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Pawprints For Devotion

Verses for My Canine Crew

By DaphsamPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 1 min read
Duke, Sadie, Tiger and Lady- Author's Photo

When my eyes met yours,

A tide wave of love,

And happiness by the scores,

Warms my beating heart from just your hug.


Loyal and devoted,

My shadowy followers,

Your faithfulness is noted,

Although, when needs not met do tend to become wallowers.


One touch of your fur,

Feels like silk beneath my hands,

Causes a heady stir,

When I am seeking comfort it is always in my plans.


To hear your bark,

Is music for my heart,

Even if it’s to tell me “Let’s go to the park!”

My furry babies are just so smart.


Gazing into your soulful eyes,

Sweepings me into your soul,

For your devotion is quite the prize.

And makes me feel so whole.


To the end of the earth,

I would go for you.

Though not there at your birth,

I am here for you now and all your boo-boos.


For you have licked mine away,

When my tears needed more than a tissue,

Your little pink tongue kept my tears at bay,

When my spirit was very blue.


My furry friends always a comfort,

The guardian angels,

Who never liked when I am discomfort,

To cast a blanket of love over my troubles like archangels.


With poop discovered on the rug,

To chewed up bills on the floor,

With a cute face looking a little smug,

I will happily take care of this naughty chore.


When pain strikes it’s ugly head,

No pain pill does the trick,

As well as having cuddles with you on the bed,

And watching the latest chick flick.


Thank you to my furry group,

Sadie, Lady, Tiger, Duke,

You are the best troop,

To watch my back when I get spooked.

love poemsinspirational

About the Creator


Loving Wife, Mom, Dog Mom- A Dyslexic dreamer who never thought I could read or write. But life changed, and I conquered my fears. I am an artist, photographer, wordsmith and illustrator. Looking to weave stories and poems with my artwork.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (4)

  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock5 months ago

    Beautiful, heartfelt, heartwarming, wonderful little poem. And what adorable little beasts.

  • Jay Kantor8 months ago

    Dear Daphne - I'm so flattered that you've discovered my little (3) minute 'Schticks' ~ As I scroll through your gorgeous and such eclectic writings *I've subscribed to you with pleasure. So sorry I haven't seen your work 'till now. I'm just a retired highly scrutinized legal writer morphed into a self described 'Goof-Writer' nothing more. Not into contest or self promotion but, after reading this lovely 'Original' story - come-on how cute are they - if you have a moment please see 'This is Dude'. Ok, I'm stalling: May I share something with you? My wife was dyslexic - "Last Valentine'' - and we would rhythmically go through chants every night with rhymes such as a "I Think I can I think I can" studying for her R.N. Exam: She passed the very 1st time - It was about her self-confidence. - With my Respect - Jay Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California 'Senior' Vocal Author - Vocal Village Community -

  • Test8 months ago

    Top-notch effort! Keep the extraordinary work 😘🤦‍♂️💖👍

  • Mother Combs8 months ago


DaphsamWritten by Daphsam

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