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Mottos for the New Year

I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then

By Judey Kalchik Published 6 months ago 4 min read

'New Year, New You!'

'Let bygones be bygones!'

'Bye 2023! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!'

'I'm so ready to start over!'

'Pick your word to guide you this New Year!'

'Turn the page; you have 365 pages waiting. Start writing your next story!'


Every year it's the same: Mottos fill my social media. Out with the old and in with the new. In fact, using my Facebook Memories this week I can see that I have done it myself, year after year. Those posts during this 'gutter week' between 12/25 and 1/1 are especially poignant as I look back over the past few years.. you know? Those BP (Before Pandemic) years?

December 2019

Four years ago, these were my thoughts on this date in 2019:

author's screenshot

Man- I remember this! I was Sr Manager of Stores for a well-established family company with dozens of furniture and mattress stores spread out over several states. The company had been sold to a private equity firm and I was close enough to things to worry about some of the decisions and actions taken by our new owners.

Despite reassurances that there was a plan I was seeing out the old year and gearing myself up for the new year with trepidation.

That trepidation was prescient. Within weeks the company was reorganizing, then the myriad LinkedIn invites... then Covid-19, then the world just shut down as the company dissolved.

Having gone through a large company that fractured and evaporated before (Borders Books), you'd think I was ready for this, and that I could weather it easier than someone else. You would be wrong.

December 2020

Three years ago, this was my post from this date in 2020:

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A few months after the implosion of that furniture company and I was still working on the logistics of closing it from home, still doing store communications, and also working as a contractor for a nonprofit. And... I got a call and and unbelievable offer to be part of a NEW furniture company, in the same area. I could help those hundreds of people get new jobs! Wahoo! So, pandemic or not: I said yes.

While the world was quarantining I was driving from state to state, cleaning out buildings, creating training that would be delivered remotely, scrounging for masks, extension cords, light bulbs, and hiring-hiring-hiring. I was ALSO still working some as a contractor for the non-profit AND for a new flooring company.

Sleep was about 3-4 hours a night. I was black and blue from hauling junk, put endless miles on my car, and was so HAPPY that we were building something that, I was assured I would 'put my fingerprints' on. That training was top shelf, and- if we actually had real backing, furniture, and a legitimate backer- it would have succeeded.

As I recall- I chose the word 'resilient' for my 2021 word. (Wince)

But- by this date three years ago some of those new stores were already closed. And I didn't like the looks of people when I entered the room unexpectedly. Sure, I was now Sr Director, but I could smell a secret and the place stunk of it.

Within 10 days of that post above I was watching the company crashing around me on one screen while insurrectionists mobbed the Nation's Capitol.

December 2021

By the end of 2021 I was working for that non-profit and furniture was behind me. My post from this date 2 years ago was a reminder to go easy on the ham. This is, actually, pretty sound advice.

screenshot by author

December 2022

In December 2022, just last year: I was finally looking forward to the New Year, and ready to document it with the 1 Second a Day app.

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I actually still do recommend this app, and the video you get is a way to recall the moments within the year that you might otherwise forget. I am looking back on this year and trying to recall everything that happened that brought me to this last week of 2023. There were several unexpected things that come to mind:

  • I am now the Program Manager of that non-profit. Instead of telling people their jobs have evaporated I get to help people every day.
  • Unbelievably: I lead a panel at the 2023 New York ComicCon at the Javits Convention Center.
  • Travel for work took me through Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, Oregon, Virginia, Washington DC, and California.
  • My husband is STILL hanging in there... and this year he was promoted to Manager of the Shop at the University of Michigan's Art and Architecture School. It's impossible for me to be more proud of him; his work, vision, and care for the students is changing lives.

December 2023

And this year? What words do I have this year? Are you kidding? I am not about to wish the coming year away.

'Keep your hands to yourself, vote, and be kind. Together we'll do this.'


Yes- this is the inspiration for that subtitle:

Comments always gladly welcomed:

Do you have a motto for the upcoming year? Do you pick a word on which to focus? Any special way you always see in the New Year? Let me know!

Also- If you are looking for inspiration as you start the new year:


About the Creator

Judey Kalchik

It's my time to find and use my voice.

Poetry, short stories, memories, and a lot of things I think and wish I'd known a long time ago.

You can also find me on Medium

And please follow me on Threads, too!

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Comments (4)

  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock6 months ago

    "God loves you & there's nothing you can do about it." That's a rough stretch through the pandemic. Glad you came through it & were able to appreciate 2023.

  • Does "Stay calm and do not kill anyone" count as a motto? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Some nice thoughts on the past. I can't wait until 2024.

  • Cathy holmes6 months ago

    I think at this point, I'm just hoping that 2024 doesn't suck. Have a happy new year.

Judey Kalchik Written by Judey Kalchik

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