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Unconventional Advice for Grads

Embrace the Unknown: Your Journey Starts Now

By Kageno HoshinoPublished 4 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Ryan Hoffman

Congratulations! Dear high school graduates! Welcome to a world of possibilities after crossing the threshold where the road ahead is both exciting and daunting. This is you beginning your life as an adult; and it’s time for some straight talk, full of wisdom as well as humor.

The elephant in the room, uncertainty, let us address it first. There might be pressure on you to have your entire life figured out with complete career details and personal aspirations. Did you know? Well you don’t have to map out everything. Take a leap into the unknown; because innovation and growth are born here.

Or counter-intuitively consider this: Some of the most successful people found their true passion through chance encounters. Well known Steve Jobs dropped out of college only to join a calligraphy class whose designs inspired Apple products’ elegance. So do not fear trying different paths but rather let life surprise you for once.

Society often reinforces the myth of the straight line. Success in societies is perceived as a unidirectional journey from point A to B. However, real life is more like a winding and complicated road having unexpected paths, U-turns, and even dead ends. Your path may not be similar to anyone else’s, but that’s okay.

Some of the greatest discoveries and achievements have been made through deviations and failures; for example Thomas Edison. To invent the light bulb, he had to try more than one thousand times. He took his failure with humor once saying “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” So setbacks should never discourage you; rather take them as opportunities of growth.

It’s possible to fall into business without noticing when living in this world where it is praised so much leading to a trap of always saying “yes”. But here’s an irony: sometimes saying “no” is an empowering thing one can do in their lives. It entails creating limits and differentiating what really matters most to yourself.

It has been proved by research that individuals who strategically utilize the word no are more effective in their work, happier with themselves and less stressed. Learn how to say no to things that you do not want in your life such that you can be able to have or make time for the things you want. Consequently, there is a need to reject events, invitations and additional commitments which don’t suit your best interests. You’ll thank yourself later.

Failure actually isn’t the opposite of success as most people believe; it’s a stepping stone towards attaining success. Each failure comes with unique lessons and insights that push one forward.

Take for instance J.K Rowling’s story whose first Harry Potter manuscript was turned down by twelve publishers until she found her home. Instead of giving up, she used each rejection as fuel to improve her craft. Currently she is one of the best-selling authors ever lived. So next time you experience failure, embrace it because learn from it and use it as motivation to move on.

Genuine human connections have become all the more valuable in a world swallowed by screens and social media platforms. Hence invest in relationships with your family, friends, mentors or colleagues.

Studies continuously show that strong social connections are related to greater happiness, resilience, or even physical health. Moreover, your network can reveal opportunities you had no clue existed. So, put down your phone and talk to people face-to-face; build valuable relationships anywhere you find yourself.

In the race of life, it is easy to sacrifice one’s own well-being in order to achieve success. However, there is a truth that most people tend to forget which is: self-care is not a selfish act but it is necessary.

Just as you need to recharge your phone battery for better performance, so should you recharge yourself for optimal functioning? Be it exercising, meditating, doing hobbies or simply having some good rest — take care of yourself as an essential part of the routine that cannot be altered. You will thank me later on.

You have probably heard “follow your passion” more often than you can remember. But what does this term really mean? Nonetheless, contrary to popular belief, it does not simply imply engaging in activities that interest you but aligning them with what one can do best and what society demands.

Venn diagram, if you didn't know (Google image)

Imagine a Venn diagram in which your passions, skills, and the necessities of life overlap. That’s where your calling lies — it is the intersection between your passion, talent and what the world really needs. For this reason, do not just blindly follow your passions. Find out how you can use your gift to create an impact on this world.

When we fail, it is easy to get disheartened and see it as a measure of our worth. However, here is a twist: failure does not say who you are but rather what you are doing.

Instead of feeling guilty or blaming yourself for any setbacks that you encounter, approach them with curiosity and readiness to learn something new. What have I learned from this? How can I apply this experience to my growth and development? Remember that failure is not a period but a stumbling block on the way to success.

In our achievement-driven culture, it’s simple to become obsessed with its outcome — the promotion; the degree; recognition etc. But here’s the catch: lasting satisfaction doesn’t happen when you reach the destination — but while walking through it.

So, life’s journey is not for the sake of a moving target. Take time to enjoy little things, everyday pleasures and the things you learn in time. After all, it is about the process itself, rather than its ending.

As you go into uncharted territories remember this: In life we don’t have destinations but journeys instead. Embrace the ups and downs, celebrate your wins and learn from your losses. Above everything else, keep exploring new dimensions of yourself that are constantly evolving.

This is why here’s to you my dear high school grads — laughter and love plus adventure on your way. And may you never forget how much potential lies within you! Cheers to the Journey ahead(And also to those adults that are doing whatever they like)!

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About the Creator

Kageno Hoshino

Mistakes are not shackles that halt one from stepping forward. Rather, they are that which sustain and grow one's heart.

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Comments (2)

  • Kimberly J Egan3 months ago

    Teens have so many pressures when graduating high school. Their parents think they know "what's best" and try to push them in directions in which they might not want to--or might not feel prepared to--go. Peer pressure might get them to abandon school for sports or apply to schools for which they aren't suited. High school grads need to do exactly what you said: explore their own desires and pursue their own dreams or professions for which they are best suited. Had I been smart, I would have taken a couple of years off and raised money for community college, where I would have been prepared for the agricultural trade school, rather than pursuing a failed attempt at nursing school or working in an office as my parents wanted me to do. Best advice to teens ever: find a practical way to bring your dreams to life. Your parents' dreams and your friends' dreams are not your own.

  • I love that you used Thomas Edison and J K Rowling as examples. This was so inspirational!

Kageno HoshinoWritten by Kageno Hoshino

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