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The Devil's Food Cake

Poem About a Child, Worried by the Name!

By Karla Bowen HermanPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read
Is it the Devil's temptation?

Deviled Ham:

"Forgive Daddy for eating Deviled Ham; the one with Satan on the can."

Now I lay me down to sleep;

I’m nine years-old, in trouble deep.

Dear Lord, I’m trying to be good,

and do the things I know I should.

But, temptation always lays a trap;

before I know it, I’m in a scrap.

Since I was six, you know I’ve tried,

to always let your goodness guide.

Forgive Daddy for eating Deviled Ham;

the one with Satan on the can.

When he eats it with crackers, in front of T.V.,

he always offers some to me.

But Lord, you know I say: “No, thanks!"

I won't fall for that Devil’s prank!

Deviled Eggs:

"Even though everyone says they're yummy; Satan's not foolin' me—I am no dummy!"

Forgive Aunt May for the Deviled Eggs she makes;

when they’re brought to the table, I don’t partake.

Even though everyone says they're yummy;

Satan’s not foolin’ me—I am no dummy!

Lord, forgive Mama most of all;

if she keeps this up, I’m sure to fall.

For the second time lately, she’s made Devil’s Food Cake;

the thought of the taste is keeping me awake.

Now, I’ve resisted many things;

but this time, Satan’s really pulling my strings.

Have you seen how chocolatey it is?

Even Grandma said, “Would you look at this!”

And Grandpa said, “This frosting is to die for!

Better even than Grandma’s trifle."

Keeping the Devil at Bay:

"I'm the only one keeping the Devil at bay; while they eat his cake, like it's okay!"

Sister stuck her finger into the frosting;

they didn’t punish her, for the line she was crossing.

When right in front of me, was placed a slice;

it was hard to decline—I need your advice.

Sister asked if I was sick—could she have my piece?

Forgive me for punching her, dear Lord, please.

Daddy ordered me into my room;

his temper sounded like a sonic boom.

I could come out only to apologize;

so I did... But, there’s one thing they don’t realize.

I’m the only one keeping the Devil at bay;

while they eat his cake, like it’s okay!

It’s up to me to live the straight and narrow;

when all I want to do, is that cake to swallow.

The Lunchbox:

"Maybe if I give him my piece of cake, he'll even get a bellyache!"

Mama packed a slice into my lunch box;

oh he’s clever, that Devil—a real paradox.

I’ll be tempted again, tomorrow in school;

my mouth’s already starting to drool.

What shall I do at lunch when I see it there?

I know! I’ll offer it to share!

The Devil’s already got Jonathan Dean;

everyone knows it, because he’s so mean.

Maybe if I give him my piece of cake,

he’ll even get a bellyache!

Aww, forgive me Lord for that cruel thought;

it’s hard to do the things I ought.

Maybe I’ll give it to the Guidance Counselor…

Nah, he thinks I’m a nuisance, he’s particular.

The Nightmare:

"Oh Mama," I cried, "Our family is doomed! For in the kitchen, evil already looms!"

I must have dozed off; I dreamed about that cake…

The Devil was handing it to me on a plate.

I ran and ran, as fast as I could.

Oh, why is it so hard to do the things I should?

Mama heard me shouting, now she’s in my room;

it helps to smell her sweet perfume.

She asked, “Why were you dreaming about the Devil?

I don’t like it when you think about things that are evil.”

“Oh, Mama,” I cried, “Our family is doomed!

For in the kitchen, evil already looms!”

Mama looked concerned, and tried to inquire:

“Is there something in the kitchen that you desire?”

“Of course,” I said, “For heaven’s sake!

The Devil is tempting me with his own cake!”

My Secret’s Out:

"I promise you, it's not the Devil's cake; it's just a name, for goodness' sake."

Mama looked confused, but then began to laugh;

(I didn’t appreciate that, on my behalf.)

“Son, are you talking about the Devil’s Food Cake;

the one that you’ve refused to take?”

“Of course!” I was irritated, by now;

“Why give us the Devil’s food, anyhow?”

Mama hugged, “Oh my boy, you are a treasure;

only you could give me so much pleasure.”

“But, Mama,” I began to complain;

“First Deviled Ham, Deviled Eggs—now his cake? It’s a pain!”

“I’m sorry we’ve made you so uneasy,” Mama replied;

“And got you so tangled up inside.

I promise you, it’s not the Devil’s cake;

it’s just a name, for goodness' sake.”

Someone’s Lame Idea:

"So, let me make sure I've got this straight... It's just someone's lame idea to call it Devil's Food Cake?"

“But,” I asked, "‘It’s sinful’, didn’t I hear you say,

when you were trying to push your plate away?”

Mama hugged me again, and then she explained:

“It was from the calories, I was trying to refrain.”

She read to me Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 24;

then for the first time, I began to feel secure.

For it told how there’s nothing better for man than to eat;

it’s a gift from God—these yummy treats!

“So, let me make sure I’ve got this straight…

It’s just someone’s lame idea to call it Devil’s Food Cake?”

Mama giggled, “I can see how that could cause confusion;

and lead you to come to the wrong conclusion.

But, I promise—you can eat that cake with no worries;

Next time, come to me, to ask about such theories.”

Final Question:

"Just one more question, and then I'll rest... When I eat Angel Food Cake, am I not blessed?"

“Now, do you think you can go back to sleep?” Mama said,

as she tucked me in and stroked my head.

I said, “Just one more question, and then I’ll rest…

When I eat Angel Food Cake... am I not blessed?”


Food for Thought:

“There is nothing better for a person than to eat and drink and find enjoyment in his hard work. This too, I have realized, is from the hand of the true God.” (Ecclesiastes 2:24)

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Karla Bowen Herman

I've always wanted to be an author, ever since I was a little girl. Time has a way of flying by when you're raising a family. But, I've discovered you're never too old to start! May something I write someday, lift someone's heart.

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    Karla Bowen HermanWritten by Karla Bowen Herman

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