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Our Mother of Mercy

A cure to madness

By JonkohrrPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 7 min read
For better understanding, I suggest reading first Chapter One of "It's a Brave New World" on Wattpad or Inkitt, then "Oliver's Nightmare" here on Vocal; followed by "Hell According to Oliver" also on Vocal, and finally this story. The trilogy would still work as a stand-alone even if you don't read the original where it's derived from.

Seventh Month

Seven months had passed since Oliver was institutionalized. In all that time, Isabella had not come to visit once. While pretending not to care about it, the truth was that he resented her for it. Other patients had visitors regularly. Julie wasn't one of those who got visitors, though.

Before the year of her stay at the institution, Julie was visited by her aunt. The aunt was devastated by everything that happened and only wanted to ask her why she did it. "I know what the police said, Aunt Millie, but I didn't do it! I would never hurt them... all I did was protect them against..." "I see now... so it's true after all... You've gone completely insane! Why didn't you seek help before it was too late? Why didn't you..." she was sobbing uncontrollably at that point. Julie still believed she had never done anything to her mother and sister. In her mind, they were still alive. But she couldn't reconcile how she thought she had killed her stepfather and how she believed that her stepfather was the one who hurt them.

On the other hand, Oliver seemed to have come a long way. His outlook on life was a lot better. He wasn't hoping death would come for him and be done with his existence. Therapy was helpful, but what made the greatest difference was the bonds he formed with other human beings. But Julie was not getting better.

Three days before Oliver's biggest scare in the Our Mother of Mercy institution, he tried talking to Julie in the garden. "Hey, Julie... It's been a while since we've talked out here..." While he was still talking, she interrupted abruptly, "I'm not gonna let you lay one finger on her... You'll be dead if you try anything, you hear?" Her eyes looked dead and focused on something far away. Her voice was soft, but it sent chills up his spine. It was frightening. Oliver was worried that Julie was getting worse as time passed.

While dining at the cafeteria one evening, Oliver, Penny, Mark, and Julie sat around the same table. Penny was in good spirits that day. You never really knew with Mark, so Oliver kept a close eye on him in case he suddenly snapped. Julie was especially out of it that day. She wasn't looking at anyone and had hardly touched her food. When she exhibited that behavior, it was safe to assume that she was having a psychotic episode.

While Oliver was about to finish the food on his plate, which was tacos since they would usually have that on Fridays, Mark suddenly went berserk and tried to punch Oliver. Mark threw himself at Oliver, grabbing him from his shirt. "Why are you looking at me like that, huh? You want to fight me? Is that it? You want to fight me?" Mark kept repeatedly yelling while trying to punch Oliver in the face. Oliver was trying to shove him away, but Mark was quite a strong and big guy. Penny started screaming for help, but the orderlies took such a long time to show up.

At that moment, things happened so fast that it was like an unreal blur. Mark was suddenly on the floor with blood gushing from his neck. Penny was screaming hysterically. Oliver froze. He did manage to sit up, putting some distance between himself and the blood-gushing Mark on the floor. Julie was mumbling something to herself.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt her again, you got that? You got that, you piece of shit? I'm gonna kill you! I'll kill you before letting you lay those filthy hands on her! I'll fucking kill you!" Julie wasn't mumbling anymore. She was shouting from the top of her lungs. Penny was terrified of her. Mark continued to bleed out, face down on the floor. Oliver was in shock. He didn't know what to do.

The orderlies came in and had to wrestle her to take the shiv from her. She made it using a plastic spoon. While they dragged Julie away, she kicked and screamed, "Don't touch me, you psycho! I know what you've been doing to my sister! Try that with me, and you're dead! You hear? Dead!"

To protect the other patients, Julie was placed in isolation. Sadly, her condition did not improve. Mark was taken to the closest hospital and received the best possible care in the E.R. After two days in intensive care, Mark Goldberg died.

Eleventh Month

"This is a real issue, Julie. If you're unable to admit that you've done something wrong, I'm afraid I'm unable to help you. It just seems like everything we've done during all these years has been a waste of time. And as such, you leave me no other choice but to recommend you be transferred to a super-max mental health facility. They will continue your care, but it won't be as pleasant as your time here. It is a place where you'll be surrounded by some really nasty individuals. Is that what you want?" This was Dr. Luke's ultimatum to Julie. Her viciously attacking another patient was bad enough, but the fact that the patient died and that she wasn't showing any remorse or even admitting that she did it was the last straw.

Julie seemed more and more disconnected from reality. Her only reality was the delusion. The battle against her stepfather, who was doing awful things to her younger sister. And no matter how much Oliver tried to reach out to her before the terrifying incident with Mark, she only seemed to be farther away each day.

"Hey, Oliver. How are you holding up?" Penny came up to him in the common hall. "I'm fine, Penny... and what about you? You don't usually come chat with me outside of mealtime..." "I know... it's just that... I know you liked her. Julie, I mean. It was obvious. And now that she's gonna be transferred out of here... I was just worried about you, that's all." Penny's concern sounded genuine. Oliver never admitted to himself his feelings for Julie, but he realized what Penny had just said was true. He did like Julie. And knowing that she was suffering, and he couldn't do anything to help her was beyond depressing.

"What you're saying is true. I like her. You know... I hated it at first... being here... in this place that I once called hell... but if I hadn't been here, I never would've met you, Penny. Despite your struggles, you like the people around you to be happy, which is remarkable. And Julie... even while demons plagued her that never allowed her rest... she still found time to help a walled-up guy like me open up even a little. Our Mother of Mercy has made me better. I feel awful for Julie, though. But I have to believe that she will somehow find her way... that in the end... she too will be OK."

"Talk about wishful thinking..." a voice interrupted from the table next to Penny and Oliver. It was David. "Look, David, we don't need your cynicism right now, OK? Things are hard enough without it." Penny quipped back at him. "Everyone's free to believe what they want, right? No matter how childish or stupid it is..." "That's enough, man. Not in the mood to deal with your shit right now. So, back off!" Oliver expressed himself firmly and made even David a bit nervous. "I'll back off. If a guy like you can show this much backbone, I'd be the stupid one to keep on pressing buttons, right?"

Twelfth and Final Month

"Oliver Keen. Dr. Luke wants you in his office now. Time to sign your release papers." One of the orderlies notified him. It was early in the morning, before breakfast time. Oliver was still in his room. The news was bittersweet. He wasn't smiling at the idea of being able to go back to life outside the mental asylum. He was worried about Julie. But Penny was in pretty good shape, so she would soon be getting the same news as him.

As he went into Dr. Luke's office, he felt nervous. He wasn't sure about the reason, though.

"What's it like, Oliver?" the Dr. asked as soon as he entered his office. "What's what like?" he replied confused. "Well... to know that you're getting back your freedom! Now, you have a whole world of opportunity and possibility before you. And in that world that you're about to walk back into, anything's possible. I was just curious to know what was going through your mind, that's all." "I understand, Dr. Luke. To be honest... I'm both happy about getting my life back and nervous about doing it all at once. What if I start to feel the same way that got me in here in the first place?" Oliver opened up, genuinely hoping for a helpful answer. "I do appreciate you telling me that, Oliver. It's normal to have your ups and downs in life. Even I have them. But don't forget that you're not alone. I know your sister never came to visit during your year here... but I'm pretty sure she'd be willing to lend an ear if you ever needed to talk to someone. Heck, if there's no one else you can talk to, just give me a call. If I'm awake, I promise I'll answer. Life can be cruel at times. But it's also beautiful. Don't miss the beautiful by focusing only on the cruelty of it. You got that?" "I sure do, Doc. Thanks a lot for everything. And thank Dr. Ludendorf for me as well!" "I'll be sure to let her know. Good luck out there." Dr. Luke shook Oliver's hand, and he signed his release forms.

That day, Oliver left the Our Mother of Mercy mental asylum a different man than the one that was admitted. But the question remained: Was he really cured?


About the Creator


Yes, I drew the pigeon in my profile pic. He's a beloved character from my first written work. I discovered I loved writing during the lockdowns in 2020. If you like what you read here, consider following me elsewhere too!

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

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  • real Jema6 months ago

    Nice article. Let's subscribe to each other

JonkohrrWritten by Jonkohrr

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