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Think it in all colors consistency

all colors consistency

By DarkosPublished 3 days ago Updated 3 days ago 1 min read
Ai created

Think it in all colors consistency and water transparency

think about all the minds and their heaviness as something

light and very pure less

think about all that is drawning You down as something that is

happening to make You reborn

Think about it twice and let it live and leave and be forever out

Think that now is now take a walk in the presence of the day

You are constantly changing the waves some can follow some can not

its not Your obligations to entirely be trapped in their unhealed turmoil

that stops You from life from love and from the joy

You are right to have time for Yourself and to rest

to enjoy the moment with some new strangers out there

its not your fault if others cant connect to Love of the day

entirely connecting on Your own with them and on their life level is not Your aim in life forever

You are free and You need to live healthy

You do put so much effort and work in it all

You can not be entirely stuck because of the charming boys and females


You can not help always

They alone need to change from the inside of themselves

There is no one to be blamed You have done so much and this effort doesnt pay Your Life but being added to the price of what You have been through and to the next life it's truth the good will be transferred like points like a score to the next future work and life of the next year and much more

You have recovered You have been recovering don't let them push You where They want to

it's not Your will to be the drill in someone's moody games

Take care of Your health body and brain

She wrote it all She practiced She healed and again She came back into the invisible healer phase ...sharing Her pure heart in everywhere out there...

social commentaryMental Healthlove poemsinspirational

About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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Comments (4)

  • Halima Beguma day ago

    nice words

  • Sasi Kala3 days ago

    lovely poem!

  • Sherif Saad3 days ago

    Nice Work

  • shanmuga priya3 days ago

    Beautiful words with powerful message. I enjoyed reading your poem.

DarkosWritten by Darkos

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