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Strolling through the woods

What is going to happen in the woods?

By RoseinbloomPublished 4 years ago 15 min read
Strolling through the woods
Photo by Steven Kamenar on Unsplash

Strolling through the woods I look up, seeing the beauty in the trees around me. The sounds of nature ringing through my ears. Smells beautifully blowing through the gentle, loving, autumn, wind. Spinning around in a standing circle with arms wide open, and absorbing the fresh air. Feeling the sun filter through the tree tops, just beaming down with happy warmth. Closing my eyes, soaking in the rays of glowing sunshine, I sense someone or something watching me. I slowly lowered my head from looking up at the sun beam coming through the tree tops. Looking around me, there wasn’t anything different visually.. It was quieter than before. Ears started to ring so loud because of not having any sound or any wind. The scenes around me as I continued to walk, were like I was walking in a painting. I chuckled quietly to myself. I was walking in a living painting; God’s painting. Continuing on, only making sounds beneath my footsteps and moving branches to get through; when needed. There wasn’t any hurry. The feeling of being watched wasn’t a scary one, it was a curiosity one—I could tell. I know that sensation as well, as for being a curious one myself, too. I kept sensing it from a long distance away then it would get closer, closer at times, then gone for days. After the few days had past of not feeling watched, I ended up at the homestead I built by hand by the river. Grabbing my note book and pencil, climbed up a tree, and perched myself there. Writing as pleased, I felt the sensation again. Stopping what I was doing, I looked around to see who or what it was. Nothing unusual.. Then I heard a click. I shrugged it off thinking it was a branch braking off somewhere.. I hear more of the sound OF a tree branch creaking.. Listening intensely, still writing. This didn’t sound like just any animal was on it.. Or it was a heavy stupid bear. I stopped writing and put my pencil down in my notebook when I heard a thud. A groan that wasn’t animal like came from that direction too. Part of me wanted to find out who or what it was, part of me wanted to run and hide; not wanting to be found by anyone. To be free from human kind. Not told what to do or judged, just free as the birds in the trees. To do as I please without someone harking on my every move. I was like a deer; watching yet ready to run at any moment. The woods was silent. There was rustling in the direction I heard the branch break. The sound of something getting up from the ground and dusting itself off. I heard a voice, it shocked me to hear another voice out in these woods. Since there isn’t any trails or anything. It was a frustrated sad tone, smooth too. I couldn’t tell what they were saying but they were sad. Then I heard them walking away out of the woods. I could feel the sadness they gave off. I wondered, ‘Why they were sad?’ The woods is a calming place. Grabbing my notebook and heading back to the cabin to change. I got ready for a shower. Thinking of what happened today made me wonder what they were doing. Told myself not to worry about it. After the shower, I grabbed something to eat out of the stream next to the cabin. As I was hand grabbing fish, I felt this same presence again. The same as before. It was calm too. Not intruding, just observing, feeling like they were admiring. I went along doing what I needed to do, ignoring the sensation. Feeling the sensation leave as I ate my meal in the cabin.

The guy with the camera- I am just in awe of her raw beauty, talent, etc. Want to capture her in pictures to show you can have true beauty without stuff of the world. He wanted to know her story, not for his own benefit but out of curiosity. Ow, he remembered he had fell from the branch and hurt his back. Putting his hand on his back, then looking at his camera again. Broken from the fall. He sighed, “Will I ever get a good picture of her without breaking my camera in the process to actually have proof of it?” He adds it to the stash of broken cameras that has been needed for this “project” of his. He had saw her running through the forest as he was driving and thought he was seeing things. Beside her was a multicolored wolf animal. She was barefoot. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He has been looking for her and admiring her ever since. Yearning to get to know her and talk to her. As he was developing the photos he realized that it would probably be better that it he leave her alone, despite his desires to know her more. He didn’t want to destroy or morph that natural beauty’s mind with the kind of mind that he had. She deserves to be treasured from afar. So he decided that, that day. The woman in the woods, was curious as to who or what was following her for that period of time. She hadn’t felt that presence in a while. Getting curious, she kept looking up more as if to see if she could see where that feeling would be coming from. So used to that feeling; It had been a year of feeling it and still not knowing where it was coming from. He was sneaky enough to keep his distance. Not having that feeling was so weird to her now. It was as though not having her wolf beside her side when she needed. The woman didn’t want to go seeking for it, yet it drove her mind in a whirl that she couldn’t figure out. Frustrated, she sat by the river with her wolf and cried out her frustration. Not saying a word. Just crying. The wolf seemed to understand and was listening with intent of being on the watch. Then when she had paused to clear her eyes the wolf had gave her cuddles and kisses for as long as she would allow. It was getting dark, and they needed sleep. She normally caught supper and did her nightly routine.. The wolf saw her walk towards the cabin and shut the door. Wolf had looked at the river then the cabin and back and forth. Then without hesitation, Wolf had gotten a bag of good size fish- he knew how to use a bag. Bringing the bag to the cabin, Wolf nudged the door open with his head and paws. Seeing her in bed already, made him sad. He brought the bag of fish to her bedside, nudging her to get up. She rolled over saying, “ I smell –“ she cut off what she was going to say when she saw Wolf and the bag of fresh fish he caught, still flopping in the bag- just a little from what life was still left of them. She chuckled a little. You always know how to keep my spirits up, Wolf. Petting Wolf’s head and grabbing the bag as she got out of bed. Might as well get these clean and prepped for the taking. So as she worked with the fish, handing one for Wolf to eat, he didn’t touch it at first because he wanted to make sure I ate too. Shaking my head, you are so caring Wolf. Petting Wolf’s head again. Yet the fish she handed him still had life so he had fun watching the fish before eating it, I guess you could say play with his food before eating it. Haha, seeing this made her laugh. He knew it too. Poor fish, torcher for pleasure lol. Few times it smacked him in the face when he tried sniffing or taking a bite. Before he got more aggressive with it, the natural side of him. It was neat to see. It was like he was touched by her yet still had his natural instincts. She never tried to change him, he loved that about her. The woman loved him as he was, so he loved her as she was. A soft spot was developed in his rough personality. He was so sweet towards her. Towards anyone else he was using his natural instincts. She was a part of his pact, except she was the “Alpha”. Though she let him roam where ever he decided and whenever she called he would be right there for her. She started talking to Wolf what he thought about the being watched feeling, asking if he noticed it too, not just the usual nature watch. Wolf looked at her while she talked, his eyes told a story, saying a story. I looked into Wolf’s eyes. He was wondering if I was wondering about the stranger with the clicking sound. The one he has seen around but was unsure of if it was a danger or not. Didn’t feel like a sense of danger but still weary of it. I asked Wolf if he has seen anything.. Wolf, looked away suddenly in concern and worry. I said “Wolf, what have you seen?” pulling Wolf’s face towards hers. He kept his eyes closed not wanting to show her. She knew he was stubborn too, yet protective. A whimper came from him. I tightened his nozzle, show me or no I won’t let you in the cabin for a week to a month. A whining howl came out like please don’t do that to me.. Then show me Wolf. Wolf wasn’t happy because he didn’t want to lose her. He had tears in his eyes, I said to him don’t cry, he will always be by my side no matter what happens. I won’t leave him. I promised him on my life. He knew I never had went back on my word once I said them. So Wolf opened his eyes, still with sorrow and tears, showing her the man with the camera. All the times the man was in the forest was taking pictures of her or in her direction, taking pictures of nature, and of him. There was even an instance where he had gotten lost in the woods. Wolf- he had helped him get back to his truck, him thanking Wolf for doing that. Knowing he was a special wolf. There wasn’t another like him, telling him that, he said I won’t hurt you or bother you any more than need be. The man with the camera smiled and waved thanking the wolf as he got into the vehicle, driving away. Another time, was when Wolf saw him sitting and admiring the scenery. He recognized him, his scent, slowly approaching with caution. Hearing a relaxing sigh, Wolf’s ears went up and stopped for a second to examine the situation. Camera man, feeling the sense of being watched and out of the corner of his eye saw Wolf. The man chuckled softly under his breath. “Enjoying the scenery too, eh bud?” Still looking at the scenery in front of him while saying this. This relaxed Wolf. Walking closer sitting in his favorite spot that the man new was his favorite. Wolf then looked at the man curious, like ‘why are you here?’ The camera man took a quick picture and it startled wolf. Camera man apologized and started to put the camera away because it scared the animal away. But Wolf stayed even though was startled by the sudden openness of the sound and object of the mysterious objects. The Camera man told him he had put away his camera so he won’t be taking any more pictures while he was there. Showing Wolf his bare hands and his camera going into his camera bag along with zipping it up. He walked up to him sniffing him and the camera. Then was nudging the camera bag open, the man laughed asking- “so do you want me to put away my camera or not?” Wolf looking at him while he spoke, then nudging gently to his camera, howling softly enough for him to hear. Smiling the man opened his case, letting Wolf sniff through the whole thing. Explaining to him everything and how everything worked. Wolf was a great listener and listened not only with curiosity, with great intensity. Then after Wolf was done being curious about the mysterious machine, he went to have the man put it back in the case. So he could investigate this mysterious man that has so much interest in their lives. Especially why he was interested in the woman in the woods, his woman, Wolf thought. As he listened to the man talk about why he was in the woods and taking pictures, etc. Wolf had mixed feelings, the man had saw that in his eyes. The mixture of worry, sadness, happiness, curiosity. Camera man saw the tears in the wolf’s eyes. You could tell how much love the wolf had for her that he was scared for her, to get hurt, to lose her, and more be left without her- he has known her since he was a young pup. He lowered his head, sighing again, this time was different from the first Wolf had noticed. Wolf looked at him as to know he was going to say something to him next. Camera man kept his head low in deep thought. The sounds of nature surrounding them, time passing by. Wolf kept an eye on him to make sure he was okay. The man said you better get back to check up on her to make sure she is alright. He didn’t budge. A new emotion was felt by this man, he had felt before in his woman before, hurt. Letting him know he was there for the man, Wolf nudged his shoulder with his nose. Allowing him to hug the wolf. This gesture totally shocked the man. A wolf allowing a complete stranger to touch them out of nowhere. Even when the man kept not touching the wolf afraid of disrupting his natural behavior, the wolf scruffed at him to pet and hug him. A side smile appeared on the man’s face. Gentle was his touch, loving with each stroke. Smiling with his eyes it brightened the man’s spirits a bit. Wolf looked at him with gleaming eyes happy to brightening his hurting heart. Then the man kept trying to talk to the wolf saying what about you being in between knowing I’m here and her. She doesn’t know about me, you do and how is this going to work, bud? Or what should I call you? The wolf made a bark that sounded like wolf. So he said Wolf, it is. As happy as a dog ready to play, Wolf was eager and happy the man called him by his name. Showing the man he was comfortable with him. Which was rare for him. Do you think she would like me, Wolf? Or is it too early to ask you for permission? He went bright reddish-pink. Tackled on his back the man smothered with kisses and was laid on by Wolf. The man, just laughed does that mean yes? More kisses answered that answer for him to talk any more. Then Wolf heard his call. Delaying slightly enjoying these moments with his newly found friend, bitter-sweetly having to go. His eyes said “Till next time.” Leaving the man, excited for the next time they meet. More kisses before his last departure as the call continued. Once the stories of the camera man were done, the wolf lowered its head laying down with paws over its eyes. Her eyes were bitter-sweetly filled with tears for Wolf. Laying down beside him with the tears strolling down her face. A lot to absorb all at once for her. But to find a friend besides her for Wolf made her happy. There was a part Wolf was hiding from her, the part that the man likes her and admires her. She could tell as she was holding him there was something else. She prayed about it. They were about to get into their sleeping places, she asked Wolf if that was all he knew about what the camera man said to him. At first not looking at him directly in the eyes, then turned over and staring him down in the pupils (tried too. – He had a hard time of lying.) He wouldn’t look at me.. I said, “Wolf..” in a stern tone. He quickly looked up at me then looked away. I said if you are hiding any information you know it’s going to be more than just not going to be getting kicked out of the cabin right? His head lowered and shoulders tensed at the thought of what could happen, so he slowly walked over to the bed and jumped up next to her. Hiding underneath the covers shaking like he was about to die any second. I lift up the covers to see him. He looked at me with sad eyes, crying and afraid of what I was going to do. I picked him up to me hugging him and said is it so bad that you would rather die than tell me? HE howled his lungs out and more. I had stared at the end of the bed while the howling continued on and on. If it means for my safety and you staying alive and happy. Okay. Promise me you will stay connected with this camera guy to have as another friend of yours. You don’t just need me around all the time, I’m glad you made a friend. Wolf didn’t know how to handle the fact of if the man came out and lived with them or what would happen. So finally when Wolf stopped howling, the instant ringing in her ears started from loud howling near her ears to almost complete silence. Getting a drink, more calm than he was before but still on edge, wondering how this was going to all turn out. Back into bed, snuggled by her side for the night because of all that happened for the day, they needed extra cuddles. Running through her mind that night not allowing her to sleep much was camera man and the stories Wolf had showed her that day. Absorbing all the information she could at the time, she dosed off to sleep at the thought of him and Wolf sitting side by side watching the scenery in Wolf’s favorite spot. She could still feel Wolf slightly shaking in fear in his sleep, trembling, whimpering. She turned over to hug him and whispered in his ear saying you don’t have to worry about the camera man, Wolf. I don’t love him or even know him, let him be a stranger to me. No one can replace you, Wolf. No one. I love you, my wolfy-woo. I will never leave your side, just like you have never left mine. That’s how it will always will be. Wolf stopped shaking and trembling. The whimpering still continued. She said if you want to keep seeing him is your choice, I’m not stopping you. It won’t hurt me if you do keep seeing him, if he comes this way again. Still there was something else he wasn’t telling her.. She sat up and grabbed him, now holding the crying wolf as a mom would carry a crying baby. Crying louder, she sat quiet till he calmed down. He buried into her for cuddles. The woman looked at the cried-eyes-out wolf who looked like any second it would do it again. Then she heard a voice said “He isn’t coming back, in respect of both of you.” She then felt a warm sensation in her heart, which caused Wolf to settle down because he knew now she knew what he was withholding from her. The woman realized the wolf loved the man almost as much as she. Seeing the hurt in his eyes made her hurt worse than anything. She started crying. Wolf opened his eyes and licked her tears. Looking into his gorgeous, stunning eyes with tears, she said I would rather have you happy than crying every night and day, don’t do this just because of me. Wolf kept staring at her saying, you mean more to me more than him. I will get over the pain, this is one of the many sacrifices to keep you safe and happy. If he does come around, yes he will let her know and tell her everything etc. And Wolf placed his head against her heart. She hugged him back. Then laying back down and covering up, before even finishing saying “Let’s go to bed shall we?” Wolf was snuggled right up to her as close as he could and sleeping. Chuckling she whispered “Good night, Wolf.” “Good night, camera man, where ever you are. Stay safe.” After she was done with her prayers she closed her eyes slept the through the peaceful night.

nature poetry

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You never know who your going to impact, give a smile or a wave today. :) <3

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    RoseinbloomWritten by Roseinbloom

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