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Can you help yourself out of it

By Temitope AdesuyiPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Grief is a natural and complex emotional response to loss. It can be triggered by various types of losses, including:

1. **Death of a Loved One:** This is one of the most common and profound causes of grief. Losing a family member, friend, or pet can lead to intense feelings of sorrow, sadness, and emptiness.

2. **End of a Relationship:** Whether through a breakup, divorce, or the end of a close friendship, the loss of a significant relationship can trigger feelings of grief and heartache.

3. **Major Life Changes:** Significant life events like retirement, moving to a new place, or experiencing a serious illness can lead to a sense of loss. These changes disrupt familiar routines and can bring about feelings of grief.

4. **Loss of a Job or Financial Security:** Losing a job, especially one that was a significant part of a person's identity, can lead to feelings of grief, as it often involves a loss of stability and financial security.

5. **Health Issues and Chronic Illness:** Being diagnosed with a serious or chronic illness can bring about feelings of grief as individuals come to terms with changes in their health and lifestyle.

6. **Miscarriage or Stillbirth:** The loss of a pregnancy can be an incredibly painful experience, leading to a unique form of grief.

7. **Loss of a Dream or Aspiration:** Failing to achieve a long-held goal or dream, such as a career aspiration or personal achievement, can result in feelings of grief and disappointment.

8. **Natural Disasters or Traumatic Events:** Experiencing a natural disaster, terrorist attack, or other traumatic event can lead to grief due to the loss of safety, security, and sometimes, the loss of loved ones.

9. **Loss of a Pet:** For many, pets are considered beloved members of the family. The death or loss of a pet can lead to deep feelings of grief and sorrow.

It's important to remember that grief is a highly individualized process, and people may respond differently to various types of losses. Additionally, the intensity and duration of grief can vary widely from person to person. It's a natural part of the human experience, and seeking support and understanding during this time is crucial for healing and coping.

Grief, an emotion as old as humanity itself, is a universal experience that transcends culture, age, and circumstance. It is a natural response to loss, whether it be the passing of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or even the loss of a job. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of grief, its stages, and offer guidance on how to navigate this complex emotional terrain.

Understanding Grief:

Grief is not a singular emotion but rather a multifaceted process that encompasses a range of feelings such as sadness, anger, guilt, and even relief. It is a journey that varies greatly from person to person, shaped by individual experiences, coping mechanisms, and support networks. Acknowledging and allowing oneself to feel these emotions is the first step towards healing.

The Phases of Grief:

1. **Denial and Shock:**

The initial response to loss often involves a sense of disbelief. It's the mind's way of cushioning the impact, allowing the reality to sink in gradually. This stage provides a protective buffer, granting individuals time to come to terms with the new reality.

2. **Anger and Resentment:**

As the shock begins to wane, intense emotions like anger may surface. This anger may be directed towards oneself, the departed, or even at the circumstances that led to the loss. It's crucial to understand that these feelings are normal and part of the healing process.

3. **Bargaining:**

Often characterized by the "what ifs" and "if onlys," this stage involves an attempt to regain control or make sense of the loss. Individuals may find themselves replaying scenarios in their minds, hoping for a different outcome.

4. **Depression:**

This phase involves a deep sense of sadness and longing. It's a period of introspection and reflection, as individuals come to terms with the finality of the loss. It's important to seek support during this stage, as it can be particularly challenging.

5. **Acceptance:**

The final stage of grief is marked by a gradual acceptance of the new reality. It doesn't mean forgetting or minimizing the loss, but rather finding a way to live with it. This stage allows for the emergence of new perspectives and a renewed sense of purpose.

Coping Mechanisms:

1. **Seeking Support:**

Surrounding oneself with a network of understanding and empathetic individuals is paramount. This can include friends, family, support groups, or even professional therapists.

2. **Self-Compassion:**

Practicing self-compassion involves being kind and patient with oneself. Recognizing that grief is a process and allowing oneself the time and space to heal is crucial.

3. **Creative Expression:**

Engaging in creative outlets like writing, art, or music can be a powerful way to process and release emotions.

4. **Mindfulness and Meditation:**

Cultivating mindfulness can help individuals stay present and navigate the complexities of grief with a sense of awareness and acceptance.


Grief is an arduous journey, one that requires time, patience, and self-compassion. It is important to remember that there is no 'right' way to grieve, and everyone's path is unique. By acknowledging and embracing the various stages of grief, individuals can find solace and eventually rediscover a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. Through support, self-care, and reflection, the journey through grief can lead to profound healing and personal growth.


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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 10 months ago

    Great work! Wonderful!

TAWritten by Temitope Adesuyi

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