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Healing Night & The Dance with Fireflies

Highlights of my Day

By StaringalePublished 17 days ago 3 min read
Healing Night & The Dance with Fireflies
Photo by Alice Yamamura on Unsplash

My mom was feeling under the weather and couldn't sleep, so I decided to take her to the backyard for some fresh air, maybe it will help.

Being cooped up in the house can also make a person feel sick. Grabbing a woolen shawl and putting it around our shoulders, we walked through the dimly lit halls to the backyard.

Opening the door, we stepped out. I walked slowly to match my mom's pace, but it did give me time to admire the garden under the moonlight.

Sitting on a bench, I admired the moon – it was a full moon night. From far away, it looked beautiful, like a pearl lacking imperfections. At this moment, a saying came to mind, 'It's perfect only if it is out of reach.'

Just sitting, I took notice of the improvements in my mom. The muscles that were tensed were now relaxed, the paleness on her face now had a healthy tone, and she was breathing smoothly.

I was right, too much time indoors is also not good for your well-being. Once in a while, go out and have some fun or simply just relax.

We got another surprise – after a few minutes here, suddenly small yellow blinks entered our field of vision.

The entire garden now had tiny yellow blinking lights – they were fireflies. I never knew our garden had them, but they just added another charm to the garden. It was like hundreds of tiny bulbs coming to life at the same moment.

Watching them fly around casting light on the sleepy flowers, as if to tease them, it reminded me of how siblings tease each other by shining light on each other when sleeping to disturb their sleep.

I guess the fireflies and the flowers are siblings, more likely cousins.

Despite the charm they add, I heard that the life of fireflies is a short one. I am glad that I got to watch this.

Fireflies at Night & Butterflies in the Morning.

The wonders of nature never cease to amaze me. It's one mystery after another just waiting to be unraveled.

Casting a glance at my mom, I saw her humming a tune and enjoying the night. Truly, nature is healing.

Letting her enjoy her humming, I walked in the middle, getting surrounded by the fireflies. I read somewhere that these fireflies were used as lanterns in old times. I wonder how that worked out?

Dancing and twirling across the pavement, I watched the fireflies move around me. It was like they were dancing with me.

This dance was cut short when I heard my mom call out to me, telling me it's time we hit the bed. Twirling towards her, I gave her a squeezing hug. I just can't have enough hugs from my mom, I don't know why. Have you ever felt this way?

Closing the backyard door, I took mom to her room and watched her doze off as soon as her head hit the pillow. I guess she just needed a moment with nature.

Yawning, I closed the door and headed through the silent hallways to my room. I was feeling sleepy. Entering my room, I put the woolen shawl on the rack and sat in front of the dresser.

Grabbing a brush, I went around removing any tangles – thankfully there were none. Putting the brush down, I jumped on the bed, pulling the comforter around me. I closed my eyes and drifted off to the land of dreams.

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? Have you ever taken a walk in the garden at night?

Goodnight to all. Have a nice dream.

See ya!

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Comments (3)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran17 days ago

    Your dance with the fireflies was so magical. I love the saying 'It's perfect only if it is out of reach.' I prefer indoors, I'm not an outdoor person. I've taken walks at night but not in a garden.

  • Good qualities from you.... 1. Helping mother 2. Inspired by nature and be sensitive 3. Teasing siblings 🤣🤣 4. Motivate others to trust nature. Nice Stari.

  • Wonderful descriptions, thank you for leading through these. Love the main picture

SWritten by Staringale

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