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Episode 2: Healing the Breach

Take What Resonates Blog

By Gabrielle LamontagnePublished about a year ago 5 min read
Episode 2: Healing the Breach
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

A Spiritual and Philosophical Op-Ed Series

So often I think the Commandment about not worshiping other idols is taken the wrong way. While in Christianity it is clearly taught that other belief systems with multiple deities are wrong, I don't really believe that God has an issue with anyone praising the beauty of the rain or feeling grateful for a good harvest. Really the issue is in focusing more on the gain of further material goods, rather than appreciating the blessings already in our lives.

I bring this up so that I can segue into why I think the Church is wrong to say that using or believing in Astrology is a sin. Astrology is not a spiritual belief system. It does use the Greco-Roman deities as symbols for the energies of the planets – and how they affect our daily and individual lives – but it is mainly a scientific tool, not a worship practice.

Astrology meshes Astronomy (knowing what objects are where in outer space and when they are there or will be there – and study of constellations particularly) with Meteorology (knowing how the weather is changing and how it will affect our daily lives) with symbolism. The spacial and celestial objects are given a Greco-Roman (or sometimes Christian/Jewish) symbol to represent the energies they produce in our lives – usually due to the season and the other celestial objects near them at precise points in time. Astrologists then make predictions about how the movements and timing of movements of each celestial object may affect our lives collectively as humans or individually, based on where these same celestial objects were in space at the precise date, time, and location of our birth.

Horoscopes are somewhat of a mix between the two, basing semi-precise predictions on where in your natal (birth) chart these celestial objects are currently influencing you based on where the “Big Three” were when you were born. The “Big Three” are the Sun, the Moon, and your “Rising” sign or “Ascendant” - which has to do with when the Sun hit the horizon (dawn or dusk) on the date of your birth, in correlation to where the Sun was in the sky at the time of your birth on that date. They are called the “Big Three” because you are most likely to show or feel alignment with traits of the symbolic characters represented by these signs. However, every person is not just one or three signs. We each have the whole set of Zodiac signs (and characteristics) in our charts, but what planets landed where at our time of birth may affect how we think about the world or move through it.

In the same way, I believe most “Divination” tools are really just a way to learn more about ourselves or to communicate with The Lord of Hosts (whom some refer to as God, others as Spirit or Source). Like meditation, it can be considered another form of prayer – but sometimes, like the Prophets and Rabbis and Visionaries of old, you get an answer back. That doesn't mean it's not still often cryptic, but that's why I find most of the reliable “readers” say to take what resonates within you intuitively and “don't let the rest take from you”. Actually, I find this is a good way to live life in general. In any discussion or conversation, if you find you can't agree, rather than becoming aggressive or angry, be compassionate and walk away or be willing to settle on the fact that neither of you has to agree with the other. That is the best way I've found to “take what resonates and not let the rest take from me”.

As we all know (or you should if you took high school History classes), “witches” have often been considered “evil” by the Christian Church(es), as well as by other organized religions. A lot of people in the modern healing community fear and resent the Christian community for these past wrongs – like burning people (which is never acceptable – see that Commandment about “Thou Shalt Not Kill”). That was due to human feelings of fear of the unknown or usurpers and strangers, as well as neighborhood disputes, anger, and hate – not God or his compassionate love. Part of having Free Will means we can “choose poorly” (yes I do hear that in the voice from the Indiana Jones movie). So the modern healing community is not wrong for their anger, resentment, sorrow, and fear – unfortunately. However, true Christianity is about following the teachings of Jesus – which are all about love, forgiveness, mercy, and healing. Really, the two communities should be considered one. Hopefully we're getting closer every day. I believe I'm here to help.

One of my favorite songs by Folk singer Dar Williams is called “The Christians and The Pagans”, which is a story about a family with members of different faiths getting together and sharing their knowledge and faith and a delicious dinner. There's a point when one child asks his cousin if she's a witch – and his mother is surprised and runs to grab the pies from the oven (which are burning). The response is that she is indeed a witch “because [she's] not a Christian.” The term Witch has certainly become a bit synonymous with Pagan or Heathen, but while Pagan and Wiccan are actual faiths that are separate from the Christian faith, I don't believe the term Witch refers only to people of those religions. I've learned that “witch” originally meant “wise one”. The old ladies in the houses that knew how to mix the right herbs to heal you – they were wise old women. “Old wives” is another way of putting that. Still, I do love the song, because it brings awareness to how we could interact kindly with people of other faiths, especially within our own families. I also love the lines, “Where does magic come from? I think magic's in the learning, because now when Christians sit with Pagans only pumpkin pies are burning” - as it plays on the history between Christians and witches (and I do love a good pun).

Being a Witch nowadays doesn't have to mean “scary” or “evil” or even Pagan. I consider myself to be a Christian witch. I don't necessarily think I've earned all of the wisdom in the world, but I do believe in some ways I am wise – I have certainly been told my entire life that I have an old soul. I agree. I'm actually glad to have an old soul in this modern world, because it's nice to be able to bring some of the wisdom of peace and love into a time fraught with unexpected hardships and world-wide warfare. I am also a writer and a philosopher. In fact, I would say I am also a theologian, as most of my philosophical writings take into consideration the Christian theology that I learned as a child. God and I have a very close relationship. I am very blessed to have such a spiritual nature.

Big Point/TL;DR: Astrology is not a worship practice, but a tool with which to understand personalities, the world, and the universe. Also, I am a Christian witch and theologian – I have a close connection with God and maintain it using “divination” tools.

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About the Creator

Gabrielle Lamontagne

As a travel-sized, karaoke fiend and Christian witch, I hope you find my spiritual insights and travel experiences useful, amusing, and compassionately written!

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    Gabrielle LamontagneWritten by Gabrielle Lamontagne

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