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Life Is Like a Paper Smeared with Dots

A story of hope and inspiration

By Daniel LaiPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by author

One day, someone showed me a piece of paper with different dots. Some dots are big; some are small. Some are coloured, and others are black.

At first sight, the dots looked puzzling, like a riddle to be solved.

And this is how the story goes:

We all enjoy a clean sheet of paper. But if the paper represents our life and the dots represent the events that happened in our life, would it be possible for the paper to be clean? Of course not; it will soon be filled with dots.

Life is like a paper smeared with dots. At first glance, it may appear messy and chaotic, with no clear direction or purpose. But if we step back and observe, we can discover the beauty and significance hidden within those seemingly random marks.

Every dot on the paper may represent some experiences or opportunities we have gone through – good or bad. Some dots may remind us of happy incidents, like finding our pot of gold or career successes. Others may be dark and gloomy, like encountering illnesses, failure, or despair.

However, when these dots are combined, they create a unique and meaningful picture of our life.

Each dot on the paper represents a choice we make, a decision that shapes our path. Some dots may be intentional; others may be accidental because of unexpected events.

But even the random dots serve a purpose. They teach us resilience, adaptability, and the wisdom to find beauty amidst the chaos.

Just like an artist with a paintbrush, we have the power to create a masterpiece from the dots of our lives. We can connect them, form patterns, and tell a story that is uniquely ours. It's not about erasing the dots or trying to make them disappear; it's about embracing them and using them as stepping stones to create something extraordinary.

Every dot represents a lesson learned, a character trait developed, or a moment of growth. The challenging dots teach us perseverance and strength. The joyful beads remind us to appreciate the beauty of life. The random dots encourage us to adapt and find new possibilities. Regardless of its nature, each dot contributes to the person we are becoming.

Always remember that we can redefine the dots in our lives. We can choose to see them as opportunities rather than obstacles. We can shift our perspective and view them as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks. By doing so, we can transform the chaotic smears on the paper into a beautiful tapestry that reflects our resilience and growth.

Life is not a straight line. It is a collection of dots, some neatly aligned and others scattered across the canvas. Embrace the imperfections, the twists and turns, and the surprises.

Embrace the beauty in the messiness. And most importantly, embrace yourself—the artist who holds the brush and decides how to connect the dots.

Often when we struggle with life difficulties, we want to avoid unpleasant experiences. And when things do not turn out as expected, we blame ourselves if we fail, and sometimes blame others.

And when good things happen in our life, we rejoice, but memories are often short-lived. Very soon, we forget our lessons learnt; when the subsequent trial starts, we forget that we can overcome. We had done it before, and we should do it again.

So, pick up your pen and start connecting those dots. Let your life become a masterpiece that inspires and uplifts others.

Embrace the process, trust in yourself, and remember that the beauty lies not only in the finished picture but also in the journey of creation.

Life is like a piece of paper smeared with dots; let us go out and create an extraordinary masterpiece.

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About the Creator

Daniel Lai

I enjoy writing something inspirational to provide ideas and tips for good living. Follow me if what I share resonates with you.

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    Daniel LaiWritten by Daniel Lai

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