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The Main Secret Of The Successful Business

How to ensure success

By Elaine SiheraPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 4 min read
Top Story - November 2023
The Main Secret Of The Successful Business
Photo by Microsoft Edge on Unsplash

Not too long ago I was booked into a hotel in Manchester which treated the guests as though they should be grateful to be able to stay there. The service left much to be desired, despite their great Citizen's Charter which was paraded everywhere, and I made a mental note, as well as passing the word along, about not staying there in the future.

Stuck in my room feeling helpless, cross and unhappy, I suddenly remembered a wonderful summer I spent in Stratford, Canada, a few years before and the warm cosy atmosphere of the guest house I stayed in; a quaint little house where the towels were big, the toothpaste my favourite brand and the tissues were really fluffy. Mind you, it was not all roses when I arrived.

Being a theatre critic, I was scheduled to review the matinee performance of a Shakespearean play and was late arriving in Toronto. Wishing to dispose of my bags first before rushing to the theatre, I instructed the taxi to call at the guest house on the way. I dashed up the steps and rang the bell impatiently. A puzzled, small, wiry man with greying hair gingerly opened the door and gazed incredulously at me. Breathlessly, I explained who I was and that a room had been booked.

The man looked quite flustered by now as he muttered uncomfortably, "You must be mistaken. We are not expecting you."

Disbelief turned to panic as the minutes ticked by relentlessly. I hastily explained that I hadn't booked it myself, it was done by my newspaper, and this was the address I had been given. "Are you sure you have no knowledge of me?" I asked, with more than a hint of exasperation.

The man was not pleased that I dared to doubt his knowledge. "Yes, I am," he answered firmly. "Maybe they haven't informed us yet," he added to placate me, as his eyes took in my person with dazed bewilderment. He was trying very hard to retain his composure and to hide his surprise.

"I'll speak to them after the show," I replied wearily, "but if you have a room could you book me in now, please?" I added crisply, a little annoyed, then rushing down the steps and into the waiting taxi before he had time to refuse. He reluctantly took my bags through the door as the taxi disappeared round the corner.

By Austin Distel on Unsplash

Kindness and Jollity 

I now expected to be sleeping rough, maybe in the local undertaker's shop which was nestling comfortably between No.62 (the guest house) and No.66, the next door neighbour! However, by the time I returned, things must have been sorted fully because I was met by his wife, the cheery housekeeper, who was kindness and jollity itself, and made to feel particularly welcome.

This probably had more to do with the feeling of guilt they now had for not acknowledging that a room had been booked for me. They knew my name and the fact that I was a freelance journalist. What they didn't know, and certainly didn't expect, was my being Black!

Standing on their doorstep, in this sleepy little town where nothing out of the ordinary ever happened, I had created history. I was the first Black person to sleep under their roof in forty years of business and they did not quite know how to deal with it. Nevertheless, by the time I returned three hours later, incredulity and acute embarrassment had given way to brisk professionalism and business as usual for the 'honoured guest from England'. They proceeded to tell me the history of the house, its part in the community life and the many people they had accommodated. No doubt, the musty corners and shady nooks could tell a few tales too. I had a truly lovely time being treated like a VIP and was exhorted to return as soon as possible to have a special cake which would be baked for me.

The couple's emphasis on service was impressive and they did not need a citizen's charter to do it. They took nothing for granted and I was left with the reassuring feeling that, if there were ever an emergency, I would be all right. The local undertaker might be next door but these caring, pleasant folk would ensure it remained short of business for a long time. Needless to say, I relished telling my little tale to everyone I met, and encouraged them to look up the couple whenever they were in Stratford to enjoy the special treatment. I would not have felt inclined to do that if the service had been found wanting, especially after my initial reception. I know that at least eight families have been there since, on my recommendation.

Compare their sterling service to the one in this hotel I found myself in. The difference between them was so stark. There is much truth in the advice that negative experiences will always be passed on to far more people than positive ones, and will also be embellished for good measure, which is why reputations are lost much quicker than people often realise.

The main secret for businesses aiming to be truly successful is to ensure that a positive, memorable experience is routine for the customers or clients they seek to serve, especially if they value their reputation too.

Invariably, bad customer service certainly hurts any business, because customers simply take their patronage elsewhere. They vote with their feet by going to competitors instead. Treating the customer as king or queen could have unexpected rewards while enabling lifelong patronage. That's the only way to make your mark and stay ahead of any rivals.


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About the Creator

Elaine Sihera

British Empowerment Coach/Public speaker/DEI Consultant. Author: The New Theory of Confidence and 7 Steps To Finding And Keeping 'The One'!. Graduate/Doctor of Open Univ; Postgrad Cambridge Univ. Keen on motivation, relationships and books.

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Comments (8)

  • Novel Allen8 months ago

    This is such a wonderful story. Small towns may take a minute to react to surprises, but in my experience they are the best places to be. I mean, I get the initial reaction, they were surprised. Reaction to Newness is a human feeling. This is such great writing, we discover each other as we go along. Congrts on a great story.

  • Thank you for sharing your insights on this topic!

  • George Jefferson8 months ago

    Admittedly, we have all been there. battling to do homework on time, studying excessively for tests, and holding out hope that our grades will magically go better. Regretfully, the battle with grades and academic achievement can seem never-ending to a lot of us. Don't be alarmed, though, since there is hope for the future. And Muyern Trust Hacker is the source of that illumination. When it comes to finding the right solution for our academic challenges, the options can seem overwhelming. From tutors to study groups, there are countless services out there claiming to help improve grades. But let's be honest, not all of them are as magical as they claim to be. That's why my search led me to Muyern Trust Hacker - a name that caught my attention and sparked my curiosity. Upon further investigation, I discovered that Muyern Trust Hacker is not your average academic assistance service. They bring a whole new level of wizardry to the table (minus the pointy hats and magic wands, of course). Their team of experts is dedicated to helping students like us upgrade our grades and succeed academically. They assist students in achieving their academic objectives through a thorough and planned approach. Their approach blends customized tactics, specialized methods, and a dash of insider academic knowledge. if you find yourself in the midst of an academic struggle and need a boost to upgrade your grades, consider enlisting the help of Muyern Trust Hacker by writing them via email: muyerntrusted (At) mail-me (dot) com or contact on Telegram for fast communication (@)muyerntrusthacker

  • Test8 months ago

    Congratulations on top story..Dear Elaine Sihera

  • Rachel Deeming8 months ago

    I am a great believer in customer service and making sure that this is passed on when I receive it. Glad that it turned out to be an extremely positive experience for you despite the inauspicious start. Great article!

  • Test8 months ago

    Congratulations on top story.. Nicely done ✅

  • Jay Kantor8 months ago

    Dear Elaine - I'm so glad that I've just discovered your fabulous presentations - I can relate to many of them. *I've subscribed with pleasure. I've spent a lifetime writing legal offerings for all types of business' and the 1st order of business in my operations bible handbook was just, 'Common Courtesy' Best to you, Jay Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California 'Senior' Vocal Author - 'Vocal Village Community -

  • Judey Kalchik 8 months ago

    My goodness, Elaine! that is an excellent first-person account, and how fortunate that things turned around. I am glad that you received the VIP treatment and returned it in kind. And how exhausting that must have been for you. As a DEI expert how do people react to this story when you share it during the course of your work?

Elaine SiheraWritten by Elaine Sihera

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