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I stole a piece of the Rainbow

Runaway Male

By HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)Published 2 years ago 12 min read
Does friendships have to end?

Imagine waking up and getting knocked down. Now imagine having a Headache with a different type of nausea feeling…before I could lift my head and look up, there I was face down in a puddle of my own vomit!

The train was showing no signs of Slowing down and it was harder than ever to get a balance. I swallowed big gulps of air and used my upper Football body strength to pull myself up... I gripped the rail while steadying my feet on the cold floor of the Train… Peering through my swollen eyes and the Frost on the windows I could see the sky's grey and Gloomy clouds…it looked as if the rain decided to pass but the sky was subsiding into an Evening atmosphere. I wonder what happened to my shoes and where is Brandon? I tried to fight the urge to throw up.

My mind was moving justified by the motion of the Train and so was my stomach…I barely got a chance to duck between the seats this time, Okay now I stood covered in my vomit but why was I here? And How did I get here? No-one was on the train only me I searched my pockets for a Ticket that I didn’t find… The lights went low, and the train jerked slipping off the pavement I flew back Hitting my head inadequately I faded into unconsciousness laying there on the train floor...

The weird thing about this is that I could still feel the Motion of the caravan moving at a fast velocity. I remember thinking about never coming back to Bloomington if I survive…


Thursday, December 30th my friend and I prepared for this excursion that we had planned for months since High School Graduation. Spending the New Year's weekend in Minnesota was going to be interesting!

The first thing on our list was to shop at “THE MALL OF AMERICA” Fun facts

:7 yankee stadiums can fit inside the mall

:Nickelodeon universe is inside the mall

:over 550 stores inside also 50 restaurants

:24 amusement park rides including a roller coaster 🎢

A few weeks ago 12/11/2002 Mega Super Star Mariah Carey had Performed at “MALL OF AMERICA”

Brandon was Obviously a Huge Fan of Mariah’s! I was more a fan of JayZ… I felt so sorry that we couldn’t make the concert due to his mom’s health conditions and her passing…

My concern was would we at least make the trip for New Year’s weekend.

The day before we left to take off on our adventure, I had an interesting conversation with a man who worked at McDonald's...we cross paths along the walk with our Dogs Every morning. He said that “if you have a service dog they could go just about anywhere with you!” He also said, “If my dog can't go then I wouldn't go...” I didn't understand the last part but, I sure was going to miss Bruno while being away for a weekend! My mom was going to keep Bruno although she wasn't thrilled about us going to Minnesota.

Later on Brandon came over to my niche in my mom’s Basement. I lived in my fortress rent free,well until I start College next year. I told my mom I would need a year to prepare.

“Hey Jason, your pretty Shy and Aggressive so could you do me a favor?” Brandon said while entering my room.

“Brandon I’m not shy and Aggressive I stood from the bed… your Flamboyant and Rude, so why can’t you do it??”

“Wow hold on sir you don’t even know what’s the Favor.” he looked at me like I had just attacked him.

“Okay, Brandon what?” I walked over to my computer desk and picked up the joint on my weed Tray. I stared at him from across the room.

“Jason I really need you to Deliver a message to your Grandma.” he said this while getting up from the BeanBag In my Corner near the closet, he walked across the room and Stared out the window.

“Brandon by delivering the message means you want me to go over to her house... I'm not going to lie to my grandmother about why you're going to be missing out on participating with her, in the lively discussions happening on the topics in your “scrapbook Class...” I walked next to him by the window and passed him the joint I rolled. Then I continued to speak “I'm not in the Book club with you guys, so your lie shouldn't include me.” I looked at him then grabbed my phone off the window sill and sat on my bed...

“Well, Jason it certainly does because we're going out of town together.”

“Brandon, I don't have time for this I'm packing, are you even packed up yet? The Bus leaves tomorrow afternoon and I'm not going to be late.”

“Yes, I've packed my luggage I'm going to the mall for something small, you should come with me my Mom let me Ride her truck I parked in the back...”

Before I could say “Ok” Brandon was Sashaying away from the window and out the door.

In the Truck on our way back From the mall we made a brief stop out for Pizza and Ice Cream. Sitting inside Baskin-Robbins We Talked About The Clubs we could go to in Downtown Minnesota. I was already 18 but Brandon was only 17 years old and he had gotten us fake IDs, He was an amiable fellow he could charm anyone. I possessed nonverbal capabilities of my own like playing football in High School but that was only to make sure Time goes by smooth and quick.

Brandon found an LGBT place “Called a Bath House” we were sure to check out the Place...we seen in the reviews plenty of hot guys are always looking for Dates inside. I couldn't believe men have group consummation. We were young and Handsome African American guys so we looked forward to getting all eyes on us!

The Following Morning I sat down on the Bench with my face clasped in my hands. It was cold outside Chicago was known for being the Windy City and the frosty wind chills proved that! Finally Brandon arrived at the Grey hound station On 95th and State st… Loud and Flamboyant was his favorite Style… he walked past the small group of people standing around the Bench and stood in front of me with his hands on his hips he said “where’s my Hot Chocolate?” I pointed him in the direction of the Beverage Stand’s that were on the Other side of the Lobby. Brandon was the only person I knew who would be wearing Big Sun Glasses in the Mid winter. He returned and to my surprise he handed me a Hot cup of Chocolate with Marshmallows “Thanks” I said while warming my hands with the cup.

He sat next to me we waited patiently for the Driver of the Bus to Return from his 15 minutes Break stop.

“Jason I Rolled a Joint” he showed me a pick a boo of the joint from his top jacket pocket and motioned for me to get up and follow him to the outside of the Lobby.

Standing behind the door to stay clear of the wind I spoke first while he tried striking the Lighter for the third time… “Hey Brandon did your mom find someone to help Remove the Christmas lights and Decorations off the House and Garage” he spun around and replied “after you abandoned her, yes she implied that I help her… ugh Thanks it took us all Morning and my Brother is only 7 so he wasn’t any Help!”

We Laughed hard And passed the joint back and forth afterwards we headed to the sitting area of the Greyhound station.

The Driver returned shortly after we sat on the bench. There was Atleast 20 people in line to board the Bus including Brandon and I.

The ride was 8 hrs long and we slept through 6 hrs and I stared out the window the remaining time. I lip sang to jay z lyrics and this blonde headed girl enjoyed my show, on my right side one row up she sat near the window and occasionally glanced between the seats. I pretended to not see her as I rocked my head like an MC! The announcement was loud over the speakers... “Arriving to Bloomington, Minnesota!”

We rushed to the restrooms inside the Mall there was a lot of people coming in and out of the bathroom...

I pulled my luggage close to me without disturbing the guy next to me who had already made it to the stage were you shake, zip and go! I fundle my zipper and released all those hours we were trapped on the Bus.

Standing outside we gasped at the fact we had made it to Minnesota!

Brandon turned to me and Gave me a joint. I smiled and declared “ How many of these did you Roll?”

I pulled the lighter from my pocket and we puffed away and after we went inside the Mall for quick shopping “Jason it's Friday evening, Brandon said “let's have a Shot of tequila” before we headed to the Hotel room we Reserved at the “Double Tree by Hilton”.

Brandon got the thrill he had been waiting for this purpose of the Fake ID. He proudly purchased his first Bottle and of course he wouldn't let me forget that Moment not even after the Moment.

Some kids that looked to be around our age where trying to sell us weed. I stopped and we chatted with them and the second guy wanted Brandon to purchase him a Bottle of Tequila. I sat by the bench near the rail with the other dude while Brandon and the second guy walked quickly to the liquor store inside the mall.

The guy that I was with told me his name was Eric he was Handsome dark face long dread locks but shorter than me I stood 5’11 he was 2 feet shorter. I purchased weed and he told me they had a car, “I would give you guys a ride if you like?” he wore Blue jeans a Black Hoodie with a picture of Sponge Bob on the semblance. His smile was Bright and Clean. He asked my name and if I was single, but before I could reply Brandon and the second boy arrived.

Returning Brandon gave me a sly glance I returned the glance and we both understood the silent language. We had been friends since the other guys tried fighting Brandon in the gym room when we were in Middle school and I stood up for him although we didn't win the fight but we became friends and family.

The second guy introduced himself as I pointed out that the Hotel was on the Right side of the street I seen the bright Green Double Tree Sign. “Hey I'm Mark and Eric is my Cousin.” Brandon nudged me lightly on my hip as I stared at him for a few seconds. I'm sure this guy is just kidding I thought to myself because clearly this guy looks Handsome light skinned and also Arabian but Eric looks like a sexy Chocolate African American Boy with Dreads.

So the car pulled into the Hotel parking area and out we climbed. Eric and Mark wanted to carry our luggage we pranced to the front Checkin desk and the service was actually quick. Elevator situation was a bit confusing we walked the Corridor until the small sign clarified directions pointing towards the Elevators and Each floor and Spectrum.

Brandon pushed the key against the Lock device 2 times before it turned Green to welcome us to Enter...

Before I could claim my Bed in the Lofty Room I was Greeted By Eric, he sat down my luggage and pulled my hand as if guiding me towards my room. I didn’t resist although I thought to myself [what does this dude think I’m going to do with him?]

Inside the door behind me I could hear Brandon laughing at what sounds like a good Joke!

Eric seemed occupied with running his finger from my temple past my ear down my jawline and he studied my face with his dark brownie color eyes. “Can I kiss you?” He whispered, gently into my ear.

Without any hesitation I made my lips vulnerable to be devoured by his handsome face. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he pressed his lips against mine our tongues interrupted our lips creating a moment of there own. I closed my eyes and floated up against the wall, he moved with me and kissed my neck, I leaned my head backwards and enjoyed the soft kisses falling down my neckline…


we both were shook by the pounding on the door.

Eric grabbed his shirt off the bed and tried putting it on… I was confused about how to hide what was happening inside my pants, so I grabbed my luggage and held it in front of me.

Brandon walks inside the Room “Oh This Is a Nice Room”, “yes I agreed, but I’m sure your room looks the same.” I stood there in the same spot holding the luggage. “No my Room is Green, this Room Is Blue!” He said while ignoring what he clearly wanted to speak on… but instead he handed me the Bottle of Tequila and Requested for us to come out and join him and Mark.

On the Balcony we could see lights and also Beautiful white snow covering the top of the cars that were stopped at red lights. We passed around the joints and poured more shots… Brandon told us about the time he first bought marijuana. Tonight was my first time trying ecstasy… “Let’s get dressed” I said to Brandon “We could go to all of the clubs Downstairs…” Today was actually my first time doing anything with a guy. I had fantasies about it. I lied to Brandon a few times about moments ago with dudes but we were in High school, I had to lie.

I showered but it didn’t seem like the water was touching my skin… I shook my head underneath the water and opened my mouth to catch some water the shower door opens up and then enters Eric… I looked at him amazed at how his chocolate chest looked even better in the lightning of the Bathroom. The lights were Bright and Golden from the wallpaper… he came inside the shower from behind me and with his strong gentle grip he placed two fingers on my chin and turned my head to kiss me on the lips…I felt his hand sliding down with the water that trickledown the palm of my back. He squeezed my Buttocks and my hands went on an adventure of there own… He gave me more Tequila we shared it from the Bottle mouth to mouth what a endless night.

How were they going to get inside the club if they didn’t have any Identification?… a slurred thought moved through my mind.


“I have to get you away from this Hospital”my Mom said to me. “Every since that day I seen him come back from Minnesota he didn’t even think about what happened to you… it’s like he doesn’t even care how you ended up on that Train… he just says he’s not coming out to see you because you left him for dead inside the Hotel Room in Bloomington.”

“ Who?” I said to my mom.. with wildly surprised eyes… Brandon! My mom practically yelled out but quickly gathered her composure. She looked at me while I teared up ready for an explosion of hurt to over take me… “Jason I Know that something happened to the both of you, he just doesn’t want to see that because the day we were notified about them finding you Nearest Death on that train they didn’t find him inside the room until 2 days later.”

My mom continued as she helped me out the bed and one foot in my pants at a time… “I heard him talking to the police and said you were the reason that happened to him.”

“Mom” I tried to protest but she stopped me. “Baby no one knows what happened and neither does the Two of you.”


About the Creator

HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)

Welcome to “My Public Diary “🤪💖

Your Mind is

A Wonderland of

Your Imagination

Make it Beautiful!

🎉I am an Actor, Model, Writer, and Entrepreneur ❤️❤️🙏

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  2. Compelling and original writing

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  3. On-point and relevant

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  4. Expert insights and opinions

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Comments (7)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a year ago

    This was excellent! Loved the ending!

  • Impressive!

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Fabulous story!!!💖💕

  • Great take on the challenge, really enjoyed it

  • I like how your stories always revolve around the relationships between the characters. Makes me feel like I am part of the friends and family.

  • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

    Thanks for the tag . I enjoyed the fun facts in the story. The suspense, was hard to bear. Makes me wonder, will you make a part 2

HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)Written by HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)

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