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Find and hold onto whatever it is that inspires you. Let it guide you.

By Shannan Cimino StewartPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

I saw a bird, flying high above the clouds

It was free as could be

Singing as it made its way

I watched admiringly as it soon perched its self on a nearby tree

I assumed it needed to rest

As it rested I continued to watch

Something about this bird peeked my interests

It is not as if it was the first of its kind I've seen

It was a common sparrow

Yet, I was fascinated by it

A few minutes went by and it took flight once more

As I watched I wondered where it was headed

Was it looking for food?

Was it looking for a home maybe?

Was she off to tend to her young?

I suppose I will never know

The mystery of it was most thrilling

A thought then came to me

I too wanted to be free as that bird

I wanted for people to see me and wonder where I have been, where I was heading

For people to create their own stories of what they saw in me

For me to surprise them with my every move

That is what I want

That is the goal

To seek new things

To be in constant flight

To discover and fulfill my dreams

To build a future

It may seem odd that a bird is what inspired me

Though inspiration can be found in anything

Watching the waves of the ocean

Star gazing during the night

Listening to a song

Watching a child take his or her's first step

It is all around you

You just need to look and listen

Be patient and the right things will come along

Do not wait too long though

For moments pass in an instant

This moment is the only one promised

Who knows how long it will last

So do not waste it

Do not allow your doubts to take you over

Face your fears

Take those first steps

Move now

Be inspired

You will be surprised as to how far you can go

The things you can accomplish are endless

You have to do more than want it

Once you have found your motive, act on it

Find the courage and strength that will get you there

Be brave

Seek new beginnings

Take that vacation you have been wanting

Talk to that person you have hesitated to approach

You may be surprised of the outcome

Do not dwell on the past

Do not let the mistakes you have made hold you back

Strive and never give up

Be fearless

Fierce when needed

Be the best you, you can be

Do not forget or abandon what has and does motivate you

Stay focused

Do not lose yourself in the madness

Look to positive influences

May it be a friend or family member

A song or poem

A walk on the beach or through the park

Find time for yourself

Breath and relax

If you find you have fallen

Get back up and try again

Start over if you have to

Take a break from what you were doing and center yourself

It is your life

Do it your way

Change paths if need be

Try not to stress

Enjoy life

Always be inspired

Inspire others with your journey

Lend a helping hand

Be kind for you never know who needs it most

Be a leader

Stray away from the crowd

Make unforgettable memories

Experience and learn the most you can

There are no limits

Keep reaching

Nothing can hold you back

Not if you don't allow it

Shield yourself but, do not build your walls too high

Leave room for the good to come in

Let it in

Accept help when you need it

Most importantly

Stay inspired


About the Creator

Shannan Cimino Stewart

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    Shannan Cimino StewartWritten by Shannan Cimino Stewart

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