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I don't know why I tore us apart

By Justine UkwigizePublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Why us

In the darkest shadows of the human heart,

Lies a story of bad form, an orchestra of torment,

An account of disloyalty, destroying souls,

Where trust is broken, and love goes to scorn.

In a curious town, where laughter once rang,

Lived two friends, so close, hearts interlaced,

Their bond was holy, their loyalty untamed,

Yet, underneath the surface, shadows laced.

Through laughter and tears, they forged their way,

Facing life's trials, side by side each day,

With trust like a fortress, they stood tall,

No obstacle too great, they'd conquer all.

In the garden of friendship, their seeds were sown,

A flourishing bond, like a flower full-grown,

But little did they know, a storm would brew,

To test the strength of the ties they knew.

The sun-kissed knolls saw their merriment,

As they danced through life, inseparably,

But jealousy lurked, desire prowled, similar to a snake, quietly,

A seed of bitterness planted in the sand.

Envy's roots, a turned plant, grabbed hold,

In the heart of a companion, once pure and true,

He wanted the love, the admiration strong,

That his buddy got, and he knew.

Deceit's web, so sly, started to catch,

As he faked joy, yet fermented hatred inside,

A veil of friendship he kept on wearing,

However held onto dark aims, defaced by transgressions.

In the brilliant eve, by the murmuring stream,

He came up with plan, wicked and wretched,

To strip his friend of the life's sweet dream,

Also, set burning their bond, mile by mile.

A letter wrote, dribbling with venomous ink,

What's more, a false gossip spread, far and wide burst,

Innocence tainted, with each shrewd wink,

He turned a snare of lies, to darken their days.

The clueless soul, his heart brimming with trust,

Read the letter, a blade to his core,

His eyes overflowed with tears, feelings vigorous,

He fell to his knees, the pain he bore.

Questions repeated, beating to his mind,

"Why would my friend betray me so?

What have I done, so brutal and unpleasant,

To deserve this agony, this persistent burden?"

The trickster, similar to a shadow in the evening,

Pretended sorrow, weaving a veil so so strong,

He hugged his friend, squeezing tight,

As the world fell apart, so very wrong.

Inside the town, whispers presently spread,

Of the betrayal that broke two spirits,

Pity and outrage conflicted, hearts drained,

As reality spread out, causing significant damage.

However, in the midst of the despair, a glint of uncertainty,

Did the friend speak truth, or the betrayer?

In the maze of feelings, lost, without,

Looking for a glint of light, a desire to savor.

In the heart of the betrayed, emotions clashed,

Anger and sorrow, a tempest amassed,

Confusion and hurt, like a tidal wave,

Crashing upon a love they thought they'd save.

The friend's true colors, now revealed,

A mask of deception, skillfully concealed,

Betrayal's dagger, plunged deep and true,

Leaving wounds gaping, bleeding through.

The betrayed, with tears in their eyes,

Asked, "Why, dear friend, did you tell those lies?"

The betrayer, with guilt in their heart,

Said, "I don't know why I tore us apart."

An exhausted heart looked for comfort in the rain,

As tears blended, embracing the skies,

The heavens wept, sharing the pain,

A heavenly regret, from sorrow's ' eyes.

Days turned to nights, and nights to days,

The bond they shared now but a ghost,

Betrayal's wound festered, in myriad ways,

Leaving hearts uncontrolled, absolutely lost.

In any case, time's delicate touch can mend and heal,

Wounds that run deep, hearts that bleed,

A glimmer of hope, like a distant peal,

Breaking the chains of anger and greed.

As seasons passed, forgiveness bloomed,

From ashes of betrayal, new bonds formed,

In the crucible of agony, hearts were groomed,

Furthermore, the town saw souls changed.

For in the heart of every betrayal's story,

Lies the potential for redemption's light,

To rebuild trust, to patch hearts delicate,

And emerge from darkness, brave the night.

They chose to rebuild, to mend the rift,

To let go of anger, to give love a lift,

For in forgiveness' embrace, hearts found peace,

And the pain of betrayal began to cease.

Slowly they healed, their wounds bound tight,

Their friendship emerged from the darkest night,

Though scars remained, a testament true,

That friendship, resilient, can start anew.

In the tale of betrayal, a lesson was found,

That friendship's worth, on sacred ground,

Trust is fragile, yet it can survive,

If hearts choose forgiveness, and pain they revive.

Thus, let this story be a preventative tune,

A haunting reminder, scratched in rhyme,

That disloyalty's dance can be a siren's wrong,

Yet, from its ashes, love can in any case climb.

So cherish your friendships, hold them dear,

Let love and trust banish all fear,

For in the face of betrayal's dark art,

True friendship endures, a masterpiece of the heart.

sad poetryheartbreakfact or fiction

About the Creator

Justine Ukwigize

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

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Comments (2)

  • Daniel Ruhumuriza 12 months ago

    Why do I feel like you have gone through the same thing dear Author, anyways, thank you. this poem is really touching.

  • Anne Smith12 months ago

    My great god, are you talking about me? I have the same story. My best friend broke our friendship, I have forgiven her but I don't know if I will ever forget it. Thank you for the Poem, it really touched me, may be it's time to move on.

Justine UkwigizeWritten by Justine Ukwigize

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