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Best poem of all time

Best poem

By Peculiar BeautyPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

In a yellow wood, the roads diverged, and I, one traveler, stood facing a dilemma. Unable to travel both paths, I contemplated the choices before me. One stretched enticingly, fair and grassy, claiming the better claim, while the other, worn equally by passing feet, lay in leaves untouched by steps.

Morning sunlight bathed both roads, presenting a decision between the familiar and the unexplored. With a sigh, I took the one less traveled, a choice that, somewhere ages and ages hence, would make all the difference.

Moving beyond the woods, the verses transition to the image of a colossal woman, a symbol of freedom standing at sea-washed gates. She holds a torch, the flame of imprisoned lightning, welcoming those in search of liberty. The call echoes: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Next, a traveler recounts encountering a ruined statue in the desert, a testament to the fleeting nature of power and grandeur. Ozymandias, once a mighty king, now reduced to a shattered visage in the lone and level sands, a stark contrast to the sculptor's intention.

The poem shifts to a plea from a poet to the Grecian urn, an immortal piece of art that captures scenes frozen in time. The urn, a silent storyteller, reveals tales more sweetly than any rhyme. The poet marvels at the scenes depicted, wondering about the deities, maidens, and pursuits frozen in the artwork.

The verses continue with a celebration of perpetual happiness and love, where nature, spring, and melody join in an eternal dance. The mention of pastoral scenes and rituals conveys a sense of timelessness, a moment frozen in joyous ecstasy.

The following lines introduce "Endymion," a reflection on the transient nature of life and the pursuit of beauty. The poet encourages readers to embrace the living present, make their lives sublime, and leave footprints on the sands of time.

The journey concludes with an encounter with a majestic tiger, burning bright in the night's forest. The poet marvels at the fearful symmetry and wonders about the immortal hand or eye that created such a creature.

The subsequent passage delves into a sonnet addressing the challenges posed by blindness and the poet's resolve to serve God. Despite physical limitations, the poet contends that they can still serve through patience and inner strength.

Moving on to "The Psalms," the verses explore the somber reality of life, emphasizing its brevity and the inevitability of death. Life is portrayed as a battle, a bivouac, where individuals are urged to be heroes, leaving footprints for others to follow.

The anthology concludes with the poet's musings on the beauty of nature, as a host of golden daffodils dances beside a lake. This blissful scene becomes a source of solace during moments of introspection.

In essence, this compilation weaves through various landscapes, emotions, and reflections, capturing the essence of human experience and the timeless beauty found in nature, art, and the pursuit of meaning. Each piece invites contemplation and resonates with the universal themes of life, mortality, and the enduring impact of choices made.

This poetic journey traverses diverse landscapes, emotions, and themes, beginning with a traveler at a crossroads in a yellow wood. Choosing the less-traveled path, the traveler reflects on the profound impact of such choices. The verses then shift to iconic symbols—the Statue of Liberty, the ruins of Ozymandias, and a Grecian urn—each encapsulating timeless narratives of freedom, transience, and eternal beauty.

The poet explores themes of happiness, love, and perpetual youth, celebrating the joyous dance of nature and the enduring pursuit of beauty. Transitioning to profound reflections on life's brevity and the heroic call to action, the anthology embraces the idea of leaving lasting footprints on the sands of time.

The journey concludes with an encounter with a majestic tiger, symbolizing the awe-inspiring facets of creation. The subsequent exploration of blindness and service to God adds a poignant touch, while the verses from "The Psalms" delve into life's fleeting nature and the call to be heroes in the ongoing battle.

Finally, the anthology finds solace in the simplicity of nature, as golden daffodils dance by a lakeside, providing a source of bliss and reflection. Overall, this compilation invites contemplation on the universal themes of choice, mortality, and the enduring impact of human experiences.

Mental Healthlove poemsElegy

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 4 months ago

    Fantastic’! Very well written!

PBWritten by Peculiar Beauty

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