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By TestPublished 6 months ago โ€ข Updated 6 months ago โ€ข 2 min read
Dallee Canva cobbled

Mechanical heart pulses blood -


Too numbed to succumb.

Wings formed but never spread,

Feathers clipped long before birth,

The dawning skies always near.


The bask of the sun sardonic,


The wind cruel,

Carrying the eagle in eternal flight.

Watching in envious passivity,


Side-lined like,

A jungle tiger -


And off kilter - -

Out of balance.


Constrained by the tight leash.

Of fear.

Comfort in captivity.


Protected from,

A mind

Too contorted and -


To love.

And be loved.


For a Voices*In the Minor prompt from Mother Comb's 'The Untouchable'

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  2. Heartfelt and relatable

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