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Nature's Pearls

By Kamika PricePublished about a year ago 1 min read

Beautiful tulips bloom in vibrant array,

Soft petals painted in colors that sway.

Graceful green stems, reaching high,

Underneath the sunlit sky.

Orange, yellow, pink, and white,

A kaleidoscope of pure delight.

In our gardens, their beauty unfurls,

Tulips are nature's precious pearls.

In gardens of vibrant hue they stand,

Tulips, delicate and grand.

Petals painted in colors bold,

They are a sight to behold.

Their slender stems reach towards the sky,

As if to touch the clouds passing by.

Each blossom, a graceful work of art,

Unfolding with nature's tender heart.

Scarlet red like a burning flame,

Symbolizing love, a passion untamed.

Golden yellows, bright as the sun,

Radiating warmth, a new day has begun.

Pure white, a symbol of innocence and grace,

Soft petals that gently embrace.

Pink hues, gentle and sweet,

Whispering secrets, so discreet.

Tulips dance with the wind's embrace,

Swirling and twirling, with elegance and grace.

They bring joy, a burst of cheer,

A symphony of colors, so vibrant and clear.

In fields and gardens, they bloom and thrive,

A testament to nature's creative drive.

Tulips, a symbol of spring's embrace,

A reminder of beauty and life's endless grace.

So let us admire these flowers fair,

Their presence a gift beyond compare.

For in their presence, we find delight,

A burst of color, a moment so bright.

nature poetry

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KPWritten by Kamika Price

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