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Victory In Crosswords & A Caffeine Induced Boost


By StaringalePublished 7 months ago 3 min read

I was standing on my front porch, waiting in anticipation and looking at the time on my wristwatch. The long minute needle was coming closer and closer to its destination with every tick and tock. On the white display, the golden hands told me it was 6:25 am. Five minutes more and it would be here. I couldn't stand still and was hoping from one foot to another. The time was really moving slowly, and the chirping of the birds nearby made it seem as if they were teasing me. Pacing in front of my porch, I was pretty sure I made a funny picture for nature's amusement. Finally, from the corner of my eye, I saw someone enter my field of vision. Looking at the time, it was exactly 6:30 am.

A young boy, wearing a solid black puffer, blue beanie, and brown woolen scarf around his neck, rode a bicycle and stopped in front of the fence door. Waving at me, he greeted me with a "good morning" and threw the bundled newspaper before riding away. I picked up the newspaper and entered the foyer, closing the door behind me. It was really chilly outside today, and I almost froze waiting outside. Now, back in my cozy kitchen, I turned up the heat. I put the newspaper on the table and went to grab a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a bowl of fresh fruits.

The aromatic scent of coffee, coupled with the tantalizing colors of the fruits, were playing a major role in increasing my appetite. With a fork in hand, I popped a banana slice in my mouth, savoring the natural sweetness. Grabbing a pencil, I flipped the newspaper to the puzzle section. There they were, the black and white crossword grids, all empty and waiting for me to fill them up.

As I solved the puzzle, I felt like I was getting a good mental exercise. I began to realize that solving crosswords broadens your vocabulary and introduces you to new words. The amount of time spent on solving them gears your brain into a logical mindset, helping you think and respond quickly. It also increases general knowledge and updates your information with the latest updates.

The arising smoke from the steaming mug of coffee and the rustle of the paper in the silence of the kitchen added an upbeat tune to start the day in a positive manner. Going line by line, filling in the letters in the empty boxes with the clock ticking loudly made me feel as if I was taking an exam. The anticipation of victory after each solved puzzle was increasing.

Finally, I was done solving it. Comparing it to the answer key, I was very happy to find out it was done correctly. Folding the newspaper and putting it in a paper rack, I stretched my arms and took a sip of coffee. The bitterness of the coffee coupled with milk glided like silk through my throat, giving me a caffeine-induced boost to start the day. The peace and quiet in the kitchen accompanied by the warmth from the heating system is like a mother's hug, filling you with happy hormones so you can begin your day with a optimistic outlook.

Tell me! Have you ever solved crosswords early in the morning? Isn't it as exciting to you as it is to me? Do tell me if you have any exciting morning ritual? Have a nice full filled day full of adventure and mischief. Or just take a seat on your balcony and enjoy the beauty of nature. Happy Saturday!


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Comments (1)

  • Doc Sherwood7 months ago

    The first paragraph here is just superb, communicating that feeling of fidgety anticipation we all know so well! I love the details of the ticking watch and the oblivious chirping birds, and especially the way you keep the reader wondering what exactly it is you're waiting for. This mystery helps us share in your excitement, and it's impossible to look away from the story until we know. I love it too that even after your crossword has arrived, the pitch remains highly-keyed as you take up the challenge in earnest. Your very careful word-choice conveys this - appropriately enough, in a piece about crosswords! For example, just as those innocently singing birds seemed to be teasing you in the prelude, the colour of the fruit bowl is tantalizing as you tackle the puzzle itself. In a competitive experience, those two words take on a very similar meaning. Likewise, the coffee steams throughout while you steam away at this test! Then finally, when the crossword is solved, a change of mood to one of accomplishment and taking a well-earned rest is brought about through peace and quiet, shining sunbeams, and coffee sliding down like silk. Honestly, I know I keep saying "James Joyce" when I read you, but this story is as clever as anything in Ulysses in its fusion of content and form, and its intelligent allusions both within and without the narrative to what's actually happening throughout it. To answer your question, I must admit I'm not much of a crossword person. Contrary to popular depictions, literature professors tend not to be, possibly because crosswords are as numerical and logical as they are lexical. You make this observation yourself, in your fourth paragraph, and sadly logic is a commodity we literature professors tend to be short on!

SWritten by Staringale

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