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The Butterfly Effect: How Small Actions Can Change the World

The Power of One Small Action: Exploring the Impact of the Butterfly Effect on Our Lives

By Cybele GracePublished 5 days ago 3 min read

The butterfly effect, a concept formulated by American meteorologist and mathematician Edward Norton Lorenz in the 1960s, posits that one small change in the starting condition of an event—like the flutter of an innocent butterfly soaring through the sky—can have a dramatic effect on the outcome, such as causing a tornado on the other side of the world or less drastically, causing a plane to experience turbulence.

Edward first popularized the butterfly effect after running weather forecasts through a computer using precise variables. He realized that just a minute alteration of any given calculation, such as wind speed, temperature, or humidity, caused a dramatic influence on the following two months' worth of simulated weather predictions.

But this phenomenon isn't confined to weather; it applies to every single event, thought, and outcome ever to have happened. This is why the title of this story is no clickbait. Understanding the butterfly effect can profoundly impact the way you view your life and your actions.

World War I: A Wrong Turn That Changed History

World War I was an event that altered the course of history. But what if it never took place? The war’s onset was triggered by a small, seemingly inconsequential event: a wrong turn and the stalling of a car carrying Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.

On the morning of June 28, 1914, Franz’s car was attacked with a grenade that failed to hit its target but injured passengers in the car behind. Later, Franz wanted to visit those wounded by the blast. Lost on route, his driver made a wrong turn. Standing on that very street was 19-year-old Serbian Gavrilo Princip, who had been involved in the attack earlier. He saw the stalled car, ran over, and shot Franz and his wife dead.

This assassination led Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia, causing Germany to declare war on Russia, followed by France and Belgium, and then the UK on Germany—starting World War I. Had Franz’s car not taken that wrong turn, he wouldn't have been shot, and the war might have started differently or been prevented altogether, changing the entire course of history.

World War II: A Moment’s Decision

Another pivotal moment in history is Henry Tandey, a British soldier who allegedly encountered a wounded Adolf Hitler in a French village in 1918. Tandey chose not to shoot Hitler, who walked away, nodding in thanks. Had Tandey pulled the trigger, Hitler wouldn't have been the driving force behind World War II, possibly preventing the deaths of over 60 million people. This single decision had a monumental impact on the world, changing countless lives.

JFK: The Impact of a Sporting Accident

President John F. Kennedy's assassination is another example. In 1940, he suffered a sports injury that caused chronic back pain, leading him to wear a back brace. On the day he was assassinated, the brace kept him upright after the first non-fatal shot, positioning him for the second, fatal shot. Without the brace, he might have slumped and survived. This small event years earlier had a massive impact on history.

Everyday Examples: The Ripple Effect

Consider those who were late for work on the morning of 9/11 and thus survived, or Seth MacFarlane missing his flight due to a hangover, which saved his life and allowed "Family Guy" to continue entertaining millions. Or think about how the width of ancient Roman roads influenced the size of modern rocket thrusters due to the need to pass through tunnels originally built for horse-drawn chariots.

These examples show how small actions and decisions can lead to significant outcomes, shaping not only individual lives but also the course of history.

Your Life Matters

The minutes you've spent reading this story have changed the outcome of your life and, in turn, the lives of others. Your actions today, however small, will ripple through time, affecting countless lives. Your life is precious, shaped by billions of events that led to your existence and the billions more that will shape your future.

So, pursue that project you've always dreamed of. Ask that person out. Your actions, however tiny, can have a monumental impact on your life and the lives of others. Remember, your life truly matters.


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Cybele Grace

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    Cybele GraceWritten by Cybele Grace

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