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Title:The Windows of My Soul

Subtitle: A Tale of Love and Longing Through Your Eyes

By Fannick UmukundwaPublished 8 days ago 3 min read
 Title:The Windows of My Soul
Photo by Gabriel Tenan on Unsplash


In the depths of your eyes, I found a world I never knew existed. A realm where every glance held promises and every blink whispered secrets. They became the reflections of my deepest desires, the windows to my soul. Here is a story of love and longing, a tribute to the iridescent gateways that lead straight to my heart.


From the moment we met, it wasn't your smile, your laughter, or even your words that captured my heart—it was your eyes. I remember the first time our gazes locked, a blend of curiosity and wonder swirled in your irises. In that instant, I was drawn in, as if a magnetic force was pulling me towards you.

Your eyes spoke a language all their own—one that needed no translation. When we were apart, I'd close my eyes and imagine yours, twinkling with an emotion so pure it reached into my core. Each time you looked at me, it felt like you were unraveling the layers of my being, understanding me in ways no one else had before.

Under the golden hue of the setting sun, I often found myself lost in the depths of your gaze. They held the warmth of a thousand sunsets and the mysteries of countless starry nights. When you were happy, your eyes sparkled with a light that could outshine the brightest day. And when sadness crept into your soul, a soft, cloudy veil shadowed them, revealing your vulnerability.

Your eyes have a way of telling stories—epic tales of joy, sorrow, hope, and despair. Each glance is a chapter that draws me in deeper. I see our future reflected in them, a future brimming with endless possibilities and boundless love. When words fail us, your eyes bridge the chasm, pulling me close with their silent yet profound eloquence.

There were moments when we sat in silence, our eyes doing the talking. Those silent conversations were more meaningful than any words could ever be. They spoke of dreams whispered in the dark, of fears held close, and of love that grew stronger with each passing day. The way your eyes crinkled at the corners when you laughed, the way they softened with tenderness—all these silent gestures wove a tapestry of our shared moments.

In the quiet tranquility of the night, as the world drifted into slumber, I often found myself watching you. The steady rise and fall of your chest, the gentle twitch of your eyelids as you dreamt—everything held me captive. I wondered what dreams your eyes conjured during those peaceful hours. Were they filled with us? With endless possibilities and uncharted adventures?

Your eyes, my love, are my sanctuary. They are the safe haven where I find solace and the uncharted territory where I lose myself. Each time you look at me, it is a reaffirmation of our bond, a silent vow of love that transcends words.

Our journey is etched in those iridescent pools, a testament to a love that is both profound and eternal. Your eyes hold the essence of everything my soul thirsts for—hope, love, and an unspoken promise of a forever. Through them, you have shown me a world brimming with possibilities, a world I want to be a part of for eternity.

So, whenever you wonder what makes you so captivating, know that it is your eyes. They are the windows to your soul and the mirrors that reflect the depth of my love. Let this story be our testament, a tribute to the love that blossomed through the simple yet powerful language of our eyes.


In a world filled with noise, your eyes are my silence, my peace. They are the compass that guides me home, the stars that light up my darkest nights. Because in your eyes, I have found my everything.


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    FUWritten by Fannick Umukundwa

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