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Simple Things You Can Do to Find Happiness

Did you know that there are the simple things you can do to find happiness? No? Check out what you can do to find that happiness!

By Jacqueline HanikehPublished 7 years ago 5 min read
Top Story - December 2017

There are times where life literally beats us down and it feels as though the whole world is against us. Days where we just aren't having it and all we want to do is crawl into bed and stay there forever. But life is never against you ... it's never against anyone. We simply have to take whatever life gives us and work with it. You know that saying when life gives you lemons, make lemonade? Well, then start up a lemonade stand, because there are ways to find happiness in life.

Becoming famous and rich actually isn't the key to finding happiness, and sadly, many people think it is. But things such as achieving your goals, finding love, and staying healthy are just a few among the simple things you can do to find happiness. It can even be receiving gratitude after giving a gift to someone. It's the little things in life, it's always the littlest things that you'd never expect to bring up your mood. Here are a few of the things that can lift up your spirits.

Reach for your goals.

The majority of us have goals in life and a lot of us actually attempt to achieve them. Whether they're smalls goals or much larger ambitions, many of us reach for them. However, there are people out there who don't bother aiming for their goals, because they believe it's a waste of time since their dreams will never come true.

In fact, aiming for your goals is among the simple things you can do to find happiness. Just trying to succeed in life brings joy to a person, because he knows that he's actually trying. And what if they get to their goal? Even better! Nothing will come true if you don't try in life.

Always be around the people who influence and inspire you. People who are always behind you and push you to do your best. Those are the people who will always bring up your mood, even if you're down. Nothing like being in good company with the people you care about the most.

Never be around people who are jealous of you, constantly bring you down, and show no love. Those are the people who take away your happiness and replace it with sorrow. Always avoid these people, they're a total waste of time.

Focus on yourself, not on others.

Sure, there are moments in life when it's good to do tasks for people, but you can't always be there for people. You have priorities, too, focus on them.

Most importantly, never compare yourself to others. Every individual is a unique and diverse being. Every single person is special in his/her own way. Constantly comparing and being jealous won't get you anywhere in life. Therefore, stick to being your original self and that's just one of the simple things you can do to find happiness.

Charity Work

Helping those in need is always a spirit booster. Whether you're giving a helping hand to a large charity organization or simply lending a couple of bucks to a homeless person, little things like that are the simple things you can do to find happiness.

You can check out any local charity organizations to see if they need a hand, which they always do. Feeding the homeless, lending clothes to the homeless, volunteering at the hospital, etc. The appreciation you receive from those you're helping out can always bring a smile to your face.

Forgive and Forget

This is a major one out of the simple things you can do to find happiness — forgive and forget. When it comes to arguments, incidences, and other situations that can bring you down, it's important to never hold any grudges against the person. Collecting grudges will upset you even more and there's nothing to be gained out of doing so.

Instead, forgive and forget. I know it's sometimes not that easy, but trying is just the first few steps of achieving happiness. No argument that occurred weeks ago is worth keeping in mind. Always clear out your head from the worst and you'll be on your way to happiness.


Many people can agree with me that sleep is one of the simple things you can do to find happiness. Who doesn't love sleep? But it's crucial to get about seven to eight hours of sleep to wake up feeling your best. No one is happy after a five hour sleep.

That's why you should always manage your sleeping schedule. If you want your best night's sleep, I highly suggest a solid eight hours each day before taking on the world. Try to get the most out of your sleep.

Change is good.

Change is always good. The world isn't in black and white, try different foods, wear different clothing, change up your hair color! Getting out of your comfort zone and exploring areas you've never experienced before is among the simple things you can do to find happiness.

If you've been wanting to test out a new recipe, but are too afraid that you won't like it, just try it. The worst that can happen is you not liking it, and that's normal. But if you're not feeling confident about wearing a pair of sneakers or a dress, just wear it and the confidence will come naturally. It's changes like these that can turn your mood around.

Don’t make money your main priority.

Many people tend to forget their place in life, and they usually say that money is what drives the majority of us — yet, it shouldn't. Yes, we need money to live, but do we need money to be happy? No.

While working, many people should love their jobs, because they literally go into work almost every day. I always ask people this question: would you rather work at a high paying job that you hate or work at a low paying job that you love? I personally would want to work somewhere that I love, because I want to enjoy working. Sure, I work for money, but I'm also passionate about the work. Always love what you do, and if you currently hate your job, switch out and find something that you know you'll enjoy going into everyday.

Exercise and eat more healthy.

I know, this is a tough one, but it is one of the simple things you can do to find happiness. Nothing beats a healthy body and diet, and everyone should aim for this. Our bodies are super important, that's why it's crucial to keep them in tip-top shape at all times.

Always exercise and stay away from the sweets. A healthy body makes a happy mind. Okay, one slice of cake won't hurt, but constantly eating junk will make you feel groggy and can even bring your mood down. So, check out some diets that work and be on your way to a healthier mind and body.


Lastly, smiling is among the simple things you can do to find happiness, it makes a big difference. Don't believe me? When we're laughing, we smile. When we see the one we love, we smile. Smiling is a pure expression of happiness.

So, smiling every now and then can actually lift up your spirits. Even if you've been hurt or had a rough day, try and smile to release any negative energy from yourself. Continuously doing this will eventually lead you to happiness.


About the Creator

Jacqueline Hanikeh

Reading good literature plays a huge role in my life — and so does online shopping and wine.

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    Jacqueline HanikehWritten by Jacqueline Hanikeh

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