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Me and My Boos

Halloween is for the Dogs

By Dana StewartPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read
Louie as Thor, Bosley as Ironman in action, saving the backyard

It was the summer of 2006 when I first laid eyes on him. He was waiting, along with his sister to be chosen. Born in a litter of eight, these were the last two puppies available. When the lady mentioned that I had flashbacks to elementary school gym class. And being picked last for dodgeball. It always felt bad to be picked last, like you weren’t wanted, not good enough. I looked at each of the two puppies. Both were adorable, their dark eyes were wide as they sat side by side, comforting each other. They were two months old and ready to find their forever home. They were contained in a laundry basket, which was a good way to corral a puppy. I had to decide if I wanted to get the boy or the girl, I don’t remember having a preference. I just wanted a dog, a fluffy lap dog. A Bichon Frise.

When the lady tipped the basket ever so slightly to release them, the two remaining puppies reacted quite different. The female puppy scurried away, her feet swiping the ground so fast underneath her that she slid away like a cartoon character. The male puppy jumped out of the basket and eyed me. He kept his distance at first. It was as though he was deciding if he wanted me. Liberated from his confines he stood there, all three pounds of him, and watched me. I remember laughing as I knelt down to make eye contact on his level. He simply sat down, unconvinced, unsure what to do.

It was as though he knew this was it. He had a choice to make too.

‘He’s the runt of the litter,’ the lady said. I offered my outstretched hand and smiled. I let him take his time, go at his own pace. I sat on the floor and smiled. ‘I don’t mind that,’ I said.

And just like that, he launched himself towards me, swatting his paws and wagging his tail. I picked him up and cradled him to my chest as he licked my face with his precious puppy kisses.

‘This is the one,’ I said holding him tight.

I knew then that we chose each other.

Later I’d find out that the Chinese calendar said that 2006 was the Year of the Dog.

And let me tell you, it was.

My mom chose the name Louie. He was her favorite dancer on Dancing with the Stars.

The name suited him perfectly. Energetic and curious, Louie became the light of my life. The house wasn’t quiet anymore. He was always so happy to see me. We were, as they say, thick as thieves. Louie became my best friend. He always had love to offer, was always forgiving of my mistakes. And let me tell you, I made plenty of mistakes. I hadn’t ever had an inside dog before, so he had to train me. T hat takes time. And patience.

But he did more than love me. Louie saved me. In many ways. He gave me unconditional love. Louie was my heart dog, the one that you have a connection with, a bond that you cherish. Forever. I knew it then.

I blinked and it was autumn. The temperatures were crisp, and the sunsets were magical. Golden leaves dotted the ground in the backyard. Louie used to chase the blowing leaves across the grass. Halloween was approaching. I decided Louie needed to dress up. His first Halloween must be celebrated. A dog in a costume! What an incredulous notion. My friends laughed at the idea. But I knew it’d be fun.

Since he had healing superpowers, it was a natural choice for him to wear a cape. A Superman cape. Because he was my favorite superhero.

Louie in 2006

That’s how the dogs in costume Halloween celebrations began at my house. It became a fun tradition to dress him up every year. First, I had to decide what he could be – so many options! When I’d put his costume on, he’d cooperate. Wear it around the house, getting used to it. Seeing him in costume brought me joy. Absolute joy. Since I have no children, dressing the dog up gave me a part of Halloween that wasn’t just about me.

It didn't take me long to realize that this was a thing. Lots of people buy their dogs a Halloween costume. And Louie absolutely loved it! He always got a lot of attention no matter where we went, but he really strutted his stuff when he wore a costume! He embraced the concept with vigor. He was always a good sport, about the costume, about everything.

Louie as a punk rocker at PetSmart's Howl-O-Ween with Aunt Aggie 2007

Halloween was the holiday I looked forward to every year!

Tuxedo and Top Hat Louie and me Halloween 2008

In 2009 a friend of mine had a litter of Bichon puppies. She suggested I bring Louie over to play with them. How fun! Sure, we want to see the puppies! I mean, who doesn’t want to play with a puppy. Louie was game. Unsuspecting, I fell for the ruse. Louie met a puppy that he bonded with instantly. I thought, well, how hard can having two dogs really be? He needed a playmate, right? The little guy was a sweetheart, so of course I brought him home. When the new guy came in the house, it was as though he had been there before. He walked right into his bed, adjusted the blanket to his liking, then led us over to the door to go potty in the backyard. We named him Bosley, after the Charlie’s Angels character since he managed us so well.

For Halloween that year, the pair went as a 1950s couple. Bosley wore a homemade poodle skirt. He wasn't real happy about it. The joke was that he wanted to wear the leather jacket, not the skirt.

50's couple 2009 Bosley (in poodle skirt) and Louie in leather jacket (me and my Aunt Aggie)

2010 was a rough year. I dressed the boys as Dino and Fred Flintstone. This is the only picture I have for that year.

Dino and Fred Flintstone 2010

I learned from my mistake. For 2011 I was determined to have fantastic photos. I live in Alabama where football is a lifeforce. This year the boys went as Aubie and Big Al, mascots of the University of Alabama and Auburn University. Roll Tide or War Eagle, we had it covered. Incidentally, one of my favorite costumes ever.

Bosley as Big Al and Louie as Aubie in 2011

The 2012 costume was my mom's idea. Elvis, young and old. We listened to his song 'Ain't Nothing but a Hound Dog' during the photo shoot.

Bosley as young Elvis, Louie as old Elvis 2012

In 2013 Bosley was obsessed with a duck squeaky toy. He couldn't sleep without it. He carried it everywhere! So that year we incorporated his obsession and paid homage to Duck Dynasty. Photo op in their pet stroller. Look how happy Bosley is!

Duck Dynasty 2013

The next year we went with a simple classic from Sesame Street.

Bosley as Bert, Louie as Ernie 2014

In 2015 Louie tore his ACL and had to have surgery. I incorporated the event into that year's costume, since he was still recovering. Louie was Gingy and Bosley was Shrek. Remember in the movie the evil Lord Farquaad tortured Gingy and broke Gingy’s leg off while interrogating him.

Bosley as Shrek and Louie as Gingy 2015

2016's costume won the internet. Seriously, this was a huge hit! I love both of their expressions. Method actors for sure.

Louie as Mickey Mouse and Bosley as Donald Duck 2016

For 2017, we took a scary turn.

Louie as Frankenstein and Bosley as Count Dracula 2017

For 2018, superheroes ruled the holiday.

Louie as Thor and Bosley as Ironman 2018

Bosley even confessed to being Tony Stark...

Bosley as Tony Stark 2018

In 2019, I loved the costumes to infinity with a Toy Story theme.

Louie as Woody and Bosley as Buzz Lightyear 2019

2020 was the hardest year. Louie had cluster seizures that June. We were managing with antiseizure medicines. This year the costumes were my favorite duo ever, R2D2 and C3P0 from my favorite movie ever, Star Wars.

Louie as R2D2 and Bosley as C3P0 in 2020, Louie's last Halloween, 2020

I knew in my heart that 2020 would be Louie’s last Halloween. Although I couldn’t admit it out loud. I remember thinking when the grass went dormant for the winter that he would not live to see the green grass in the coming spring. I had anticipatory grief, in a very real way. I couldn’t imagine him not being around. Louie had been a member of the family for nearly fifteen years. There’s a bond there, one that can’t be dismissed or ignored. Love is love.

They say you know when it’s time to let go. I can say that was my experience. I love my pets so much. Louie was the apple of my eye. It is nothing but pure love, to end their suffering and start your own. But Louie was ready. He lived a great life, was bearer of so much joy, he deserved only good things. Bosley and I said goodbye on 1/28/21. It’s been hard, to say the least.

It was February 2021 when I found Vocal. I’d dabbled in writing but never really put words on a page. There was a fiction writing challenge called the Little Black Book. I sat down and started writing. That story has some special tributes to Louie. The date of the first bank robbery, May 8th, was Louie’s birthday. Also, the number of banks robbed was 14 – his age when he passed. I didn’t win or place in that challenge, but later submitted this same story to the Vocal Fiction Awards – it placed and earned me a free year of Vocal. You can read that story here:

Halloween 2021 was different. I kind of dreaded it, to be honest. The fact that Louie was not there was a dark cloud hanging over me. I feel his absence in everything. But the show must go on. Bosley was adorable in his artist costume.

Bosley 2021 - He is an artist!

I’ve learned a lot about love, about loss. How a pet, a fur baby, can make life interesting and so much fun. After much reflection, I decided in June of this year to adopt another puppy. We named the dog Indiana and call him Indy. It suits him. Bosley needed a playmate. How much trouble can having two dogs really be?

I think Louie would approve.

I will ask him when I see him again. Until then, I have my memories, which are absolutely priceless for me.

As for what’s coming for Halloween 2022, the costumes have been decided. And they are epic.

I’ve been reminded that love is many sizes, many colors, but the shape is always a circle.

It comes back around.

Bosley and Indy 2022


About the Creator

Dana Stewart

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Comments (2)

  • L.C. Schäfer10 months ago

    This is great, so much fun! But is it bad I feel so sorry for his sister? You'd literally just said how bad it was to be picked last, and for a shining second I thought you were going to take two home!

  • Those photos tell a story in themselves, so cute and good luck with the challenge entry. Love it

Dana StewartWritten by Dana Stewart

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