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The Secrets to Overcoming Negative Thinking

Get rid of your Negative Thinking

By Simply ExplorerPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
The Secrets to Overcoming Negative Thinking
Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

Feeling down and can’t seem to shake those negative thoughts swirling around your head?

Our minds are wired to focus on the bad, to spot threats and dangers as a survival mechanism. The problem is, in today’s world most of the “threats” are worries, anxieties, and doubts. You have the power to overcome negative thinking and rewire your brain. It will take continuous effort and practice, but you can transform your mindset and outlook.

Identify Your Negative Thought Patterns

The first step is identifying the negative thoughts that loop in your mind. These repetitive thoughts, known as cognitive distortions, aren’t based on reality but feel true. The most common ones are

All-or-Nothing Thinking

You see things in black and white. Either you're a success or a failure, good or bad. There's no in-between. The truth is, most of life happens in the grey areas.

Jumping to Conclusions

You make negative interpretations without actual evidence. For example, assuming someone didn't return your call because they're mad at you. In reality, there are many possible reasons, so don't jump to the worst conclusion.


You anticipate disaster. You hear a strange noise and immediately think “There's an intruder!” when it's likely just the wind or a pet. Try to evaluate the situation rationally before going to the worst-case scenario.

You can easily overcome these negative thought patterns. Challenge negative thoughts and look for alternative explanations. Focus on the facts, not fearful speculations. Try to maintain a balanced perspective and also look for the positive in situations.

Challenge Your Negative Thoughts

The negative thoughts that pop into your head aren't always based on reality.

Examine the evidence

Look for evidence that contradicts your negative thought. If you think you're not smart enough for a promotion at work, remind yourself of your proven track record of success and the new skills you've developed. For every negative thought, find at least one counter-example that proves it wrong.

Consider alternative explanations

There are usually other ways of viewing a situation that isn’t so negative. Try to come up with more balanced thoughts that take the facts into account. Maybe that critical comment from your boss had more to do with their bad day than your performance.

Put things in perspective

Negative thoughts often blow things out of proportion. Try to maintain a balanced perspective. Remind yourself of the bigger picture and what's really important. That mistake you made is just a small bump in the road and an opportunity to learn.

Be patient with yourself, speak to yourself with encouragement and compassion, and maintain an open and curious perspective.

Practice Positive Thinking Strategies

The below strategies can help retrain your brain to avoid negative thoughts. Here are a few techniques to try

Challenge negative thoughts

When a negative thought pops into your head, challenge it with questions like,

  • Is there another way of looking at this?
  • What evidence do I have that the thought is true? Often there is little.
  • How will this matter in the long run? Usually much less than you think.
  • Try reframing the situation in a more positive and balanced light.

Practice gratitude

Spending a few minutes each day thinking about things you are grateful for helps shift your mindset to a more positive state. Appreciate big and little things - your health, home, loved ones, simple pleasures, etc. Keep a gratitude journal to strengthen the habit.

Visualize success

See yourself confidently achieving your goals and desires. Picture handling difficulties with optimism and grace. Mental imagery is a powerful way to boost positive thinking and confidence. Do short visualization sessions daily.

Limit negative influences

Reduce exposure to people, media, and other sources that promote pessimism or unhealthy beliefs. Their negativity can bring you down and fuel your own negative thoughts.

Smile and laugh more

Laughter releases feel-good hormones that lift your mood and make positive thinking easier.


Start small by noticing one positive thing each day, then build up from there. When negative thoughts creep in, challenge them with more balanced perspectives. Surround yourself with an optimistic support system of people who lift you up.

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About the Creator

Simply Explorer

I am passionate about the power of words to convey my thoughts, ideas and knowledge. Always seeking new adventures and love to learn from my experiences.

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    Simply ExplorerWritten by Simply Explorer

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