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Women Who Lead

From Glass Ceiling to Glass Cliff

By AbinayaPublished about a year ago 4 min read
    Women Who Lead
Photo by Lindsey LaMont on Unsplash

Women power in this generation refers to the growing influence and impact of women in all aspects of society, including politics, business, culture, and social movements. Women in this generation are taking on leadership roles, breaking barriers, and challenging the traditional gender roles that have long limited their opportunities and aspirations. Women today are more powerful and influential than ever before. From politics to business, entertainment, and beyond, women are making their voices heard and driving change in every sector of society. In this essay, I will explore some of the key themes related to women's power in this generation, including women's representation in leadership positions, the impact of women's movements and activism, and the ongoing struggle for gender equality.

Politics Power:

One of the most visible ways in which women are exerting their power in this generation is through political participation. Women have made significant strides in recent years towards greater representation in government, with record numbers of women running for office and winning elections at all levels of government. In the United States, for example, a record-breaking 131 women were elected to Congress in 2018, and in 2020, Kamala Harris became the first woman, the first Black woman, and the first South Asian woman to be elected Vice President.

while in New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern became the country's youngest female Prime Minister in 2017. These examples represent a growing trend of women breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings in traditionally male-dominated fields.

However, despite these gains, women remain underrepresented in many areas of leadership and decision-making. In the United States, for example, women hold just over 25% of seats in Congress, and make up only 7% of Fortune 500 CEOs. Similarly, women are underrepresented in academia, with men holding the majority of tenured positions in many fields.

This lack of representation is not only unjust, but also has real-world consequences for women and other marginalized groups. Without diverse perspectives and voices at the table, decisions can be made that perpetuate inequality and harm those who are already marginalized. To address this issue, it is important to continue pushing for greater representation of women and other underrepresented groups in leadership positions across all sectors.

Business Power:

Women in this generation are also making significant strides in the business world, with more women than ever before holding leadership positions in corporations and starting their own businesses. In the United States, for example, women-owned businesses grew at a rate of 58% from 2007 to 2018, compared to 12% for all businesses.

Despite these gains, women still face significant barriers to achieving equal representation and pay in the business world. Women are underrepresented in leadership positions, with just 7% of Fortune 500 CEOs being women. Women also face a persistent gender pay gap, earning just 82 cents for every dollar earned by men, on average.

However, women in this generation are pushing back against these barriers and demanding change. Women-led initiatives such as #MeToo and Time's Up have brought attention to issues such as sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, and have helped to shift the conversation around gender and power dynamics in the business world.

Cultural Power

Women are also exerting their power in the cultural sphere, from Hollywood t:o the art world to social media. Women are creating and influencing cultural products and narratives that shape our understanding of gender and identity.

In Hollywood, women are demanding more representation both in front of and behind the camera, and are using their platforms to advocate for greater diversity and inclusion in the industry. In 2019, for example, the film "Little Women" was directed, written, and produced by women, and featured a predominantly female cast.

Social media has also given women a powerful platform to share their stories and perspectives, and to connect with others around shared experiences and causes. Women are using social media to mobilize around issues such as gender-based violence, reproductive rights, and racial justice, and to hold powerful people and institutions accountable for their actions.

Social movements:

Finally, women are exerting their power through social movements, both as leaders and as participants. Women have been at the forefront of many of the most significant social movements of our time, from the #MeToo movement to the Black Lives Matter movement to the climate justice movement.

Women's leadership in these movements has been crucial to their success, bringing attention to issues that have long been marginalized or ignored, and pushing for transformative change. Women's activism is also creating new models of leadership that are more collaborative, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of marginalized communities.

Special Mention:

J.Jayalalithaa is a woman with all the omnipotence woman we have seen above and I am proud to say this as a woman. Jayaram Jayalalithaa(24 February 1948 – 5 December 2016) was an Indian politician and actress who served as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for more than fourteen years over six terms between 1991 and 2016.



Women in this generation are exerting their power in a wide range of areas, from politics and business to culture and social movements. Women's increased representation and participation in these spheres is crucial not only for achieving gender equality but also for creating a more just and equitable society for all. Women's power is not limited to any one area, but rather is a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon that is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing needs and challenges of our time. It is important to continue supporting and amplifying women's voices and leadership, in order to create a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable world for everyone.

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Comments (1)

  • Dolvie N.about a year ago

    Great write-up!!!! Keep them coming...

AWritten by Abinaya

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