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Freedom of My Heart

A different point of Pride.

By Princess Sparkle Published 3 years ago 9 min read
First painting ever. (2011) Acrylic and Oil paints on canvas.

Sometimes in life things get a little shaken up in our lives and things happen that change Us forever. We must remember that we all have stories that make us who we are. The question then there lies…Who Am I? The Journey to self identity is always the most intriguing journey of them all. It’s the discovery of yourself and in my case its a Re-Discovery of myself. I can never forget my first Pride event. It was the most exhilarating feeling I had ever felt.

Breakups are never easy, yet here I was with some fairly new friends and I was experiencing a lifestyle and a new kind of people in my eyes. I was feeling the most sensational feelings, but most of all, I was learning about myself and the world around me. Why was being at a Pride festival the safest, the most kindest, the most exhilarating feeling I had ever felt? I want to be like this… FREE!

No one here judged anyone for being themselves. No one here was trying to, pardon my saying so, bump and grind me while I was dancing with my friends. No one even cared what I was or wasn’t doing. And most of all, no one judged me. That was the best part. Here I was, early 20s saddened over a breakup wondering what was I going to do. Yet here I was in the liveliest place and I never lived my life the same way ever again. My view had shifted. I learned to be myself. I learned that it didn't matter who I loved or what I was going to do. I found Myself and the light within me. I learned to live my life with no judgements. To myself or others. Sometimes we can be our own enemies and sometimes others around us influence our lives. The fear and torment of what to do and who to be is a battle in our minds. I once asked someone how should I be? And a wise Cat told me… “Just be yourself.” He was right. Be yourself without fear.

Here I am at 34 years old and I am quite literally in the same boat. Only it’s Divorce with Children to consider, but, the rules still apply. Here is where I can say my moment in Pride kicks in. Its Pride in its literal term and Pride as it means to others. We are all one Love since Love makes the world go round. Love of yourself is key and it doesn't matter who or what you are as long as you love yourself and the energy you put out into your universe. And Music is a means of expression and survival. It has been there for me in my happiest days and my saddest. My angriest and my calmest. I got scared when i couldn’t hear or say anything anymore. I didnt understand why. But i do now. And that was fear. Fear of being myself, others judging me for going through a divorce, and the battle of emotions in my mind. My friends and colleagues at work. My world became scary and my mental health became detrimental to my survival. No one understood me and no one listened. I silenced myself and I can only imagine that this is what many people go through when one is not accepted in their environment.

I may not identify as LGBTQIA, however, I’m here. I support love and freedom of expression that is unique to each individual. I understand people on a deep level. I have love in my heart and love to express but what matters is living your life and your truth. Finding my light is my Pride. My Children are my Pride and I support them and their futures. Regardless of anything because I love them and they deserve any and every chance to life in our world. Just as much as all the beautiful souls around the world. I wish for them to live in a world where we are more accepting of the different colors of the spectrum of People. It doesn't matter what we look like because we are all living. We all exist here together at the same time so we need to get along. I love seeing people loving themselves and feeling proud to be who they are with no judgement. No Fear.

Here’s a playlist that gets me going right now. Through my divorce and finding myself again, I honestly cant believe I forgot who I was for a moment. Or rather maybe society and friends should be more accepting of who I am changing into because we grow like flowers and we are never the same. These songs have helped me in reshaping my new life. I hope to inspire others one day with the little things I have to offer. Although I do not have much, I offer Love and Acceptance regardless of situations and circumstance. Enjoy the Playlist and my brief explanations.

Born This Way By Lady Gaga

I was totally born this way. I cant believe I even forgot a few little pieces of myself. Why be scared to honor my truths. Why fear what other people will think of me for chasing my own pursuit of happiness. Happiness didn't end at marriage for me. I am ever changing and I’m certain there are others who feel this way. It doesn't matter who you are, what you look like, and especially who you love. A person is a person so, “You Do You Boo!!!”

Heartbeat Song By Kelly Clarkson

This song is dedicated to all of us who forgot what the sound of our hearts beat like. Our true selves. This song is dedicated to Pride, not a person. The essence of pride dancing in and out of us. Also being proud of who you are. Your essence of being. So pump up the song and lets remind ourselves that we are living and breathing and we must be true to ourselves always!!!

Roar By Katy Perry

Society and Marriage had me acting like a person I didn't recognize anymore so let me say I found myself again. And Again. And one more Again. It takes a few times to reshape ourselves so patience is needed. But how long is enough to find acceptance to be yourself. Born the year of the tiger this song is fitting for myself but to others… well YES!!! You too!!! Cats, Tigers, Lions, People. We can compare to animals but it doesn't mean that we are. So no, make a statement and stand up and get your Spirit Animals within and lets express who we are! Let’s be heard!!! Let’s stand proud and be what we believe Pride is. Freedom of expression of ourselves. It isn't complicated. It’s Pride.

Confident By Demi Lovato

Demi is a statement all on her own! Who doesn’t Love her? She is a real person whom I identify with. When we find ourselves, we need to be confident with who we are. People and society are not always welcoming and they do not realize that words truly hurt. Yes I know “sticks and stones” but words are everlasting in our minds so thats where this statement can be put to rest. Mental health and awareness is important. The path to walking with Pride isn't an easy one. And all one wants to do is be themselves. This applies all around and the stigma to Mental Health needs to relax. Judging others for their decisions and way of thinking should settle down. We are in a new age and lets do this one Confidently.

Stronger By Kelly Clarkson

In todays world we need to be strong, so lets let the sheep rest and bring out the lions in us. Let’s stand Stronger… together. With this song, I remember that there are people who will want to break you, judge you, and look at you funny. But so what!!! Be strong and stand up for what you believe in. Find that voice because like Kelly Clarkson sings here…. “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.” I want to start with being over the old society and becoming a new one thats more accepting of everyone. And I mean everyone. If we have learned anything in Pandemic, its that we found ourselves in Quarantine. All the voices of Pride, LGBTQIA, Black Lives Matter, Me Too!, Mental Health, Marriages, Elders, Native Americans and any other people who need to be heard need to stand out together and be Strong. We must now show others how to be more accepting of all of US! After Pandemic, Let’s be STRONGER and show them whats up! No more judgements amongst ourselves. Well, I can dream can’t I?

Freedom By Beyoncé featuring Kendrick Lamar

This song speaks for itself. Beyoncé sure puts it down. Why must certain situations feel like enslavement. For example, for me, marriage, for others, the rules and expectations of society. Oh excuse me. Sometimes those are the same. I just want my freedom (and the children). Is that ok?

Love On Top By Beyoncé

Love Yourself First then, maybe, you can Love others. It may sound selfish but as long as you Prioritize and remember to love yourself, you can be a great asset to our Earth. Humanity needs Love but there cant be love in our world if we cant love ourselves and all that we are. Put your own love on top first.

Blinding Lights By The Weeknd

Finding the light within means trusting yourself and what you believe in. It goes hand in hand with love in your heart. We can be blinded by ourselves and our light but we must remember we all have a light and we can all be reminded of that constantly. Love yourself and the light you have to offer others and acknowledge others as well. We all must love each other even if our own lights are blinding.

Levitating By Dua Lipa featuring DaBaby

Sometimes we can be in the clouds about ourselves and it feels amazing. Yes! Embrace it when you can. Like they say the moment is there and then it’s gone. We must enjoy ourselves but never think more of us than others. We all live in the same world and none is better than the other. So yes lets levitate ourselves but not forget those around us who aren’t on the same level. Although we stand up for what we believe in, we must respect and acknowledge those who aren’t on our level. We should be able to be ourselves in a respectful manner and realize our truths at the same time. We all need to learn to live with Pride better. I say, lets be the best we can be with this new term of PRIDE! Levitate! Learn! Teach! Be!

Vogue By Madonna

Madonna!!! This woman needs no explanation. She is who she is and she’s a statement on her own. We got to love her. Take a picture of your Pride! Let’s Teach everyone what Pride really looks like. That we don't care what people think because we love ourselves and the world around us. Accept us because we have accepted and adhered to this world. Let’s move on and “Paint the life we know” and be better “than the life today.” Dance and shimmy! Take a picture of how proud you are of yourself and what it means to you and hashtag #ProudToBeMe. And I’m @prncsssparkle on IG. Love who are and love what you do in life. All the ways and any way. Vogue Baby!

We Are the World Song By Michael Jackson

The lyrics to this song say it all. In unity will the world succeed and be at peace. Times are different now and we all must acclimate to the changes of the people around us. Be aware of our surroundings and challenges we see in the world today. Freedom and peace. Let’s “practice what we preach.” Let’s change the energy around us and vibe at a peace within ourselves and be accepting of those around us. And most of all, be kind and show an inch of respect to humanity. People, pets, and the beautiful world around us. For there is beauty in all. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. Words matter so lets treat each other with kindness for we truly are the world.

Thank you for reading and listening. I would like to close with a quote by Mahatma Ghandhi. “Be the change that you wish to see in the World.” Happy Pride Everyone!!! 💕


About the Creator

Princess Sparkle

Just a Fellow Creative focusing on New Beginnings. I dont know where this road leads but sure am buckled in for the ride. I hope & aspire to find my inner creative voice & explore it & share it with the world in a positive light!😊

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    Princess Sparkle Written by Princess Sparkle

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