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A Story Behind A Snack


By StaringalePublished 8 months ago 3 min read

So here I was sitting on a couch trying to unwind, while mom was buzzing around me like bee. The slow energy vibes of the room were being destroyed by the buzzing mother bee. Having had enough I stood up from the couch walked over to my mom, grabbed her arm and dragged her over to the couch.

Putting a pillow on her lap, I laid my head on it, telling her to relax for a moment and lets watch a movie together. So here were a mother and daughter pair on a couch in a comforting serene environment soon to be filled with some magical movie charms.

Browsing through the titles I settled on the 'Spiderwick Chronicles'. The tick-tock of the old-grandfather clock added an anticipatory element to the movie. The fingers playing gently with my hair caused me to purr like a cat, causing the stress of the day to start vanishing.

And almost in the beginning we came across this very fascinating rat type of guardian creature and I must admit what the boy does to lure him out is brilliant. You can never go wrong with luring people out with food, from my personal experience it mostly works on everyone.

The part where he is taking out his  frustration by pointing out 'Why would you open a book when you read the warning and dangerous information' got me thinking, addressing my mom I asked her would I have ever done something like this as a child. Her eyes were twinkling with amusement when she told me that I was curious little thing but I wouldn't have done something like this and that I would have gotten my brothers to open it and if it was safe then I would have approach it. Smirking slyly I asked her does that mean that I was smart and they were dumb. Laughing hard she told me no my dear it means you were manipulative with self-preservation and they were your reckless minions.

The light teasing and my mom's point-of-view is always interesting to hear no matter what. It was roundabout 4:00pm when the movie ended leaving behind some calming magic in the air.

My mom wandered off to the kitchen all the while teasing me and regaling the stories of my childhood. As she started on the dinner, I was struck with an idea, I wanted to try that honey cracker snack. Rummaging through the biscuit drawer and finding no crackers, I turned to my mom who was looking at me with raised eyebrow. Telling her I will be back in 10 minutes going to the convenience store around the corner, I hurried off.

Tying the helmet I rode my bicycle through the bustling street under the evening sky. Greeting the owners of the store I headed for the crackers section, picking out 3 flavours - cheese, vegetable and salt. Paying for it I rushed back home.

Closing the door behind me I saw I was just in time. My mom was putting the mouthwatering dinner on the table. Washing my hands I joined my mom savoring the dinner, no matter how many dishes I have tried made by professional chefs there is nothing compared to my mom's cooking maybe it is because it is made with care and love.

Helping my mom with the dishes. I went back to my little experimental snack asking my mom to try it with me. Spreading a thin layer on cheese crackers and taking a bite it was horrible same thing with the veggie flavoured crackers. But it was a hit with salty crackers, the salty crumbly texture topped with sweet honey was making my taste senses go in a zealous overdrive.

It became my new favourite snack, introducing this honey glazed snack to my classmates and watching their expressions gave me a sense of satisfaction. It was a snack with an interesting magical tale behind it. If you ever get time do try it.

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Comments (1)

  • Doc Sherwood8 months ago

    I do love the stories with your mother in, because she sounds wonderful. Her clever rejoinder in this one is a delight, capturing with a lovely wry wisdom the typical dynamics between brothers and sisters! The account of this afternoon you spent together is lovely too, reminding the reader (as so many of your stories do) that a special memory can come about from not doing anything in particular. The point is that watching The Spiderwick Chronicles then inventing the snack is something you'll always remember. I know I've said it before, but travel and parties can be hollow experiences if you're only taking part in the hopes you might find happiness there. Home is so often where the real memories are made. I had many such times with my mother too, and they mean more and more as I grow older. Just this month, in a second-hand shop, I was overjoyed to find a copy of a book that's associated with one! Taking it home and reading again it that night was a most emotional experience. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to envisage honey and salt crackers. I'll certainly give it a try though, because French toast your way was delicious!

SWritten by Staringale

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