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Mental Habits to Build Your Wealth

Key Insights from the Psychology of Money - Powerful Mindset Shifts

By Simply ExplorerPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

Ever wonder why some people seem to have a natural knack for money while others struggle? The truth is, building wealth has less to do with how much money you make and more to do with how you think. The wealthy view money differently and if you want to achieve financial freedom, you need to learn to do the same.

In his bestselling book The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel shares insights into how the wealthy acquired and maintain their fortunes. Turns out, it's not just about hustling harder or having an Ivy League education. The keys to cultivating a rich mindset are within your reach, and it starts with learning from the life experiences and money lessons of others.

Ready to start thinking like the wealthy? Here are the key insights you can apply to shift your money mindset. By the end, you'll have a blueprint for building sustainable wealth and the motivation to put these lessons into practice.

Spend Money on Experiences, Not Material Things

Experiences over things. That's the mantra of the wealthy. Instead of dropping cash on the latest tech gadgets or trendy clothes, spend your money on experiences that enrich your life. Things depreciate in value the second you buy them, but experiences appreciate in your memory over time.

Take a trip somewhere new. Travel expands your mind and exposes you to different ways of living. You'll return with stories and perspective that sticks with you for life.

Try an extreme sport like skydiving or race car driving. The thrill of new experiences releases dopamine in your brain, giving you natural high and lasting memories.

Attend live shows, plays or concerts. There's nothing like the energy of a live performance. You'll find yourself replaying moments from the experience again and again.

Sign up for a class on something you've always wanted to learn. Cooking, dancing, photography or whatever sparks your curiosity. Mastering a new skill gives you a sense of accomplishment and connection with others on the same journey.

At the end of the day, spend on experiences that challenge, inspire and fulfill you. Possessions lose their shine, but experiences shape who you become. If you want to achieve a wealth mindset, start living a life full of moments that truly matter.

Avoid a Scarcity Mindset and Develop an Abundance Mentality

To develop an abundance mindset, you need to avoid thinking that there's only so much wealth and success to go around. This "scarcity mentality" believes that life is a zero-sum game, so someone else's win is your loss.

Instead, believe that there are enough opportunities and resources for everyone to achieve their dreams. Focus on cooperation, not competition. Look for ways to create value rather than fight over a fixed amount of it.

When you see others succeeding, be inspired rather than envious. Learn from them and use their experiences as proof that you can achieve great things too. There is an unlimited amount of money and success available if you have an open and generous mindset.

Train yourself to spot abundance all around you. Notice all the resources, tools, and connections you have access to. Be grateful for what you already have and be open to receiving more. The more you appreciate abundance, the more of it will flow into your life.

Developing an abundance mentality is key to building wealth. With the right mindset, you'll see opportunities everywhere and won't hesitate to take advantage of them. You'll be willing to share knowledge and form mutually beneficial partnerships. You'll believe in yourself and your ability to prosper. That is how the wealthy think.

Have a Long-Term Mindset When It Comes to Money

To build wealth, you need to think long-term. The wealthy don’t make financial decisions based on what they can get right now, they make decisions based on what will benefit them years down the road.

Have a long-term mindset

Don’t live paycheck to paycheck. Set financial goals that span 5, 10, or even 20+ years into the future. Whether saving for your kid’s college fund or your own retirement, automate contributions so you’re paying yourself first before other expenses.

The wealthy understand that good things come to those who wait. They have patience and discipline. They don’t blow their money on frivolous purchases and instant gratification. They delay gratification and let their money work for them over time through compounding interest.

Short-term thinking leads to poor financial decisions. It’s easy to rack up debt and spend everything you earn when you only consider the present. But by taking a long view of your finances, you can build wealth steadily and surely over the years. You’ll have a fortune in the end by sacrificing small pleasures along the way.

This mindset shift can help you make better money choices and gain control of your financial destiny. Start thinking in decades, not days. Your future self will thank you.

How to Get Rich: It's More About Your Mindset Than Your Income

To develop a wealth mindset, you need to start thinking like the wealthy. This means cultivating certain habits and ways of thinking that will set you up for financial success.

Spend money on experiences, not material goods

The wealthy know that experiences, not possessions, are what really enrich our lives. Rather than blowing your money on flashy cars or lavish homes to impress others, spend on experiences that you find personally meaningful like travel, hobbies, and time with loved ones. These kinds of purchases will make you far happier in the long run.

Learn about money and investing

The wealthy make it a point to continuously learn about personal finance, money management, and investing. They understand how to make their money work for them through compound interest and smart investing. Pick up books on money and investing, listen to podcasts, or work with a financial advisor. Knowledge is power.

Build valuable skills and relationships

Rather than chasing money itself, the wealthy focus on building valuable skills, experiences, and social capital. They know that by developing rare and useful skills, strong relationships, and a reputation for excellence, money will follow. Work on constantly improving yourself and networking with interesting people. This will open up more opportunities than any get-rich-quick scheme ever could.


So there you have it, key insights from studying how the wealthy think about money. While money itself may be a means to an end, how you think about it shapes your reality. Developing a growth mindset, delaying gratification through patience, and taking calculated risks are learnable skills that can help you build wealth over time. The truth is, money is a tool, and like any tool, you have to learn how to use it properly to achieve the results you want. Make the choice to condition your mind for success and learn from those who have already achieved it. You have the power to transform your financial future by transforming your financial philosophy. Think like the wealthy, and wealth may just follow.

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About the Creator

Simply Explorer

I am passionate about the power of words to convey my thoughts, ideas and knowledge. Always seeking new adventures and love to learn from my experiences.

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    Simply ExplorerWritten by Simply Explorer

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