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Summer Fair

Summer Fair Frenzy

By zulfi buxPublished 3 months ago 1 min read

Daylight dribbled in brilliant coins,

Across the field, an interwoven unique blanket,

Where giggling holds tight upbeat moans,

Also, summer's heart with joy's spilt.

The air is thick with sugared fragrances,

Of treats floss and popcorn's crest,

Inflatables like dreams on fun loving vents,

Plunge, jump, and dance to youth's blast.

Merry go round horses in painted pride,

Skip with a whinny and a neigh,

As kids, with a confident step,

Connect for metal rings in their play.

Maypole strips, brilliant and strong,

Weave and wind in lively stream,

A story murmured, yet untold,

Of summer's enchantment, delicate and slow.

Nightfall creeps in, a delicate quiet,

Quieted murmurs, fireflies aglow,

The late spring fair, a brief smash,

A memory's glow to own us.


About the Creator

zulfi bux

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zulfi buxWritten by zulfi bux

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