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This type of meat is 9 times more nutritious than chicken. Women can eat it to nourish their blood and beautify their skin.

This animal is suitable for many people, especially can be used as a nutritious dish for the elderly or pregnant women; people who have just had surgery... very good.

By HK DecorPublished 3 days ago 4 min read

This animal is suitable for many people, especially can be used as a nutritious dish for the elderly or pregnant women; people who have just had surgery... very good.

According to Toutiao newspaper (China), pigeons appeared at least 5,000 years ago in Egypt, domesticated by humans to deliver mail, as ornaments and for meat. This is the most famous bird in history, especially in traditional medicine. This animal was also present in the book "Herbs" in the Tang Dynasty.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, pigeons can be used as medicine. They are warm, salty, and enter the lung and kidney meridians.... Pigeons also have the effect of accelerating the healing process and restoring external wounds.

Pigeons are even said to have "a whole body that is a treasure" . Pigeon blood can nourish the blood. Pigeon eggs can regulate reproductive disorders. Pigeon meat is said to be nine times better than chicken meat, or "1 chicken wins nine chickens".

Pigeons are also said to have "whole body as a treasure".

Pigeon meat is a food with a high protein content of up to 24% , far exceeding all poultry and livestock meat. At the same time, it also contains iron, copper, zinc, selenium and vitamin B complex, vitamin E, niacin, choline... Notably, the human body can absorb and digest pigeon meat more easily than other types of meat.

Uses of pigeon meat

Good for blood

Pigeon meat is rich in many trace elements such as iron and B vitamins, which help improve red blood cell regeneration function and prevent anemia due to insufficient iron in the diet. For women, this type of meat is effective in reducing abdominal pain during menstruation, increasing blood circulation, and improving symptoms of fatigue caused by anemia.

Good for cardiovascular

Pigeon meat is rich in high-quality protein and low fat, helping the body maintain stable cholesterol levels, preventing blood fat spikes and atherosclerosis like when eating red meat.

Eating enough protein every day helps build and grow the body's tissues - including muscles, tendons, blood vessels, skin, hair and nails, which play an important role in synthesizing and maintaining enzymes and hormones.

People with heart disease, overweight, or obesity can add this type of meat after removing the skin and preparing it with less fat to their diet with a frequency of 1-2 meat/week.

Pigeon meat is considered a "high quality" food that nourishes health.

Improve brain function

Vitamins A, B, E, calcium and iron in pigeon meat can improve metabolism and brain cell renewal, enhance cerebral blood circulation, help improve memory and brain development. People who often work mentally, are stressed, or have memory loss should use this type of meat.

Prevent aging

Pigeon meat contains a relatively high amount of chondroitin and abundant collagen, improving skin vitality, increasing skin elasticity, helping blood circulation, thereby slowing down the aging process. This type of meat is also highly valued for its ability to protect hair follicle cells, preventing hair loss and premature graying.

In addition, moderate consumption of pigeons can strengthen the immune system, improve anorexia, promote digestion, reduce physical and mental fatigue...

This meat is also highly valued for its ability to protect hair follicle cells.

What benefits does pigeon meat bring?

Pigeon meat is suitable for many people, especially the elderly or pregnant women; people who just had surgery...

1. For the elderly , eating pigeon meat is better than eating other red meats. Elderly people eating pigeon meat can improve their physical strength, because this type of meat has a high nutritional metabolism capacity. Eating pigeon meat also has the effect of protecting the heart and blood vessels, preventing "three highs" disease, which are high blood pressure, diabetes, and high blood fat in the elderly.

2. For middle-aged people , eating pigeon meat has the effect of relieving fatigue. Pigeon meat is suitable for both manual and mental workers, helping to restore energy. The trace element pantothenic acid in pigeon meat helps improve immunity.

3. For teenagers , the outstanding effect of pigeon meat is to enhance memory. The high choline content in bird meat is very good for studying and exam preparation. Furthermore, pigeon meat also contains comprehensive nutrition, has the effect of nourishing blood, reducing nervous breakdown, and improving sleep.

4. For women , pigeon meat has the effect of reducing menstrual cramps and improving anemia symptoms, making it very suitable for postpartum consumption. Pigeon meat has the effect of replenishing blood and replenishing qi for women. Moreover, it also contains a lot of collagen, which can improve skin elasticity and slow down the aging process.

Groups of people who should not eat a lot of pigeon meat

Pigeon is too rich in protein and fat so not everyone can eat it.

Pigeon meat has many uses, suits many people's tastes, has a high absorption and metabolism rate, and is a nutritious food that improves health. However, because it is too rich in protein and fat, not everyone can eat it. Especially some of the following groups of people:

1. One is people who have diarrhea. Pigeon meat itself is sweet and laxative, eating it can make the condition worse.

2. People who are hot and have a fever. .. if you eat a lot of pigeons, it will increase discomfort in the body.

3. Patients with high blood pressure and hemorrhoids should eat pigeon meat in moderate amounts to avoid being counterproductive and harmful to their health.

4. Pigeon meat is rich in protein and fat, so eating a lot will increase the burden on the liver . Therefore, people with the disease should also limit use.

5. Pigeon bones are quite small and can cause children to choke on them . Therefore, parents should pay attention to remove them when preparing meat for their children.

6. Avoid eating pigeon with pork liver, pork, monkey head mushrooms, which can cause bloating and indigestion. Be careful not to eat pigeon with shrimp or crucian carp because it can cause allergies. The appropriate dosage is 1-2 fish/week, skin and fat can be removed to consume less fat.

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HK Decor

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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    HK DecorWritten by HK Decor

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