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The Pure Joy and Wonder of Youth.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 4 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In the dawn of our days,
when the world is a canvas,
unpainted and pure,
we wander through the fields
of innocence unfettered,
where every moment is a discovery,
and every discovery, a wonder.

The days stretch long,
bathed in the golden light of possibility,
where dreams are woven
from the threads of imagination,
and the horizon is a boundary
yet to be challenged.

We run through meadows,
our laughter ringing like bells,
a chorus of unbridled joy,
our feet light, as if the earth
could not hold us,
and perhaps, it cannot.

In the eyes of a child,
there is a spark,
a gleam of curiosity,
a hunger for the new,
a thirst for the unknown,
and in that gaze, the world
is endlessly fascinating.

The trees are not just trees,
but giants to be climbed,
their branches, arms
reaching out to the sky,
inviting us to rise above
the ordinary, to see
from a height that makes
everything seem possible.

The rivers are not just rivers,
but paths to adventure,
their currents whispering
secrets of lands far away,
promising tales of heroes
and treasures,
and we follow them,
hearts open, eyes wide.

In the gardens of our childhood,
flowers bloom in a riot of color,
each petal a page
in the story of life,
each scent a memory
etched deep within our souls,
each bloom a symbol
of the beauty that surrounds us.

The nights are not just nights,
but realms of mystery,
where the stars are guides,
and the moon, a sentinel,
watching over our dreams,
casting its silver light
on our sleeping forms,
wrapping us in a cocoon
of safety and wonder.

In our games and play,
we find the essence of freedom,
a freedom untainted by fear,
unbound by the chains
of expectation,
where we can be anything,
do anything,
where our spirits soar

We build castles in the sand,
fortresses of our imagination,
where we reign as kings and queens,
our subjects, the loyal waves
that crash upon the shore,
our kingdom, the vast expanse
of the beach, stretching
as far as the eye can see.

We chase butterflies,
their wings a blur of color,
flitting from flower to flower,
a dance of grace and beauty,
and in their flight, we see
the possibility of transformation,
the promise of change.

The world of childhood
is a symphony of sensations,
each note a different experience,
each chord a different emotion,
and we are the composers,
creating melodies of joy,
harmonies of hope,
symphonies of wonder.

In the friendships we forge,
we find companions
for our journey,
kindred spirits who share
our love for the unexplored,
who understand the language
of our hearts,
who laugh with us,
dream with us,
stand by us.

Together, we face the dragons
of our fears,
armed with nothing but
our courage and our trust,
knowing that in each other,
we find the strength
to conquer anything.

In the stories we are told,
we find the seeds of wisdom,
lessons wrapped in the cloak
of fantasy and myth,
and as we grow,
these stories become
the bedrock of our beliefs,
the foundation of our values.

The whispers of our parents,
the guidance of our elders,
the traditions handed down,
all become part of the tapestry
of our being,
each thread a testament
to the love that nurtured us,
the care that shaped us.

In the classrooms of our youth,
we are given the tools
to unlock the mysteries
of the world,
the keys to doors
that open onto vistas
of knowledge and understanding,
and we grasp them
with eager hands,
ready to explore.

But beyond the walls
of structured learning,
there is a world
that teaches us in ways
no book can,
a world that speaks to us
in the language of experience,
that teaches us the value
of play, the importance
of curiosity, the joy
of discovery.

In the embrace of nature,
we find our place
in the grand scheme of things,
we learn the cycles
of life and death,
the rhythms of the seasons,
the interconnectedness
of all living things.

We learn to marvel
at the intricacy of a spider's web,
to appreciate the beauty
of a sunset, to find joy
in the song of a bird,
to respect the power
of a storm.

In the innocence of childhood,
there is a purity,
a clarity of vision,
a simplicity of thought,
that sees the world
not as it is, but as it could be,
a place of endless wonder,
boundless possibility,
unfettered by the limitations
of reality.

We believe in magic,
in the power of dreams,
in the goodness of people,
in the beauty of life,
and in this belief,
we find the strength
to face the future,
to walk our path
with hope and joy.

In the laughter of a child,
there is a music
that transcends time,
a melody that reminds us
of our own childhood,
of the innocence we once knew,
of the dreams we once had.

And as we grow,
we carry with us
the echoes of that laughter,
the memories of that time,
the lessons of that innocence,
and in those memories,
we find the foundation
for our lives.

For in the end,
it is the ties of childhood,
the bonds of innocence,
the lessons of those early years,
that shape us,
that guide us,
that remind us of the beauty
of innocence unfettered.


This poem celebrates the beauty and purity of childhood, highlighting the freedom, joy, and wonder experienced during those formative years, and how they shape our lives and perspectives.

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childrens poetry

About the Creator

Johnpaul Okwudili


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Comments (1)

  • shanmuga priya4 days ago

    Wonderful poem !

Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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