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How to lessen fear and anxiety

Fear and anxiety

By Ian SankanPublished 12 months ago 9 min read

Does the fear trigger any particular thoughts? In simple terms, what are the ideas that are running through your head as you experience fear? Fear, and anxiety, which is a type of fear, are both quite widespread. Some people constantly have it on, while others do so sometimes. And even if you're not aware of it, I'd say there's some level of fear. If your egoic mind is wholly in control of you, dread will exist in the shadows and may manifest in various ways. Anger is one way it could show up. A mood of fear is typically concealed beneath rage if you look at it closely. Therefore, if there is fear, you need to focus on it as one of the most crucial things to do. You admit that there is dread. Are there any thinking processes linked to fear? is a crucial question that arises. In other words, what are the ideas that are running through your head as you experience fear? Is it possible that some of the regular or habitual ideas you have lead to fear? Is it conceivable that you overly try to manage something that you have no control over by projecting yourself into the next instant or the future moment? What will transpire to me? Or imagine a loss you might have and project that into a story. Although it isn't happening right now, it could. Additionally, a lot of things—including cognitive activity—create circumstances in which things go wrong now but do not currently. possibly never occur. Frequently, it probably won't ever occur. And even if they did, there is nothing you can do, therefore the actual circumstance would be easier to deal with than the imagined circumstance in your mind. You can only stop thinking about a hypothetical issue to solve it. But if a real problem does emerge, you deal with it head-on, pay attention to it, and then take the necessary action. A hypothetical circumstance, however, just lives in your mind and has you completely at its mercy. You must thus determine whether your mind is causing the dread by thinking unfavourable thoughts or by making predictions. If so, you can see that I'm inventing things because my body is unable to distinguish between a genuine event occurring outside and what my mind is conjuring up. Because of this, my life circumstance is crucial when I have thoughts. If this is essentially what your thoughts are trying to tell you, then your body will think that this is the real truth and that you are currently in danger. The absence of the tiger in the room does not affect the body. Your ideas are the ominous presence. Whether there is a threat, there is a real threat in the room, or even just your thoughts can cause palpitations, the body reacts in the same way. Because you're having frightening ideas in your head, your breathing may become short. You go after dark. Years ago, I had that. Terrible state. It's crazy. Despite the sickness, nothing is changing. Exactly nothing. There is nothing in the empty room. Everything takes place in the mind. If that's the case, then you should address your ideas since they will be the source of your worry. You can deal with thoughts by deciding to go outside of them after realising their pointlessness and harmful nature. And how do you leave the house? You initially refuse to believe your thoughts when it informs you that you are unable to leave. You must keep on contemplating. No, you go outside and take a conscious breath or focus on your body's internal energy field. a decision to turn off the thinking process. And doing it might require you to be watchful. It may even be the case if you are submerged in a mindstream that you are unable to exit it due to its strength. Such gravitational attraction is present. You feel the draw, but at least you are aware of what is occurring. When you are aware that this is what is happening, there is a condition where you cannot yet help yourself, but at least there is a beginning of a disidentification from it. Your living condition, finances, work, relationships, and health. Typically, those items comprise both your life and mine. In contrast to life, which is just ever now, I refer to that as your life circumstance. In your thoughts, your current condition in life exists. It must be kept alive there. It's crucial to deal with circumstances as they come up in your life, but they can only do so in the here and now. Additionally, you are only able to think about your current situation in your life at the time. It's crucial to balance your life and your situation; you shouldn't let one entirely obstruct the other. This applies to your presence, sense of aliveness, and spaciousness. And learning to pay attention to your senses while doing so is beneficial. Come to your senses is the phrase we may use. the five senses so that you are more conscious of your surroundings. occupy the body. It's one more that ties you to life and brings you. removes you from the conceptual stage. Be present right now. Become more sensible. occupy the body. Be present right now. They are one. Your current status in life is no longer something you carry about with you constantly like a heavy burden. Of course, you respond to whatever problems arise. You address them as they come up in the here and now. You might occasionally need to conduct some planning or strategizing, but it also takes place in the present. For the remainder of the time, resist letting your current living circumstances entirely strangle or distort your sense of aliveness. Because if you do, your personality will weigh heavily on you as you go about your day. Then you stop noticing your surroundings. You struggle with the weight of your problematic life circumstance, and whose life condition is not problematic? As a result, you struggle to properly relate to other people. Problematic situations are just a part of life. Naturally, you plan your life as best as you can. Your circumstances in life are as best as you can. Yes, you can learn new skills to boost your career prospects or in any other way try to make your life better. Look for a finer place to call home. Exactly why not? It's all good now. The anticipation that life will eventually stop testing you and leave you alone, as well as the belief that there must be a problem when life does, however, are both illusions. There is an unconscious assumption and an oblivious resentment and negative reaction the moment you are faced with a new challenge because of the fundamental belief that these things should not be happening. This is the unconscious assumption that there is something wrong when life presents you with so-called problems, or challenges, rather than problems. But no matter how well you plan your life and how much you think positively, which is a good thing, you will still face challenges in life. The polarities of life will continue to be felt by you. You will learn, for instance, that every circumstance has a unique set of difficulties. So, to break the connection between your feelings and your thoughts, you must, albeit it is unpleasant, do the following. You focus on the feeling and experience it. Even though it's uncomfortable, you won't die from it. If it's intense, a kid generally won't be able to perform it. It might have to find a way into someone, perhaps through dissociation. However, as an adult, terror won't end your life. It won't kill you in and of itself, but if you let it rise into your consciousness, it might kill you because if you can't take it any longer, you might even kill yourself. Therefore, feel it before illuminating it with consciousness. And you might need to do that frequently. And while it is initially unpleasant, the old emotion is being burned up. And accepting it as it is right now is the only way to get rid of it. It's impossible to get rid of, but accepting everything as it is opens the door to doing so. It has undergone a metamorphosis. And if it's extreme, that might end up serving as your major meditation, your main teacher, and the catalyst for your metamorphosis. One major impairment, one major source of anguish or suffering in the life of some people may be physical. It might be something like being incarcerated. You may be carrying around an emotion like that that you don't want to let go of. So in some people's lives, there is one significant event that seems to colour and influence their entire existence. And ostensibly prevents you from ever experiencing freedom, happiness, or joy. However, if you focus on that one thing, surrender to it, let it be, and make it a constant spiritual practice, you won't need anything else. If you allow that one item to transform you, it will. And there will come a time when you will be glad that you went through it because it was the best spiritual teacher you could have received. So even Epictetus, the philosopher, said, "It's not the situation that makes you unhappy; it's the thought that makes you unhappy," if I recall correctly. If I recall properly, he was also disabled, unable to walk normally, and a slave before being set free. Thus, it is common for humans to have one significant impairment or other significant life challenge, which serves as the impetus for their spiritual awakening. If they can accept what appears to be unacceptable, they will have succeeded in surrendering to it. For instance, in Stephen Hawking's situation, I'm not sure how much his spirituality was awakened, but since he accepted the unacceptable, miraculous things happened. He got by. Simply said, no one would have believed it possible, and his life was successful. at least on one level. The greatest source of grace in this life is acceptance of the unacceptable. It's only a miracle, but getting there can be difficult, especially for the person asking the question. It might take some time. Most of the time, you have to put up with it, stay with it, and give in to it. You do not require transcendental meditation, and that is yours. Your suffering and terror are enough. Be patient. The odd thing is that we can only develop consciousness and produce energy by facing these problems. It ultimately wakes us up. You could harm your body if you overdo physical activity, overstrain it, or both. You could overdo it and end up killing yourself; this has occurred to persons who were overly concerned with fitness. I've read, for instance, that a man who wrote about the amazing advantages of jogging passed away from a heart attack while he was running, and he wasn't that old. So you could go overboard. After then, the body dies rather than becoming stronger. Additionally, you could assert that when you consider humanity and life in general—on this planet as well as perhaps many others—you would conclude that everything is OK. It sometimes seems to happen that by dealing with difficulties and obstacles, we develop. We grow past the ego and the identification with the mind. A new awareness emerges when we surpass our established state of consciousness. Without encountering problems and trials, there would not have been any progress in consciousness and no enlightenment, in my experience, although I am not speaking for myself. What would I have called it if I had one? For instance, a trust fund would let children know from a young age that their parents have already taken care of their financial stability and that they do not need to work or do anything else. You don't need to accomplish anything to have a pleasant existence. There are those kinds of folks. If you are here and a trust fund baby, then other things have to have happened to you that led to troubles. There might be one or two here. The issue wasn't monetary, but there were other factors.


About the Creator

Ian Sankan

I am a writer with proven writing ability in various fields. I consider writing a passionate career and a platform through which I extend my intellectual ability.

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    Ian SankanWritten by Ian Sankan

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