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6 Things that Perplex my Overthinking Brain.

From Road Signs to Phrases, this gal over here is confused.

By Vanessa R. PowellPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
6 Things that Perplex my Overthinking Brain.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

1. Keyboard Warriors / "Karen's"

I try not to complain on social media. I know better than to be openly vulnerable in a group page (namely on Facebook). I know that I might get 17 comments that empathize with whatever the complaint was about and 3 keyboard warrior Karen's. I also know that those 3 keyboard warriors are the ones that will ultimately make me feel the need to delete my post, leave the group, pack my belongings and move to another country.

Ok, so maybe I didn't move to another country. But you get what I am saying, right?

There are times that burn me to my core of ignorance and society's arbitrary rules.

So my thoughts flow vigorously into my fingers as they tippy tap-type away. I lay out all of my thoughts and feelings. I throw in a couple of 😅😅😅’s to lighten the tone. After-all, I’m not trying to be a jerk. I end it with a, “send all the love, this Mama is tired”, to remind people I am just another exhausted human. But it doesn’t matter.

There is always going to be the select few people that feel the need to put in their two cents to educate you. As if you didn’t already know about what you were posting about but...why do they have to make you feel worse than you already do?

2. Rough Road Ahead | Next 10 Miles

Ok, thanks for the heads up, but like... can you not afford to FIX the road? Was it cheaper to make a sign instead? Is your budget forever non-existent and you have zero plans of fixing the road? I totally understand if the road is under construction. I'm only talking about the permanent signs with this verbiage. I simply don't understand why no one cares to fix this patch of road.

3. Dangerous Intersection Ahead

This ties into the one above. This makes me want to practically come to a halt... and creep through the intersection in fear of my life. If it’s THAT dangerous why aren’t you doing anything about it? So I guess this one is more problematic to fix. Perhaps it's a steep hill with houses on either side of the road. Perhaps it's a curvy, twisty, mountain, on a two lane highway and no guard rail. I realize some of these issues are outside of the realm of "fixable". I am guessing they aren't ALL that way though, right?

4. I want everything except _____.

Ok hear me out...I have been the person on both ends of this...and I know I’m going to sound like a jerk, but keep in mind I have a sarcastic type of personality and mostly am laughing at myself.

“I want everything except onions on my sandwich”

—>It isn’t EVERYTHING if you just said you didn’t want something

Devil's Advocate Response —>Fair enough, but would you rather me name 10 toppings or say I want everything, with the exception of one topping?

5. "I did a thing."

This one, OH MY GOODNESS, drives me I-N-S-A-N-E.

“Hey guyyyyys, I did a THANG/THING.” Congratulations, you colored your hair. I do “things” all day long. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it SHOULDN’T be celebrated, whatever the “thing” is...it just sounds ridiculous and isn’t irritates me to no end. I wish people could be more proud of the "thing" they did and not introduce it as "I did a thing". I feel like when you start your celebratory announcement you have immediately lessened its value.

Instead, you could say:

I did something today that I'm really proud of ___________.

Or I was able to accomplish a task that I didn't think was possible give (XYZ) and this is what I did ______________.

Or maybe you're ashamed that you haven't been able to accomplish said-task due to past trauma or social anxiety and you're only way of sharing it with the world is to say I did a thing. Well would you look at that! I just talked myself out of this pet peeve. You know what? YOU DO YOU and I'll shut up LOL

6. Pay it forward

So I realize you’re paying it forward by pre-paying for the next person..but the person is behind you...so aren’t you also paying it backward? As I am writing these things out, I am realizing I am a stickler for how people word/name things. This obviously says more about me than anything. Call it my Virgo traits, my overthinking anxious brain, my inner Karen (look, we all have a little Karen in us, k?)

I also read this article about Not Paying it Forward. I really enjoyed the article as it gave some good insights into how Baristas basically get screwed out of tips and have to work harder. A total insight / perspective that I never thought about, yet completely appreciate.

I'm very much a Devil's Advocate type of person. I love to see both sides. It helps me analyze situations whether simple or complex. So when I read this, I thought about the times that someone paid for mine. How it completely turned my mood/day around. Yet on the flip side, how cool would it be to pay/tip the Barista instead?

Moral of this entire article:

I'm just a gal who has a lot of thoughts running through this ole brain of mine.

Things that often don't make sense to me and I can't let go until I can wrap my mind around them.


About the Creator

Vanessa R. Powell

I am a portrait photographer, graphic designer, creator extraordinaire, oh and I sell Scentsy. I suppose I am dabbling in writing too 😊 | Based in Evansville, IN | I am 721vanessa Photography | www.721vanessa.com

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    Vanessa R. PowellWritten by Vanessa R. Powell

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