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My pet Kai

Kai my kitty

By DarkosPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 10 min read

I saw Kai at night on a tree screaming and singing in fear. I actually first heard her from my room and run downstairs to our garden. There she was hugging the tree in a funny way. I didnt know how to help her so I just said you can do it dont be afraid, and after some time she finally went down. Since that moment She wanted to hug and cuddle looking for a shelter.

I was actually looking for a pet so that was like a miracle for me. To find her on a tree that winter day. I took her to the vet the next day, and it occurred She is already 7 months old to my surprise. I knew it maybe difficult to teach her anything right now but I already started to heal her and comfort her in the house so I believed all is possible.

Beginnings were both funny and at times tragic as vet adviced I kept her inside without a freedom to go out. However very soon I have noticed It makes her not free, and not happy so much so step by step I started to take her out. It was more than difficult because she was getting wild and agressive. I felt as If I am the slave of her for a while. She was taking 99% of my life suddenly not actually giving me much cuddle or love just behaving very spoilt, and started to make me scratches in the overloading amount that I couldnt handle anymore as of pain. I still laughed because she was giving me so many reasons to be happy still.

I started to do more meditations with her, and all the sound healing and healing session I thought may help as I was alone also healing myself, and after some months I have finally got her as my friend in a more natural way. I decided to give her freedom, and let her be outside as much as she needs to, and let her in when she needs rest or cuddle and eat. Trust was the way.


Sometimes she stays all day long if we are alone at home. During night she prefers to go wild outside. She is my huge joy for each moment, and whenever I got pains, she is there to come and helps me to relax and we do meditation together. We started to have such a natural connection that I tend to go out with her as If I was walking a dog but its Kai instead. Ha ! I just love the way she behaves towards me when I go for a practice, she follows me wait like my guard, and we go back home together . I can just simply go out with her to the playground and she will enjoy it.

Recently she even started to follow me, when I go for shopping so its more fun for me, and her but we need to watch out while she waits outside. She actually sometimes stays and wait for me and if she feels insecure she goes back home as It's very near. I love the fact that we can both trust each other. It took lots of months and emotional healing work for such connection but really worth it. I never ever could imagine that I will have a cat with such incredible connection, and walk with her free as if with a dog even more free I guess. Sometimes she really thinks she is a dog and whenever we come back from evening walk she may come to a small dog and ssss to him which is so weird for me both funny and scarry luckily the dogs are not doing to her anything, She already has so many cat friends around sometimes they all come and play in our garden so I guess she is very happy to live with me. I often take her to another space where she can run wild even more free like it is area of blueberry field near the forest.



At times she even stays there overnight which gives me a bit of a stress or worry but always seeing her the next morning, and then she goes to transporter more happy to go back home again. She also has lots of challenges too to struggle with like the cat that I have in garden. They really do not like each other that much. They do fight for food, and for male cats. So I keep them separately. The weird thing is at night sometimes they both walk me to the playground, and during that moment they keep distance between each other, and dont ssss just Kai always really follows me another called Grizzli stays somewhere on the way. I really love them both. Grizzli often takes care of others mother babies. So from some months she was storing the food in the corner in the garden and calling out a young cat mother with a small baby. She is a very wise cat and I gather most of the wisdom from her about the solution to things that are just pretty difficult to be solved alone. Grizzli was also found in our garden while being very small , she was also the second cat at that time as we were having another black one that left. Grizzli never felt the need to integrate closely with a human it took me months, years for her to touch her I think if not Kai she would still keep on running. Kai is more playful, and tricky a bit more spoilt as she was easy to be at home learnt fast. Grizzli is older, and she never wanted to be inside the house until I found Kai. It is very educational for me to observe the behaviour of cats in general, and actually recall human behaviour in them as well.


We can learn so much more from the way they behave. In past Grizzli always had many babies but since this year we dont know what has happened. It was very joyful and funny to observe many different personalities in her babies behaviour and character of her babies. Most of them loved to eat, and play in garden and sleep with meditations but I could not keep them at home they were like Grizzli nice and good but in the need to be more wild and free totally. Grizzli was always crazy for food and I have played with her a lot in the past. Now I have two crazy cats that haunt for food. Grizzli sometimes catch a bird or mouse which I do not like it to see but that is the part of her life nature. Kai can catch butterfly or fly instead hahah ! that is all she can haunt for hahaha ! which I pretty prefer. Sometimes I try to save the life of butterflies she brings me.

Kai is super funny cat, she always does something that makes you laugh even if things in your life may not be so great. When Grizzli was very small she also made us laugh so much just with her eye look or the way she was grrrrr for food being extremly tiny so we called her Grizzli as of that

hahah !.



Grizzli and friend of her and Kai, Czesio

There are also some other struggle with Kai the home cat for example when I study or work she doesnt like if I give so much attention to other things than her so It is often challenging. The first months was difficult for me as of it as I was signed to many courses with approaching deadlines and at the same time had her accomodating at home. Luckily at the moment she can go out and play outside with others so it is no longer a problem. Even she sleeps now while I do the work silently so things are shifting to better phases. It happens that she often encourages me to first play sound as I get the chance to do it, she shows me the korg and tap on it. Later when I play for real she likes but if I get involved too long, she gives voices and literally get mad and do all for me to stop the process which is both hilarious and annoying ! Ha !

Another time she just lay down near me, and I can work for hours on something. I see lots of similarities in human and cat behaviour. They actually teach me how to cope with one another. I wish all such a great friend to have in life. Maybe it is lot's of work daily at the start but łater on it becomes a natural way of life and it's flow.


With time Kai is much more comfortable and very nice, she is the only "person' hahaha that can brings me joy if everything else seems just not right. Her way of being and playing gives me the space in life to pause for a moment and cherish the being in the very of the now. I even noticed that we are better together than when we are separated as sometimes I need to go to another city for somedays I really miss her terribly and when I am coming back, it takes days again to reconnect as close as we were but when we do it's a fun, relax and play. I just let her to be free as she is with her nature flow, and the same I start to gain with myself while we are both alone at home.

I love the fact that I can easily walk her too like most of the dogs hahah which is pretty funny for me, and sometimes challenging for the environment but we are usually lucky to just go out to be free especially at night.

I really can't describe how this friendship and connection progress and changes but It feels very deep and natural. If she want to go out I just let her the door open but she mostly play little during a day, she prefers to be with me because she knows in some time I may leave again.

We both need somehow treat it freely. However I get attach to her strongly and I like to know where she sleeps or where she is.

At the beginning I really had so much stress about it all, at the moment it is just all right a natural flow of connection and trust. She teaches me more easily where to let go where to pause because I really tend to work too much during a day, and at night.

I can't imagine how I could handle all before without having her she is mostly the space where I also learned how to give more for myself even if she is mostly on the first place. Now we are on the same track, I tend to first follow my obligations and needs, and until all that I do not even let her to enter my day and she is pretty fine because she is actually sleeping longer after all the playful night. So we are very synchronized for now she is also more open for me to have time to work on things and she is just in peace not carrying for so much attention as before which at times was very difficult to handle.

She still gets jealous of people and connection I do have but I already know it from human behaviour and thanks to her I learn to ignore it, it took me years actually again to come back to myself and cat can help you with it by learning you how to relax, be more playful and silly while you are completely serious and it is just too much going on.

Since day one she makes me laugh just as she is I know it is a lot from me into that relation and that she is not totally the ' very nice ' but I guess, If you love your cat freely and give freedom you get something that can not be described into words trust and love in a free way.

Cats are not just cats they are teaching you how to behave and how to handle the hard day, how to forget and go on. They are much more than just pets, they feel instantly when things are too strong, they instantly jump on you and massage you especially in the place of tension from painful experiences, mental and physical suffering.

Even if they were acting the most silly an hour ago, they will never loose the ability to help another. They accept you but they teach you how to unlearn the bad, how to let go the not important. They really give you a better connection something new to discover between human and animal that often feels more human than human can really develop.

For an empath cat is just everything I do not feel like she is a cat or so for me Kai is just another soul in my life to coexist with to help each other be free, be good, comforted safe and relaxed. She really reminds me about the normality of the life and simplicity of it all. She is my light for the soul.

We are very alike in a way that we both need to be free in every possible way otherwise we can not function we can not help. She also get tired so much from too many people, cats and their energy. She also let me to keep the energy in the light state. I know that so many healing I did just works this way and thanks to it I can better communicate with her.

She does very crazy things, the way she plays its just too funny, always differently, always different things and toys. She actually prefers insects and all that is small. Every button if you have on shirt she will try to play and bite even if its just thin line like thread she will need to scratch it.

She need mostly sleep alone if she goes for my bed or sofa before me I cant sit there she needs space. I act the same with human but not with her hahah.

She later will come to me anyway. She likes to check what I do and come from time to time to remind I am here. She is a great company to be with.

I am really happy to meet her and experience the connection we do have and unconditional love for each other.

Kai the roller and birds

Ciao !

Thank You so Much for Your Tips & Likes much Love and Big Heart to Your side ! 


About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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    DarkosWritten by Darkos

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