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The Role of Social Media in the Sri Lanka Protest Movement

Sri Lankans fight for their rights

By Nifra NiharPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Introduction: The Sri Lankan Protest Movement and its Role in Social Media

Social media has played an important role in the Sri Lankan protest movement. It has not only been a place to share information, but also a place to organize and mobilize people. Social media is a great tool for organizing protests and spreading awareness about the injustices in society. , but it brings its own set of problems. Social media is a great tool for organizing protests, but it also brings its own set of problems.

For example, social media has led to people becoming more easily aware of the injustices in society but it has also created a false sense of unity between groups that are fighting different causes .

Social media's role in the Sri Lankan protest movement

Social media is one of the best ways to get a message out there and it's a great way to organize a protest. It's also an easy way to connect with people who are interested in the same things as you. It helped people to share their experiences and It helped to gather in one place as one nation.

Social media has played an important role in the Sri Lankan protest movement, giving people all over the world access to what is going on in Sri Lanka and allowing them to share their thoughts and feelings about what is happening. Social media has helped this movement grow and spread quickly, making it harder for the government of Sri Lanka to keep up with what's going on.

The Sri Lankan protest movement has been called the world's first social media revolution.

The use of social media in the Sri Lankan protest movement is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it has been used as a tool for political activism since the late 1990s. It was during this time that the Tamil Tigers, an armed separatist group in Sri Lanka, were using it to rally international support for their cause and recruit new members from abroad.

The most recent use of social media in the Sri Lankan protest movement has been through Facebook and Twitter to spread awareness about what is happening in the country and mobilise people for protests against President Rajapaksa’s government. .The Sri Lankan government has tried to restrict the use of social media in the country, making it very difficult for people to access any information. The government has also changed the internet censorship laws, making it illegal for people to share news on social media

The new age of revolution - The rise of citizen journalism as a catalyst to help democracy

Social media has been the driving force behind recent protests and revolutions around the world. Sri Lanka is one of the latest countries to experience a social media revolution.

The Sri Lankan people are not alone in their struggle for freedom and democracy. Other nations have also experienced such uprisings in recent years, with social media being a driving force behind them. The Arab Spring, for example, was largely fuelled by Facebook and Twitter.

The Sri Lankan government has been accused of blocking social media and the internet in order to prevent the spread of information about the protests.

The Role of Social Media in the Sri Lanka Protest Movement

The recent protests in Sri Lanka have been a catalyst for change and a new age of revolution. The social media platforms have been used as tools to help democracy, but they are also being controlled by the government, which is censoring them.

Conclusion: What Should be Done To Ensure Online Free Speech?

Social media platforms have been used to organize and mobilize protests in countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, and Iran. The first social media-driven protest occurred in Tunisia in December 2010, after Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire, leading to the eventual overthrow of the Tunisian government.

In Sri Lanka, social media has been a major tool for organizing protests against the country's military regime. In recent years, activists have been able to use Facebook to mobilize people for protests.

Hope you had an idea on how social media has played a role in Sri Lanka's protest movement and what should be done to ensure that online free speech is not suppressed?


About the Creator

Nifra Nihar

I am a freelance writer who works with many freelancing sites. Writing is my hobby and I turn my experiences into stories. I am a nature lover and photographer.

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    Nifra NiharWritten by Nifra Nihar

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