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Power's Corruption and Enslaved Souls.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 4 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Matthew Kerslake on Unsplash

Veins of venom, coursing through the body politic,
Invisible but deadly, corrupting, consuming,
Power, a drug stronger than any other,
Whispering promises, spreading its dark allure.

In the high towers, where decisions are made,
A handful of men and women play their game,
Their hands never dirty, their faces always calm,
While the world beneath them buckles, groans.

Corruption, a snake slithering silently,
Winding through the halls of power, the streets,
Coiling tighter around the necks of the innocent,
Choking life, dreams, hope itself.

The enslaved souls, bound not by iron chains,
But by debts, by invisible shackles,
Their lives a currency traded in darkened rooms,
Their futures sold for the price of ambition.

In the factories, the sweatshops, the fields,
Hands toil day and night, unseen, unheard,
The fruits of their labor siphoned off,
Feeding the insatiable beast of greed.

Children, robbed of their childhood,
Their laughter replaced by the hum of machines,
Their tiny hands working, working,
Their dreams buried beneath the weight of survival.

Power, a seductive force, whispering sweetly,
Promising glory, wealth, control,
It seeps into the hearts of the ambitious,
Turning men into monsters, women into wolves.

In the courts, justice is bought and sold,
Verdicts swayed by gold, by influence,
The scales tipped, the truth distorted,
While the innocent languish, the guilty thrive.

Politicians, masters of the game,
Their words honeyed, their hearts stone,
They make promises with one hand,
And break them with the other, unseen.

The media, a puppet on strings,
Its voice manipulated, its vision blurred,
It tells the stories it is told to tell,
Obscuring the truth, masking the reality.

The veins of venom run deep, insidious,
Corrupting institutions, poisoning minds,
Creating a world where the powerful grow more powerful,
And the weak are left to fend for themselves.

In the schools, children are taught to obey,
To conform, to fit into the mold,
Their creativity stifled, their curiosity dimmed,
They are prepared for a life of silent servitude.

The nexus of power is a beast with many heads,
Each one more dangerous than the last,
It feeds on fear, on ignorance, on apathy,
Growing stronger with each act of submission.

The enslaved souls are many, countless,
Their stories hidden, their voices silenced,
They work, they toil, they endure,
Their lives a testament to the human spirit.

Yet, within the darkness, a spark remains,
A whisper of resistance, a glimmer of hope,
For the human spirit, though battered, is unbreakable,
Its desire for freedom, for justice, undying.

In the hearts of the oppressed, a fire burns,
A desire for dignity, for equality,
Their voices, though muted, rise,
A chorus of defiance, a symphony of resilience.

The veins of venom can be purged,
Not by force alone, but by truth,
By shining a light into the darkest corners,
By speaking the words that have long been silenced.

In the stories of the enslaved, the oppressed,
We find the chronicles of resilience,
Tales of courage, of hope,
Of spirits unbroken, of dreams undimmed.

The empire of chains can be dismantled,
Not by force alone, but by unity,
By the collective will of those who dare,
To dream of a world free from the grip of corruption.

In the hearts of the oppressed, the seeds of revolution,
Nurtured by the desire for dignity, for justice,
Their voices rising in a symphony of defiance,
Against the nexus of power, the chains of oppression.

Each act of defiance, a link unraveled,
Each voice raised, a blow to the structure,
In solidarity, the oppressed find strength,
In truth, they find their weapon.

The empire of chains is vast, but not infinite,
Its reach extensive, but not absolute,
For the human spirit, relentless and fierce,
Will not rest until every chain is broken.

In the nexus of power, the fear of the oppressed,
A fear that one day, the chains will snap,
That the walls of the empire will crumble,
Under the weight of justice, of truth.

The chains that bind are forged in darkness,
But light exposes their flaws, their weaknesses,
Truth, once spoken, spreads like wildfire,
Igniting the hearts of the oppressed, the enslaved.

In the chronicles of corruption and power,
Lie lessons of history, warnings of the past,
That power, unchecked, corrupts absolutely,
That vigilance is the price of freedom.

The oppressed rise, not in anger alone,
But in the pursuit of justice,
Their march a symphony of resilience,
Their song a hymn of liberation.

In the face of tyranny, they stand tall,
In the face of corruption, they speak truth,
For in their hearts lies the dream,
Of a world where freedom reigns, where justice prevails.

The empire of chains may seem all-encompassing,
But its days are numbered,
For the human spirit, relentless and fierce,
Will not rest until every chain is broken.

In the chronicles of corruption and power,
New chapters are written every day,
By the hands of the brave, the just,
By those who dare to dream, to fight, to hope.

In the end, it is not the oppressors who are remembered,
But the oppressed, the resilient,
Those who, against all odds, rose to defy,
To reclaim their freedom, their dignity, their power.

And so, the empire of chains unravels,
Thread by thread, lie by lie,
Until one day, it is but a memory,
A chapter in the chronicles of a past we have overcome.

In the annals of history, let it be known,
That in the face of corruption and power,
The human spirit, undaunted, rose,
And in its rise, forged a world ane

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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