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Ten Questions

mostly about writing

By Scott ChristensonPublished 6 months ago Updated 6 months ago 3 min read

1. What type of writer do you feel you are?

An unfocused one that jumps from topic to topic. Mostly a writer of satirical short stories set in the modern world.

I hope to someday put together a novel with the message that we all shouldn't take things too seriously, in the spirit of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!

2. What type of writer do you not want to be?

I don't want to divide people or make readers think negative things about others. I believe 99% of people are kind-hearted, and want to be nice to others, if just we give them the chance.

Most of our media is the other way. “Tell me ONE thing, you don't like about Jennifer...” and then the snowball begins rolling. Let's do the opposite.

Admittedly, I can be “mean” in some of my satires, but I aim to say “those people are acting a bit foolish” rather than “those Nazis!”

3. What do you like about yourself as a writer?

I'm happy I learned using strong verbs instead of "is/was" sentences, which gained me feedback that my writing is “engaging”. Yay!🥳

4. What do you look for in other writers?

By 13on on Unsplash

Writers should start with a problem, a conflict, or a question at the beginning of the story.

Many stories show the MC pouring themselves a bowl of cereal, eating breakfast, talking to a family member, brushing their teeth, fetching the car keys, driving to work, etc before anything happens.

5. Where do you feel your areas for improvement are as a writer?

In my short stories, I've never used a metaphor!

I'll write one down, when I feel that my ability to learn new things should be as bottomless as the ocean, or as infinite as a border collie's energy, and then think that doesn't sound right, and delete it.

6. Which writing genre or category do you feel is your best?

Satirical short fiction about modern life. Being a bit on the Spectrum™️, my mind sometimes comes up with unexpected details that surprise the reader.

7. In which genre or category do you feel the most challenged?

Romance and Literary Fiction. My style of writing is very noir (“she looks worried...”). I hope to learn how to write better internal thoughts and emotions, and describe strong emotions better in my writing.

(The last paragraph sounds so plain!🤣)

8. When did you first start writing?

At the age of 17, I endeavored to emulate a Nobel Prize winning novel, and wrote one paragraph about a lonely soul watching the waves at a beach.

I edited and reedited that one paragraph for months.

Dejected, I decided I would not be able to write the Great American Novel at the age of 17, and gave up for 30 years.

Having time on my hands during the pandemic, I decided to write something shorter and simpler, and tried entering short fiction competitions. I kept at it, until I finally won the weekly competition at Reedsy Prompts last year with a very silly story about a salesman of cloned cats.

In the long run, learning the "craft" and listening to feedback is important!

9. Why do you write

As an introvert, I have a lot to say that I'm not saying most of the time.

As a people pleaser, when I'm about to say something emotional, I stop myself thinking I don't want to bother anyone with my strong opinions, and end up saying something like, “Nice weather today!” or “I agree with what you just said!”

Through writing, I can let it all out in an organized way, before I start worrying about what people might think. It's a lot of fun!

10. This last question is off-topic. If you could be part of any television sitcom family, which one would it be and why?

By hossein beygi on Unsplash

Sponge Bob, because I feel my personality is half Squidward and half Patrick, and I would like to have a friend like Sponge Bob.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Since I'm busy talking about myself, I'll take the chance to drop in my favorite song if anyone needs a mood boost!

The Cure - Friday I'm In Love:

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


About the Creator

Scott Christenson

Born and raised in Milwaukee WI, living in Hong Kong. Hoping to share some of my experiences w short story & non-fiction writing. Have a few shortlisted on Reedsy:

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Comments (5)

  • Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.6 months ago

    I'd love to read that book when you publish it - I'm ready, I'm ready! ;)

  • Hannah Moore6 months ago

    How have you never used a metaphor! To be fair, some brains do and some brains do not work with metaphors I have found.

  • Lamar Wiggins6 months ago

    I loved what you had to say here. It gives me a great sense of the writer behind the words. I also feel like an organizer of thoughts. So that little bit and a lot of other stuff was relatable. Wait! Not was relatable but shows similarities. Lol. See, your advice is already rubbing off on me 😅. Thanks for sharing your answers.

  • This is great scott. Thank you so much for doing the self interview. I really like the image you used at the top of the story, especially the computer screen. I enjoyed reading this. I do have more to say on it but we'll have to come back when I have more of an opportunity to write out my thoughts. It is 4:00 in the morning where I live and I'm going to go back to sleep and try to get another 2 hours of sleep.

  • What do you mean by is/was sentences? I don't think I start my stories with a conflict or problem but I always start with a dialogue/conversation. I don't think I've used metaphors in my stories either, I'm not really good with that, lol. Congratulations on winning the Reedsy competition! I'm an introvert and a people pleaser too so I was totally able to relate to that! Omgggg I'm like two-thirds Squidward and one-third Patrick! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Scott ChristensonWritten by Scott Christenson

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