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Yellow Skirt

Dare to be yourself

By HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)Published 3 years ago Updated 12 months ago 21 min read

That Summer Night, My whole existence changed. It started when I was in middle school. I knew from that moment Something wouldn’t be the same. Didn’t know what it was, but it felt like Love!

My Mind was Not Limited. I’m Going on a Peripatetic Leisure on a Deviation about Your Love. I was too young to tell the difference from lust and love, but I understood feelings “I wrote your name on my notebook again.”I murmured to myself..

Apparently Effective memories of you and I, burned definitely on my mind. How do I sleep at night when I’m awake in your mind all the time... I Feel you Reminiscing about me. It’s Getting Closer to High School Graduation maybe it's time to let it go...

The Story of “Mike & Deon”

Sitting on my Bed, flipping through pages of Seventeen magazine. I heard two light thumps on my door, my sister comes in delightful and sweetly she declares openly “Mom wants you to come, take food over to Aunties park, Can I go with you?”She said while smiling.. but I could see the Eagerness bursts through her. “Sure!” I said because I definitely understood how badly she wanted to get on the swings before all of the other kids and siblings crowded the park!

My little sister is 7 and a Cogent girl lol. There is No way, I could ever resist her. Today was my Aunt Karen’s birthday and she loved to have Hawaiian 🌺 Themed parties.

Across the highway from Auntie Karen’s Big, and Adequately Decorated House and Lawn there was positioned a Big Park “Sunset Park” Eastside of Las Vegas. Although we lived 2 blocks away we would call it “Auntie’s Park”, furthermore she treated the park as if it was hers! Each year she amassed a “Hawaiian Themed Party”. She Rented Security and Amazing party planner’s. My mom would always come around Early To start cooking, she and Auntie Karen loved to cook. Mom said they were both Chefs in another life. The Impression of Mom Being a Chef 👩‍🍳 kinda brought about me Laughing... Mom had little patience in Traffic similarly With my sister getting Dressed for School in the Morning Especially when with Dad...also The Drycleaners, whenever she picked up Dad’s tuxedoes or Even Shopping 🛍 with me and Aunt Karen. Affirmative Mom’s patience seemed kind of thin. Nonetheless cooking with Aunt Karen was okay, They Cherished Eachothers Company.

Aunt Karen had Big Parties! I concluded she knew a lot of ppl because the Reserved Areas would invariably be full. Later that evening was a lot of fun, Singing, and Dancing. Enthusiastic people filled the lines leading to the piles of Food covering the Tables.

The Beautiful (Pink, Purple, Green, and Yellow) Flower Covered Platter with a Glamour of Glitter embedded inside the essence were all my Designs! With the help of Aunt Karen investing in the Right material I needed. We have built a Bureau devoted to me and my Efficient profession Down in Auntie Karens Basement, Helping me sell on Amazon was a plus, also we’re working on a creative way for me to style people's closets online, She always Trusts my Ornate Styles and Designer abilities.

Aunt Karen just had a Book Signing Day “Wow, her 3rd Book she was a Well known Novelist with no kids or Husband but she went on a few dates, that didn’t go well... she often could tell if she likes them banking on where they took her for Dinner she told me.

Thereupon Aunty's Triumph with her First Breakout Book, she hadn’t slowed down. Mom stood her greatest Fan, I Respected how she was proud of her sister. On Holidays They Danced and vocalized around the kitchen while preparing food for Dinner...screaming lyrics of “Robins song 🎶 “Show Me Love” They definitely couldn’t make a career in singing, but I feel they both understood.

Today Although I enjoyed the Energy that surrounds the whole house as they passed their pretend microphones back and forwards, Looking at Aunt Karen sashay toward me, I tried to shy away but ultimately allocated to the lyrics of Mariah’s beautiful hit “DreamLover” Auntie loved her and so did I. We partook in this Favorite song together singing “DreamLover Come Rescue Meeee”

I often wondered if Karen knew the secret I was keeping because she would say things like “your my special nephew” or “your the Glitter of my life” Not sure what she meant I would smile and appreciate her more. I practically was her stylist she would quickly pick me up on Fridays after school for important urgent weekend shopping as she called it. She always teased Mom about how her closet survives because of me!

Aunt Karen’s Birthday party That Evening was lots of Fun! My Little Sister was Asleep in the car...but I didn’t want to go back to the house so I asked if I could stay at Aunt Karen’s House.

Being Homosexual wasn’t popular and me skipping the 7th Grade was 1 step closer to my adulthood. I would move to Maui to live my private life in “Hawaii” Maybe I could tell aunt Karen she would understand. After so much overthinking scenarios I changed my mind and went to sit on the front porch.

He was sitting on the porch when I walked outside and he said “I was waiting for you” Feeling Diffident I responded, “What, Umm why?” Looking over at him from my aunt's yard. It was late 10:30 pm “Mike” was in the 8th Grade when I was in the 6th.. I always seen him at school although we never talked, but he would often speak to me when no one was around. He was on the Basketball Team, so of course they we’re getting hit on by all the girls. The Last Week of School Interestingly after graduation we walked home together, although he lived 2 blocks after me... sitting on the porch we talked for hours and he told me about his dog and how he passed away a week ago, and that was the reason he missed a week of school.

I never imagined that he would be so open to talking to me. Trying not to be soporific I Just listen as he spoke.

I remember him Walking and Bouncing his Basketball, the day we walked home together from school... he said to me “I can’t believe you’re skipping a grade that’s cool” Are you ready for High school? “Yes”I replied. He told me how excited he was when he seen that my aunt was his neighbor and that he always had seen me and my sister coming over to my aunts. I asked why He never came outside to join us at the park. He told me all about his Mom and Dad’s divorce. His Dad became Dogmatic with his own family. They would argue about everything. He didn’t have much freedom and his mom really didn’t want him out of her sight.

Tonight he had climbed out his room window when he saw that I had stayed with my aunt. Appealing to myself “Why?” looked over at him Climbing the gate and he sat next to me. I asked, “How did you know I stayed over?” He replied “I seen you take out the trash”, challenging I said “How did you know I’d come to sit on the porch?” Bombastically he said, “I Didn’t know, but I was hoping.” Talking with him was magical like out of the movies... I didn’t desire to blink excessively hard because I was afraid the scene would discontinue...
Our conversation prevailed until midnight. I lay in bed allowing myself to daydream about the structure of his being. 5’10 athletic built chest slightly poked out, and his midnight chocolate skin was enough to make any girl Star gaze! Finally, I closed my eyes and drifted into Dreamland…

My mom practically let me move in with my aunt for the Summer. Between shopping and Brainstorming new Book Ideas with “Aunt Karen” I was always looking forward to my time with “Mike” he would climb out the window and wait for me... some days we would climb his letter and layback on the rooftop outside his room window and just listen to his music. ( Imagine someone listening to music and thinking about you!)

I closed my eyes mmm now exhale...

By Dan Smedley on Unsplash

Underneath the Big Tree that Towered over the side of the house with his Room was awesome... we had decorated and also covered the whole top area underneath the tree so that Birds or Squirrels couldn’t enter. Laying down on mats we each had one EarPod in our ear enjoying the satisfying sounds of music softly beating through. Up on the Rooftop My favorite spot was the side where we could lay and look up at the stars in the sky!

The skylights were always Beautiful in Las Vegas Pink, Blue, Purple, and Orange all-color skylines…

If I was a Photographer I would specialize in the Beautiful Skylines in Las Vegas…

Waiting until everyone was asleep just so I Could be with my DreamLover was my New normal thing, and apparently, it was his also. When things weren’t Right or left us confused, being together on those delinquent nights made everything Better. We talked about everything and everyone all the Romantic therapy we needed. Even though we barely knew each other... this summer It felt like I had known him my whole life.

By Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

( I’ll never forget those Summer nights on the rooftop just you and me! I wrote in my journal 📓 That summer flew by fast as well as my Freshman year)...

This year was moving at a fast swiftness it seems like Winter ended and the Spring semester was Sprinting by using little duration... but I did smell the flowers and I was anxious about this Summer...


The whole day while Aunt Karen was out making errands and arranging things to get ready for her Book Tour she would be gone for a few days. The school year was out and I was thinking of ways to convince my parents to let me stay at Aunt Karen’s house. Last Summer I had to leave early because Aunt Karen was leaving for a Book Tour... I told Mike and we were both devastated we promised to see each other next summer, although I had seen him a few times over the Holidays while visiting Aunt Karen.

This year I stood in the kitchen “Mom I’m not a little kid” I argued. I was a boy viewed with Great probity and I had just skipped a Grade which means I would be a sophomore when school starts back this Fall…

Aunt Karen had a Favorable effect on me, she always made me feel so Beautifully Sophisticated!

Mom frantically made an effort to get Dad to agree with her “ The neighborhood isn’t safe for him to be alone” she argued. “ He’s not going to be outside” Dad replied continuing “He’s stayed home and watched “Sammy” plenty of times!”

“ Yes, but this is home and he was with his little sister she pouted.”

“Aunt Karen has a phone I’ll call you mom and I’m only going to be 2 blocks away” I shouted in unison... “It's the second week of summer...You and Dad could come by anytime”…

Mom sat down her magazine on the kitchen counter and scrutinized me.

“Your Dad is going to be working”…

I motion to walk away “Yeah like always” I murmured. While walking into my bedroom wishing Aunt Karen was here to Talk for me... Dad was always away on a Business Trip. I started to wonder if would they turn out like mikes parents…


“I know that your name is Deon, he said but can I call you Special D? Because you are special to me” Hearing his voice was better than hearing the Dj announce my favorite song on the Radio. (Deeooonn) I was awakened by my Mom telling me that my aunt would be arriving soon to pick me up!

Excited for another summer at my aunt's house, I quickly got my luggage and headed for the front door. I’m glad they decided to let me stay at “Aunt Karen’s” She always knew what to say and definitely knew how to get Mom to alter her mind.

Pulling up into the driveway the Big Bright lights From her Periwinkle-colored Range Rover, had blinded me, I shielded my eyes and Aunt Karen had Hunked the Horn Twice. Mom and Dad came out on the porch just as I Stood with alacrity and Motioned towards the car. “I’ll call you guy’s tomorrow!” I yelled from the passenger window. Dad gave me an early allowance which I didn’t need because I recently discovered that I had saved up 2k so far this summer, compared to last summer I did great. If I was going to be a Sophomore in High School I definitely had to arrive in style although Dad insisted on taking me shopping for school.

Arriving at Karen’s House, I settled and prepared myself a Bubble bath. Aunt Karen had tremendous taste in candles, so it always takes me a while to choose the perfect scent. I rested on a “Tropical Passion” which reminded me of the ocean waters and the smell I imagined “Maui” would smell as I dance around Starfish lounging in the sand… I remember when I was younger we took a trip and I said that I would like to live there someday. I didn't remember much but Dad was there for a business opportunity.

I was thinking about this guy and Wondering if he likes me, therefore why didn’t he ever make a move on me? I thought to myself Was I only fantasizing about the whole story of him being flirtatious with me, and Us Enjoying each other’s senses? Okay, maybe he just wanted me as a friend. I lay in bed slowly drifting away into Dreamland as I stared out the window at the dutiful Moon.

The next morning While brushing my teeth I thought I heard the doorbell.

Aside from the neighbors mowing the lawn, I wasn’t sure. I rushed downstairs to peep out and surprised by Mike standing in front of the door with a Charming Smile, I stumbled back. “Hey Good morning, I saw your Aunt leave 10 mins ago and I wasn’t sure if you were awake!”

I fixed my composure and invited him inside “ Umm come inside, I said.” It was too early for me to stand on the porch with The Bright sunshine beaming upon my freshly awakened Eyes...

“There’s white stuff on your lip,” he said while indicating towards my bottom lip where there was dried toothpaste painted on the lining of my lip… I ran into the nearest bathroom in my aunt's largely 4-bedroom house and I splashed water on my face. Standing directly behind me he said “I got my Allowance and a little extra I made laboring in my Dad's Auto Shop! He's been teaching me how to Drive”.

“Oh, that’s terrific! Then I could learn from you.” I said.

Passing me a dry towel from the rack, he said “I wanted to ask you something?”

“Sure I said. Facing him, Providing him my attention.

“ I wanted you to know that I was going to see “Jungle Cruise” this Afternoon and I know we talked about the Movie, I would pay your way.” Looking at me “Hey do you want to come?” I looked up at his Autumn Brown eyes Stabilizing mines I Gestured for us to migrate to the kitchen... Without any more hesitation, I spoke “My aunt is leaving Today, I’m supposed to be getting her ensembles together right now actually, also my Mom and Dad are Expecting me to call” I said…

Turning towards me as I poured Orange juice a Glass each... he said: “That’s cool, we could go later.”

I wasn’t sure if I simply got asked on a date, but it sure felt like that was a nervous but great invitation... I smiled while walking him to the kitchen counter. He sat on the stool and spoke gently “Where is your aunt going?”

“Oh, she’s going to New York, another book tour…” I declared.

“Are your parents letting you stay this time?” he continues... “Last year they didn’t let you.”

“Yes, eventually Aunt Karen talked with Mom.”

“Oh great, I’ll pick you up later!” he said in a matter-of-fact manner.

“What how? I said.

We were both sophomores now but he was 1 year older than Me. I had just turned 15.

“you can’t drive,” I said, “And you don’t have a car?” I continued... “I thought we would take a cab or taxi.”

“No” he replied, “ I know how to drive, I only let my Dad feel like he was teaching me, but my mom taught me, Freshman year, and Barely taught my younger brother!”

“ oh okay, but you don’t possess a car”. I replied.

Mike stood up and Continue to Talk as we walked towards the front door “My Dad’s car lot is next to the Auto Shop I’ll get a car off the lot. My Dad lets me close the shop so I have the keys.” he just stopped and stared at Aunty's Big Purple Valery Vase...

“Okay,” I said.

He turned into the front room and out of the house “Cool, we’ll I’ll see you later!”

I watched him exit the yard and I closed the door.


The next song is for my New Book ‘Excitedly’ my aunt said “ Because I’m still finishing my other Book” She smiled while playing ‘Natasha Bedingfield- Unwritten we both chuckled at her humor. I watched as she Danced in her Chamber while loving the Clothes I Laid out for her To Choose from...“oh Darling, I’m choosing all of the outfits! she shouted. Changing her voice into a British accent “ Your the Best Stylist a Girl could ask for” She said while giving me a smile and a Special wink!

Later that evening Scampering out the door for Her Taxi she reminded me of the Money she left for me in the Kitchen Jar... I shut the car door behind her she leaned out the window “Have Fun Doll, be safe I’ll call you when I land... oh, and the spare keys are downstairs in your studio.”

“Okay, Aunt Karen,” I said.

Trotting inside to shower for my date. Not sure what to wear so I decided to go with my purple and pink flannel nicely fitted shirt with some all-white pants that I put in a few slashes to reveal a pinch of leg skin. Not sure if I was overdressed or overthinking but anyways it was better to be overdressed rather than underdressed... so confidently I smiled in the mirror and Headed Downstairs toward the Front porch...

Unexpectedly I was distracted by a noise coming from Auntie’s Room. I ran back to my room rapidly grabbing the Phone and my Mace... when I heard something tap on the window, I was Startled and frantically tried to slope towards the window to peep out, but there was another Tap. Looking out I saw Mike waving his Arms in a signal to come outside... Relieved, my nerves calmed down and I went to join him outside... “Hey!” I yelled from the porch... “you didn’t have to worry me like that!”

In a concerted manner, he said “Oh sorry I hurled a rock at the wrong window and I didn’t know if your aunt was Gone”

“Well it’s a great thing she wasn’t here because you tapped her room window with the first few rocks you tossed and I Thought I was under attack being in the Big house alone,” I said while laughing out loud...
He changed the subject “Oh cool, he said we’re both wearing white pants and I got us these cool Shirts”.

He walked around to the back of the Brightly Red convertible. Astonished by the car I said “This is Beautiful” He looked at me and I think I saw his eyes sparkle... “Thanks, I figured you would like this one, I just washed it on the lot Earlier.”
“cool,” I said. “I can’t believe no one bought this one yet”... “Yeah it is nice” he replied, “Wait until I let the Top-down.”

“I hope my Dad offers me this car as a graduation gift, and we could ride around after”...

By ixography on Unsplash

Getting the shirts out a Bag in the Trunk he Handed one over to me. I first checked the size and then I looked at the front and there stood Big letters sketched in Black saying “ FUN TIME” I did like the Yellow Shirt!

“ Oh Thanks this is Cute” I said.

“Good, I’m Glad you like it...

Mine is Black with Yellow Letters on the Front saying the same thing as yours” he continued... “I Bought them from the carnival next door to the outside Movies in the park!”

“ wow, carnival” I said.

“Yeah I figured we could go over to the carnival after the movie, is that cool?

“Yeah definitely” I said excitedly... removing my shirt before climbing in the front seat.. I put the shirt on and it fit perfectly. Thinking to myself he picked me up in a nice Convertible we’re also wearing the same shirts and watching a movie in this 2 seated Red Convertible... Oh, this was definitely a Date!

We laughed so hard at the movie, I gasped at Strawberry Twizzler Juice twice while eating them… the movies were great the park was packed with Teenagers who all prevailed in the spirit of Summer Fun and nervous First Dates… “Mike had come back to the car with a lot of Snacks we munched and laughed while enjoying the Movie “Jungle Cruise” and we went for Big Slices of pizza after the movie...

By Annie on Unsplash

The carnival was Great, Mike helped me face my fear of Roller coasters, right before taking off I looked at him and I asked Bluntly…

Is This a Date??

He stared at me for 2 seconds and said

“If this was a Date, then I would have kissed you!

Bewildered by what happened next.. I forgot I was on the Roller Coaster as the Guy said

“okay time to tighten those straps!

I just smiled at the guy and said

“okay!” Unsure what I was smiling about the guy reached over and fixed my straps...

I closed my eyes Afraid to look over at Mike But I felt his strong slightly rough hand grip mine and he held it the whole ride... with my heart beating like a Drumline movie, I was thinking of all the Imaginary fireworks that Detonated when he pressed his chocolate lips against mine and took all the extra words away that I was going to think... hmm perfect Timing I thought to myself 💭

Returning to the convertible I walked with a waddle carrying the overstuffed Half my size Teddy Bear, he just gained a victory playing a Basketball game at the carnival that he was sure about winning... This night was Magical I thought to myself.

“Miiiike”...was all I remember people shouting as he scored his last Basket winning Game point, I jumped up in excitement and he wrapped me in his arms and we kissed only this time a little longer… He picked out the Big brown Teddy for me

“I know Yellow is your Favorite Color”

“ oh okay, that explains why you got me a yellow Shirt” I squandered a look at him.

“yea, and the Big Bear also has on a Yellow Skirt! He replied.

We sat in the car and held hands and talked for a bit before he headed back to the car lot to return the car. I wanted to go with him but he insisted that I didn’t…

By Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

Waking up the next morning to the Phone Ringing None Stop, I thought I was dreaming but when I opened my Eyes it was the same Ringing only louder.

“Hello”I said.

“Hey Babes, How are you?”

“I’m Great, Auntie how are things with the Tour?”

“I’m on my way back to you”…

“what?why??I’m fine”.

“oh dear you haven’t heard??”

“ heard what auntie?

“ turn on the news sweetie” she said... All of a sudden Everything faded to Black, I lowered the phone, I could hear Aunt Karen frantically trying to call me back to the phone... I didn’t know what to do as I watched the screen with his face next to the Bright Red convertible, YOUNG TEEN CAUGHT IN A TRAGIC ACCIDENT AFTER A SHOOTING NEAR THE CAR LOT ON EASTERN AVE. 🚫

2 hours later I heard the downstairs door slam shut and fast-paced footsteps coming closer to my room door… with my face buried deep in my pillow, I felt my aunt's hands stroking the back of my head down to the middle of my back deep slow concerning strokes... when I was able to sit up I looked up at her and she had been tearing up also! Before I could speak she said

“shh, baby I knew everything from the Moment I seen you guy’s together last year” she continued…

“your secret is always safe with me” I cried a little more... while she made Tea and then we talked.

“ I want to take you to see him, but what should we tell his parents?” She asked looking at me sincerely... then she said,

“ I’ll tell them you guys are school friends, just let me talk,” I said nothing because it didn’t seem like I could find any words.

Making it to the hospital didn’t take long Aunt Karen knew all the short cuts..

In the hall, we passed some relatives and his little brother grieving... Outside his room stood his parents arguing in a disagreement over whether or not to let him have surgery… so they really didn’t see me slip past and Enter the Room, Aunt Karen approached giving her consolations and they remembered her from her Book but was wowed at the fact they never knew she was their neighbor.

By Michael Jasmund on Unsplash

I checked to see if he was breathing, then I grabbed his hand and held on so tightly that he awoke and looked up at me with low sad eyes, he pulled for me to come closer I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips, really I wanted to kiss him 3 more times... fighting back tears I tried to smile for him, and I failed... he spoke

“don’t cry, I’m sorry”

“No I stopped him, everything’s going to be okay!”

“not really he said, I might not ever walk again and now I may never play Ball again, I’m sorry but I might not ever see you again”

“ what why??I said trying not to cry out.

“I’m just going to live with my Dad” he continued.

Right beside him was the Teddy Bear with the yellow skirt.. I forgot it in the car last night after floating on cloud 9... he handed it to me “ I kept this for you, I was going to bring it to you last night but...”

“I knew you would” I murmured. I held it tight to my chest as I listened to him speak.

“I dont want you to have to suffer because of me... I want to be able to pick you up, run, and climb and go on dates with you but now I could never do any of those things”

cutting him off I said:

“ and you will as soon as you get better, we’ll get through this together…”

but he just looked away and said “I’m Sorry Deon”...

I froze for a second and then I sprinted out the door behind me and down the hall, I heard Aunt Karen yelling after me… I dropped the Teddy Bear with the Yellow skirt but I didn’t want to stop and go back for it... I’m sure Auntie grabbed it up. I stepped out for a yellow cab and headed home... I vowed to never go to Aunt Karen’s House again.

This Summer had Turned out to be a Magical Disaster!

By Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

It’s been 2 years since I’ve lost you, why does it seem so fresh? I keep having these Dreams, like I see somebody and I’m super excited to see this person... but every time I stretch out my arms he fades away further and further... I’m writing in my journal to myself…

A few months before Graduation Time was rolling instantaneously...I studied hard my Goal was to Study 📚 at Hawaii University... I focused on the things most important and Auntie Karen was By my side in every setting.

My phone was ringing but I was in class. Highschool graduation is approaching. I’ve been studying hard and I finally slowed down on the consistency of writing his name on my Binder and notebook’s…

“Text message from aunt Karen” I said to myself, as I slowly raised my hand and asked the teacher if I could go to the restroom. Hurrying down the Hall. Inside the stall, I spoke softly on the phone “Hey Aunt Karen, what was urgent?”
“ Hey Babes, you have a Message... I also put your package downstairs in your studio.”
“PACKAGE,” I said looking quizzed!

“It said Fun Time on The Little Box the Drone sat in front of the Door!

“Drone!” I let out...

“Yes!” aunt Karen declared “Any ideas on who It's From?” she continued.

Somehow I remembered the phrase “Fun Time” but I'm not sure where from...

I told Aunt Karen I'd like to talk about it Later.


About the Creator

HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)

Welcome to “My Public Diary “🤪💖

Your Mind is

A Wonderland of

Your Imagination

Make it Beautiful!

🎉I am an Actor, Model, Writer, and Entrepreneur ❤️❤️🙏

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. On-point and relevant

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Comments (11)

  • Sandra Tena Cole6 months ago


  • Maureen Fullerabout a year ago

    Very expressive

  • Roy Stevensabout a year ago

    Fantastic Lonzo. The longer format you use here really lets your ability to create encompassing atmosphere that swallows your reader and brings him or her right along with you. It worked wonders with Deon and Mike. 'When things weren’t Right or left us confused, being together on those delinquent nights made everything Better. ' What an amazing description of a state of being! There's an encyclopedia (ever heard of those? 😉) worth of memories folded inside those 17 words! Even though I read the sequel first (my bad) they still work beautifully together. Congratulations my friend!

  • Testabout a year ago

    Wow, what a vibrant and joyful piece! It celebrates individuality, self-expression, and the beauty of embracing one's true colors. Your descriptive language and vivid imagery painted a picture that made me feel like I was right there, twirling in that sunny yellow skirt myself. This piece reminds us all to confidently embrace our unique styles and to shine brightly with pride. Keep spreading positivity and empowering stories like this!

  • Lacey Dearieabout a year ago

    Great coffee break read!

  • Triumphant about a year ago


  • Violet LeStrangeabout a year ago

    Fantastic writing thank you for sharing :)

  • I remember this , great story , hope others read this

  • Antoinette L Breyabout a year ago

    I want to hear a continuation.

  • Excellent story

  • Great story. I like the down home feel of your writing it makes me feel like I'm right there experiencing everything with everybody.

HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)Written by HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)

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