing off;
  • The most valuable and powerful asset of all is our brain. If she actually is well ready, she can make an enormous lot of money about what may seem to be just like a moment. A good unformed mind can, nevertheless, create extreme poverty that can last a very long time and be passed on to the family;
  • The main reason many people are not rich is they are scared of losing. Those who win are not scared of losses, or failures. But duds are afraid. Disappointments are part of the procedure for success. Those who avoid failure also avoid success;
  • Exactly what you know is the greatest prosperity you have. Exactly what you don’t know is the greatest danger you take. Danger always exists, so learn to take risks and not avoid risks;
  • The particular world is packed with intelligent, talented people, with school and grace, but bad;
  • Employees strive not to be terminated, and employers pay enough not to resign. Most personnel give attention to work for pay and benefits, which is a short-term reward and is often devastating in the long run;
  • Instead, I actually would recommend young people to consider work based on the actual could learn from that job and not the actual earn. They should first seek to determine what skills are needed for a particular profession, before getting into the infernal “rat race”;
  • The opportunity to sell — to communicate with others, whether it be a customer, a worker, a boss, a wife, or a child — is the basis of private success. The particular ability to connect in writing, by mouth or in discussions features paramount importance for a successful life. This is a skill that I am constantly working on, taking classes or buying preparatory materials only to broaden my knowledge;

>> ORDER The book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” <<

You will find 5 main reasons why those who are financially started still fail to have an adequately rich asset line:

1. Fear — The between a rich man and an unhealthy man is the way in which this individual controls his concern. I have never met anyone who wants to lose money. And since I have known myself, I have never met a rich man who hasn’t lost money. Instead, I understand a lot of bad people who haven’t lost a cent because they haven’t invested anything;

2. Overcoming skepticism — all of us have doubts. “I’m not smart, ” “I’m not good enough, ” “What if the economic climate collapses the second I invest? ”, “What if things don’t go as planned? ” why didn’t he come to anyone otherwise? ”;

3. Apathy — some individuals are too busy to care for their prosperity, just as some individuals are too hectic to care for their health. If they are not hectic with work or children, they are busy watching TELEVISION, fishing, golfing, and shopping. Deep down, they know they are avoiding something important. This is the most frequent form of apathy — it is laziness manifested by overwork;

4. Irritating — our a lot more a reflection of routines and not a lot of schooling, of studies. A person has to pay yourself first, then your constraint to pay your fees and other presents is so high that it causes you to find other kinds of income. Forcing you to definitely pay becomes your motivation;

5. Arrogance — satisfaction plus ignorance. “What I understand is what helps me make money. What We don’t know makes me lose money. Every time I had been arrogant I lost money. Because when I’m arrogant, We honestly think things I don’t know aren’t important, “my rich father often informed me.

All of us were encouraged to learn an industry to operate for money, but no one taught us how to generate income work with us. All of us have been trained not to be concerned about our financial future because the company or maybe the state will care for us when we retire. Plus yet, our children educated in the same education system would be the ones who will conclusion up paying us this pension check;

The truth that you do not have money must not be a justification because of not learning. This is a choice we make every day, that is, what we do with the time, our money, and what we learn. If you are learning something totally new, you are supposed to have mistakes in order to completely understand what you have discovered;

>> ORDER The book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” <<

Learn to put the money to work hard for you and you will have an easier and happier life!

P.S. If you like to read while drinking coffee, you can offer me a coffee too.

book review

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Sebastian Voice


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